Minutes of meeting held on 7th September 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Ms J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mrs M Alder, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Robson
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, PC K Hughes
1.0 APOLOGIES: Mrs J Priest, Ms P Stephen, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr R Russel, Cllr D Berry, Ms A Cosgrove
In section 12.0, the first sentence should read, ‘permission has been granted for a mobile café.’
Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Incidents to report over the summer were:
On the 1st June, a number of males were caught within the old East Fortune Hospital building. They had been stealing copper piping and have since been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
Also on the 1st June, at Preston Mains Farm, a number of brass fittings were stolen from an irrigation pump. There are no suspects for this incident.
On 11th June a large disturbance took place in East Linton Bowling Club which resulted in a male being arrested and charged with 3 assaults. He was detained for Court.
On 18th June, on School Road, East Linton, a young male was charged for Breach of the Peace for shouting and swearing at officers.
Also on the 18th, within East Fortune Market, a customer’s BMW was stolen from the car park. The enquiry continues in relation to this.
On 19th June, a female was stopped driving her motor vehicle in Bridge Street, she has subsequently been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for a drink driving offence.
On 22nd June, a male was cautioned and charged and reported for a house breaking and two thefts of motor vehicle from the Walker Terrace area.
On 25th June, an incident took place in the Memorial Park, whereby a number of youths had been playing with matches and aerosols in the bushes there. This resulted in one male being conveyed to hospital and treated for burns.
On 28th June, Carl Howman, the local authority Dog Warden, and myself carried out a Dog Fouling initiative in the East Linton area, primarily in the Primary School area. A number of people were spoken to and given advice and one male was issued a fixed penalty ticket for failing to pick up.
On 9th July, a number of youths were arrested in East Linton for the theft of a motor vehicle and they have been reported for various offences.
On the 17th July, a vibrating Whacker plate, valued at £1,000 was stolen from an insecure metal container from Tyninghame.
On 23rd July, another motor vehicle was stolen from East Fortune Market. This time it was a Nissan Primera. Again, enquiries are continuing in relation to this.
In the early hours of 6th August, an anonymous caller complained regarding a rave ongoing at Binning Wood. Officers attended and discovered the rave had finished and persons involved were leaving and no further complaints were received.
Also on 6th August, an indecent exposure took place on the track between Crauchie and the Museum of Flight, involving a male. He exposed himself to two young females. Enquiries are ongoing.
On the 12th August, officers were made aware of a large number of persons within the quarry at Traprain Law. It transpired that a rave had taken place the previous evening and people there had been at the rave and were just leaving. They left the area clean and tidy and no further complaints were made.
Also on 12th August, a male from the Community Hall. He has been reported to the Procurator the Tranent area was arrested for a Breach of the Peace after being found in a drunken state on the grass area opposite the Community Hall. It has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
PC Hughes reported that he had received a number of complaints regarding a youth on a motorised scooter, who resides within Prestonkirk House. He needs members of the public to contact the police each time they see him on the scooter to enable us to force and Anti Social Behaviour Legislation and seize the vehicle.
On the back of a recent article in the East Lothian Courier in relation to youths drinking in the Dunbar area, an operation is in progress, set up by PC Hughes and Constable Leslie, called Operation Emption. This is a joint agency approach along with East Lothian Drug Action Team. Funding has been applied for and hopefully gained, to buy skins, which are large advertising posters for use on a towed trailer. This trailer will be taken to town High Streets in East Lothian highlighting the problem of underage drinking related issues, health advice etc. Police officers and a drug and alcohol worker to provide advice will accompany the trailer. It is intended to launch the operation on Tuesday 31st October at Council Buildings, Haddington. This is running alongside the Scottish Office campaign titled “Alcohol, Don’t Push It”. The trailer will be taken to outlying villages if a problem is identified there.
The Council was also advised that on 18th September the law changes regarding child car seats.
4.1 Visitor leaflets
Ms Kilpatrick brought the new visitor leaflets. There has been a print run of 40,000. EAE have been paid for distribution of 10,000. The Council was very impressed with the new leaflet and Ms Kilpatrick was thanked for her efforts.
4.2 Paths/Path across Park
Mrs Ferguson brought 5000 new Paths leaflets. The walks around Newbyth have been included this time and small errors in the previous leaflet have been rectified. Permission has also been obtained to continue to use the photograph of the private garden at Hailes Castle. The Council was pleased with the new leaflet and thanked Mrs Ferguson.
Mrs Ferguson reported that Nick Morgan has expressed disappointment with the maintenance of the paths, especially the Stonelaws path. Cllr Broun- Lindsay reported that Gifford Community Council had had a similar problem, but having investigated the possibility of getting volunteers to help with maintenance had dropped the idea due to insurance concerns; Community Councils are not covered by council insurance.
Mr Craighead mentioned that the Hailes path has a great deal of hogweed and that the path from the white bridge to the iron bridge is also very overgrown. There have been reports of vandalism to the white bridge and the Hailes steps.
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that James Grant Suttie has given permission to use his land and that the link from Stonelaws path to North Berwick is almost finalised.
Ms Pooley reported that the Path in the park was due to be started in the autumn. The tarmac was to be completed first by the wind dust section. It was also noted that East Linton Walking Festival was now being organised by a committee which will include a representative from Dunpender Community Council. Mr Russel will attend going forward but is unable to go to the meeting in September. Mrs Ferguson said that she would try to attend on the Council’s behalf.
4.3 Funding extra streetlights
Mrs Priest has applied to Leader Plus for the cost of the last three streetlights.
Mr Robson reported funds of £4818.21 in the grants account and £1097.70 in the current account. He has already received nearly 60% of the anticipated revenue from the tourism leaflet.
Regarding the audited accounts, £279 of expenditure should be under ‘Path repairs, Preston Mill’ instead of ‘Catering’.
Mr Craighead proposed the adoption of the accounts.
Mrs Alder seconded this. The accounts were then adopted.
The Council is aware that Local Priorities money cannot be carried over from one financial year to the next. There was no further discussion in this section.
Mrs Ferguson reported that local residents at Markle had had a meeting regarding the noise of the motor cycle racing at East Fortune. The Council has been out to record noise pollution levels. The situation is still ongoing.
Mrs Ferguson also reported that traffic is speeding through Markle. A fast moving vehicle overtook the School Bus while it was stopped to let children off, resulting in a near miss situation. A neighbour’s dog was also run over recently. Mr & Mrs Ferguson have erected signs at their own expense to warn of animals and children. One sign has already been stolen. Mrs Ferguson was advised to speak to Colin Baird, Road Safety Officer, and PC Hughes.
Ms Kilpatrick reported that there is now a recycling facility at Newbyth. However, already the bottle bin is overflowing.
Ms Pooley reported that since the plans for the new hotel and houses in Whitekirk came to light, she has received many phone calls from residents, none of which are in favour of the development
Ms Pooley has circulated a response to say the Council supports a hotel, but it would need to be sympathetically designed to reflect the area of great landscape value in which it sits. Concerns were also expressed about the viability of a hotel of this size in the location of Whitekirk. The Council does not support the housing, which is being put forward as enabling development, on the grounds of non-sustainability.”
25% of the allocation must be affordable housing. Ms Pooley informed the Council that the allocation of affordable housing on another development by Whitekirk Developments Ltd at East Saltoun had been transferred to the Whitekirk project. This gave the impression that the project is already home and dry and Ms Pooley would raise this in her letter to ELC regarding the 300-page environmental impact study which she is presently working on.
In the plans, 21 holiday lodges also appear to be available for sale.
It was felt that this would be a car-based community, which also raises environmental issues.
Mrs Alder had nothing to report.
Ashley Ingram, youth member, has resigned as she is going to college. The Council thanks her for all her work.
Mr Craighead reported that there has been work in progress on the railway line overnight without any notification of nearby residents in Dunpender road, Rennie Place and Longstone Avenue. He will speak to Ms Cosgrove who sits on RAGES.
The two new benches in the Square have been a success and well used over the summer. The May Mills bench is now in place at Prestonkirk churchyard. It was suggested to have a bench at the entrance to the Hailes path.
The cost of three new fingerposts, including installation, would be £1500. This will be discussed further at another meeting.
A better quote has been obtained for the stone pillar at Phantassie.
It was agreed that the planting near the new roundabout is very good indeed.
Information Boards
A board is to be put up in the Square. Mr Craighead suggested that it would be best situated on the left side of the tree, which would make it further from parked cars. However it appears that the only position which remains is under the tree and ELC will have to deal with maintenance.
Mr Robson stated that he felt that we should not be expected to pay for the erection of this information board, as it was an ELC project, which had been funded by ELC in all other locations. The Council agreed that it would refuse to fund this work.”
Scotland in Bloom
At the moment, the Community Council pays for the plants and the Horticultural Society does all the planting.
It was suggested that in the future, organisations in the village might like to sponsor a flower bed.
There was no report tonight, due to Ms Stephen’s absence.
13.1 Bass Notes June 06
13.2 Report on impact of Traprain Law fire. Mrs Alder to respond
13.3 NHS: consultation on Healthcare of Children and Young People. Ms Kilpatrick to respond
13.4 FoE: What on Earth
13.5 ELC: Consultation on Museums Review. Mr Robson to respond
13.6 SEPA View Summer/Autumn 2006
13.7 ELC: Signpost to Funding
13.8 ELC: Mud in your eye Summer 2006
13.9 H Eadie MSP: Consultation on abolition of Forth Bridge toll
13.10 Strandline Autumn 2006
13.11 ELC: Cultural Strategy
13.12 RAGES Rag and AGM notice
13.13 Marine Conservation Society: Balloon Awareness Campaign
13.14 Fire Brigades Union: re Fire Service consultation
13.15 ELC: Community Planning News: response document. Ms Pooley, Mrs Alder and Mr Craighead to respond
13.16 EL Horticultural society: position statement on Scotland in Bloom
13.17 D Berry: copy letter re Whitekirk
13.18 ELC: M Johnston re upkeep of football hut
13.19 Scottish Health Council: recruitment of members
13.20 Copy letter H Crawford to ELC re pavement in Square
13.21 Whitekirk Association of Residents re Whitekirk Golf and Hotel development
Mr Robson pointed out that in the latest edition of Dunpender news, some of the history facts were incorrect, but were correct in the new Paths leaflet.
There were no responses to the competition in the latest Dunpender News.
Mrs Priest has asked for the garden rubbish to be removed from the house next to the fire station.
Mrs Alder will email Peter Forsyth regarding the white lines at Braehead, which are still causing confusion.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 15th October 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |