Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 04-2006
Minutes of meeting held on 6th April 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms J Pooley, Mrs M Alder, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Ms J Boyd, Mr J. Robson
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun –Lindsay, Cllr. N Hampshire, Sgt. Bob Erskine
1.0       APOLOGIES: Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms P Stephen, Cllr D Berry, Ms A Ingram 
In section 10, the dates of the walking festival were incorrect. Instead of June 23rd to 26th, it should read April 21st to 23rd.
Otherwise it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Sgt Bob Erskine reported that he had had to pay a second visit to Markle quarry regarding large amounts of mud on the road. The police are still working on this problem.
A letter of complaint was received regarding mud on other roads. This was due to verges breaking up when large vehicles met on narrow roads. The situation has since improved.
The promised increase in plain-clothes police presence from April to August has now started in the East Linton area, as well as North Berwick and Dunbar. A good success rate has already been reported in Dunbar.
Four windows have been smashed in East Linton this week. A young man was caught and charged on Monday night.
The persistent problem of under-age drinking continues when there is a disco on.
It has been reported that staff in the Co-op do NOT supply under age drinkers.
A male was caught firing an air rifle out of a house window and a charge was made.
Police are looking into the theft of a mini JCB from Kame Hill yesterday.
Today, Police received a call from a local farmer regarding a dead gull. He was concerned about avian flu, which was confirmed in a dead swan in Fife today. There was, however, no cause for concern. Sgt Erskine gave the Council the following guidelines for the event of finding a suspicious dead bird. Phone the Police in the first instance and give the following information if possible. Do not touch the carcass.
1)      Exact location of carcass – grid reference if known.
2)      Breed of bird or detailed description.
3)      If multiple carcasses, how many?
4)      Any visible injuries.
5)      Any indication of how long the bird has been dead.
Cllr Hampshire informed the Council that procedures are in place should a case occur in East Lothian.
Mrs Ferguson described how a male on a quad bike has been driving very noisily around the Markle area. Mr Craighead added that the same person has also been racing in Longstone Avenue and Rennie Place. Sgt Erskine asked if people could try to get the registration number.
Mrs Priest reported that the public toilets are now open but the windows have all been smashed. Cllr Hampshire suggested using the mobile camera, which is useful for trouble spots such as this. It was agreed that some sort of surveillance would be necessary.
4.1       Public Transport/RAGES
Mrs Alder reported from the public transport sub-committee that efforts to increase the number of direct services from Dunbar to Kings Cross have been unsuccessful. A letter from GNER stated that they are not concerned about this as 90% of passengers at Dunbar are going to Edinburgh.
There is a new X8 bus service from Dunbar to Edinburgh [off-peak, 30 mins after the current X6 service].
4.2              Highways matters
·        (see12.4)A letter from Peter Forsyth regarding the west entrance to East Linton indicates that a package of improvements, including upgrading of signage and road markings, is designated for the area.
·        Ms Pooley has been talking to residents in Whitekirk who are concerned re the lack of space on the verge in Binning Wood Road. Traffic travels fast through the village and rumble strips or red road markings were suggested to try to alert drivers that they must slow down. She has written to ELC.
·        Mrs Boyd reported that the large pothole on the Lochhouses road has been fixed.
·        Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that the roads around Whittingehame are in a very bad state of repair.
4.3              White bridge
The bridge is to be repaired by McArthur’s after the Walking Festival. Wooden parapets are being made and the bridge will be closed during repair. A handrail up the steps to the field has also been requested.
4.4              Public Toilets
The public toilets in East Linton are now open. The Council is discussing a surveillance camera, possibly monitored by the school janitor or other deterrents such as a new device called the ‘Mosquito’.
4.5       Path across Park
(See 12.1) Maree Johnston has written to advise that further extension work at the school will not take place for 10 years, so it is worth laying a path.
Linda Rodgers of the Local Housing Initiative and Colin Baird from Transportation will be contacted for sources of funding. Bound gravel was suggested as a good, inexpensive surface for the path.
4.6       Dunpender News
The next edition will be delivered by 24th May with the East Linton Advertiser at very reasonable cost.
Mr Russel is taking photos around the area and there will be a report of the Walking Festival. There will be articles on the gamekeepers, Blackdykes, which is having a garden opening at the beginning of June, Gala Day and the new X8 bus service. Articles from local groups are still required.
·        The cricket pavilion at Tyninghame will be on a pallet on wheels, so Planning Permission is not required. Local residents have carried out improvements to the cricket pitch.
·        The case of the fish meal plant at Kamehill comes up in court this Friday. 
·        The possibility of bollards being installed to prevent quad bikes churning up the path from Markle to East Linton was raised following a request from a resident. Unfortunately this would also obstruct horses and disabled buggies so tracking down the biker was felt to be a better option.
·        Mr Bill Alder attended the Traprain Law Advisory Group meeting. The fence round the quarry will be repaired. Sheep are also needed to keep the grass and ragwort down on the Law.
·        Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that residents of Whittingehame are delighted that the fingerposts in the area have been painted.
Miss Ingram was absent, so there was no youth report
Mr Robson reported a Current Account balance of £297.29 and a Grants Account balance of £27,396.99.
It was agreed to give the head librarian £50, like last year, for sundries for the library. 
Mrs Shaw-Stewart outlined ideas for the new financial year’s budget.
·        Dunpender News £700
·        Christmas lights £700 +
·        Leaflet printing and distribution
·        Finger post signs for East Linton
·        Heritage lighting to be extended up the High St to the Hall
·        New closed noticeboard for Whittingehame
·        Plants for Scotland in Bloom up to £1000
·         Entrance pillar £1000
·        Town Planning – payment of an advisor to help decide what sort of housing is acceptable £1000
·        Maintenance of paths
The new benches should be installed by the end of the month. Mr Craighead will chase this up.
It was agreed that the entrance pillar was still wanted and this too will be chased up.
The Hailes path is now under construction.
Mrs Ferguson will attend the Walking Festival Civic Reception. (See 12.8)
Regarding the Stories Park path, Nick Morgan will redraw plans and we will have another try for planning.
Street Sign Repairs
Mr Craighead and Mr Robson will do an inspection of local street signs.
Ms Ferguson to investigate the printing of more walks leaflets, as we have almost run out. Ms Kilpatrick is working on the ELinton leaflet.
Information Boards
There is no progress to report here.
Rennie Memorial
The Rennie Memorial at Phantassie is in a poor state of repair. Mrs Priest will speak to Ms Stephen.
There was no report tonight.
12.1 ELC M Johnston: footpath Langside-school
12.2 ELC: Minutes of JMCP Advisory Group meeting 21/3/06 and Oct 2005
12.3 ELC: Minutes of Traprain Law advisory Group meeting 8/3/06
12.4 ELC: P Forsyth: A199 junction
12.5 Strandline
12.6 ASCC Feb 2006 Newsletter
12.7 Mrs A Stewart: white bridge repair
12.8 ELC: Walking Festival Civic Reception
12.9 ELC: (Property) reply re repairs to park fence
12.10 Scottish Water update on charges
12.11 Minority Ethic Carers of Older People Project
12.12 Forestry Commission
12.13 ELC CC’S Annual Audit
12.14 The Local Channel
12.15 ELC: Community Environmental Fund application form.
Mr Robson informed the Council that the Lafarge Liaison Meeting has been postponed until 18th April.
Mr Craighead reported that the waste ground behind the school needs tidied and planted. He will speak to ELC again and Cllr Hampshire will also look into this.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 4th May 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.
The AGM will be on the 1st June.