Minutes of meeting held on 2nd March 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs M Alder, Ms A Ingram, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel
In attendance: Sgt. Bob Erskine, PC K Hughes, PC Tait, Mr Wason (member of the public)
1.0 APOLOGIES: Mr J. Robson, Ms P Stephen, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms J Pooley, Ms J Boyd, Mrs J Ferguson, Cllr D Berry, Cllr. L Broun Lindsay
Mr Robson noted that in section 12.0 the words “Mrs Priest………..trophy” should read, “Mr Robson was asked to contact their Treasurer and ascertain what type of trophy was required maximum cost £100”.
Otherwise it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes introduced Sgt Bob Erskine, the new Community Beat Sergeant, and PC Tait, the Community Police Officer for North Berwick.
PC Hughes reported that he has been monitoring youth behaviour. Behaviour such as congregating in large groups which can be intimidating to the general public and underage drinking will result in warnings and letters to parents.
A male on the High Street was charged with letting his dog foul. A short while later he was charged with breach of the peace.
Monitoring the park has shown that most people do pick up their dog waste. PC Hughes plans to monitor dog fouling early in the morning when many people use the park to exercise their dogs before work.
Police are still receiving complaints about speeding on Drylaw Terrace.
The situation regarding mud on the road near Markle is reportedly just as bad, with the road markings having been obliterated. Police were told that a wheel washer is to be installed at the quarry entrance.
PC Hughes stated that there is to be an increased police presence in the area. He will be out and about in both uniform and plain clothes. From April to August he intends to make use of the Community Vehicle. This is still in the planning stage.
4.1 Public Transport/RAGES
The public transport sub-group (Ms Cosgrove, Mrs Alder and Mrs Boyd) had a meeting this week and they are working on various public transport issues.
4.2 Highways matters
· (see12.5)A letter from Transportation has confirmed that McCall gardens will also be getting speed cushions.
· The traffic islands and parking spaces at the Surgery are being constructed.
· Mrs Priest has written to Peter Forsyth regarding the west entrance from A199 to confirm that cats’ eyes or similar will be installed to demarcate the junction.
· An interpretation panel is to be installed at the end of the wall in the Square. A dropped kerb near the point of the grass will allow for disabled access with a dropped kerb and a disabled parking space opposite at about 3, High Street.
4.3 White bridge
ELC Property have asked if a metal rail would be acceptable. The Council agreed that they wish to see the proposed design before deciding. Ms Cosgrove to liaise with ELC.
4.4 Public Toilets
The public toilets in East Linton are still locked. A meeting will be arranged with Angela Hegarty from ELC.
4.5 Path across Park
(See 12.7) Maree Johnston has written to advise that formalising the path with tarmac would need to wait until the possibility of further extension work at the school is confirmed or not as part of the path is on School property. In the meantime it was felt that whindust would help at the top of Langside, as it is extremely muddy. The area by the fence near the skatepark is also very muddy and would benefit from whindust also.
· A resident of Binning Wood Road in Whitekirk has mentioned concerns about the lack of pavement on the road up to the bus-stop and the speed of traffic. Mrs Pooley will be asked to look into this.
· Mr Wason from Kamehill was present at the meeting. He requested a copy of the letter from SEPA, which was reported as saying SEPA needed more letters of complaint. To be supplied. Mrs Priest stated that it was the wish of DCC that the situation be resolved so that Mr Wason can run his business and the residents can live without problems from smells.
Ms Kilpatrick received a response from her letter to I Stephen, a resident at Newbyth (See 12.11), which chronicles the ongoing court case with Mr Wason. The case was in court again today. There were no Councillors or representatives from Newbyth/Whitekirk tonight so the matter was not discussed further.
· Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that the noticeboard provided by Dunpender Community Council needs a cover. A similar noticeboard was requested some time ago at Pencraig layby as E<B have removed theirs. Mrs SS to see to this.
· The Traprain Law Advisory Group will be meeting on Wednesday during the day. Mr Russel is unable to attend. Bill Alder has been co-opted to attend.
The fence round the quarry on Traprain Law needs repair. Dunpender Community Council would be interested in helping out financially if necessary.
Miss Ingram has compiled and distributed a questionnaire. She is still awaiting a response from the Youth Club. The response from the Primary School shows that the majority would like to fundraise for a youth shelter in the park. Miss Ingram will speak to Maree Johnston regarding this.
There will be a Youth Club disco on the 17th of March.
There was no report tonight as Mr Robson was on holiday.
· Regarding the Xmas lights, a meeting is needed with Peter Forsyth.
· Regarding lighting on the bridge, a suggestion was made of double lights at either end, with a crossbar for hanging baskets or Christmas decorations. This was agreed to be a good idea. Mrs S-S to see Bill Kelly.
· The library has requested £92 for a new children’s book box on wheels.
· Mr Govan’s bill for winding the clock and sorting out the pump on the fountain was passed for payment.
The new benches in the Square should be installed by next meeting. A request received (12.6) for a bench near Phantassie Doocot to be arranged.
One entrance pillar will be installed at the Phantassie end of the village. Design and cost still not agreed.
An email from Mrs Ferguson confirms that Darlings are to start work on the Hailes path.
The Walking Festival will include a walk on Friday, June 23rd from the Square to Traprain Law and on June 26th, the John Muir Way from East Linton to Dunbar.
Ms Kilpatrick has done the draft text for the East Linton leaflet. It was tabled for comments.
Information Boards
Mr Russel has agreed to deal with Planning Permission for the History Society information boards.
There has been a planning application to have a snack bar at Pencraig Hill. The Council agreed that this was acceptable.
There has been an application to build three houses in the grounds of Harvesters.
There is a plan to build a new grainstore at Lawhead. This would mean moving the red shed. It was questioned whether this was a good idea as the shed is considered to be an attractive landmark. No views held by those present.
12.1 Lothian and Borders Police webchat forum
12.2 Leader Plus leaflets
12.3 ELC: Objections and pre-inquiry changes to Local Plan
12.4 ELC: Consultation on Home Zone Design Standards
12.5 ELC Transportation: re inclusion of McCall Gdns for speed cushions
12.6 Mrs E Craik re benches
12.7 ELC Maree Johnston: re path across park
12.8 Bass Notes
12.9 NTS: re Preston Mill
12.10 ELC: meeting Traprain Law Advisory Group
12.11 Mr I Stephen: re Kamehill Farm
Mr Russel will write the next article for East Linton & District Advertiser
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th April 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |