Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 02-2006
Minutes of meeting held on 2nd February 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms J Pooley, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Boyd, Ms P Stephen                        
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Mr J Menzies, Mr A Dickson, (Members of the public)       
1.0              APOLOGIES: Mrs M Alder, Mr R Russel, Cllr D Berry, Mrs J Ferguson, PC K Hughes, Ms A Ingram             
It was agreed that this was a correct record of the meeting
Few incidents of note since the last meeting, but I would like to report the following.
On the 16th of January a drugs warrant was executed at a dwelling in the Orchardfield area. This was again due to information received from the
public. It resulted in a large quantity of cannabis plants and a full
hydroponics system being recovered. A report has been submitted.
On the 18th of January two trailers from the secure compound
At Rutherford’s on Dunbar Road were stolen. In total the trailers
Are valued at £5000. We are appealing for any information in respect
of the thefts.
On the 21st of January a car was vandalised in the McCall Gardens area.
A positive line of enquiry is being followed.
It has come to my attention that dog walkers are not picking up after their
dogs when they are walked on the playing fields next to the school. It is
now at the stage where the pupils can longer play on the field. I have spoken
with Mr Howman the dog warden and we will be giving it attention. Could I also ask that the following information be passed on. Under the Dog Fouling Scotland Act 2003 a fixed penalty of £40 can be issued to anyone allowing
their dog to foul in a public place. If this fine is not paid within 28 days the fine
increases to £60.
I would also like to announce that Sgt Brian Robertson the Community Beat Sergeant for Dunbar has now retired. Taking his place will be Sgt Bob Erskine
who will be starting in the next two weeks.
4.0              MATTERS ARISING
4.1       Public Transport/RAGES
The public transport sub-group (Ms Cosgrove, Mrs Alder and Mrs Boyd) will be meeting next week.
There is no information regarding the opening of East Linton station as yet.
4.2              Highways matters
·        (see12.8)A letter from Brian Cooper asked for comment on the proposed installation of speed cushions in Hardie Terrace, Walker Terrace and School Road. The majority view was in favour of the speed cushions. Mrs Priest will ask for clarification of why McCall Gardens is not to be included, following a request from residents present at the meeting.
·        Mrs Priest has contacted North Berwick Community Council to ask if they would like to jointly purchase an electronic speed indicator. She is awaiting their response.
·        The situation on the Waughton road has improved since some of the potholes have been seen to.
·        The island at Tyninghame junction has been removed, but the lines still need to be repainted.
4.3              White bridge
Ms Cosgrove has contacted Douglas Proudfoot and Property Maintenance will have a look at the bridge. (See 12.6) A letter was sent from Mrs Stewart to Cllr Broun-Lindsay regarding the safety of the bridge. He will find out when work is to be done by next meeting.
4.4              Public Toilets
The public toilets at Pencraig are open again. The toilets at East Linton are still locked. Cllr Broun-Lindsay will phone Tom Shearer.
It was agreed that the toilets are a target for vandals as they are unmanned. Various options such as a surveillance camera or mobile toilet attendant could be considered. Ms Stephen suggested that if the toilets were seen to be connected to the school, it might deter vandals in the long term. A member of the public stated that he felt the toilets were in the wrong place to start with. Cllr Broun-Lindsay pointed out that the park was the only place it had been possible to get funding for toilets. Ms Cosgrove will write to Tom Shearer.
·        Ms Pooley reported that SEPA visited the fish processing plant at Kamehill on the 19th January. Some of the recommended changes have been made, but not all. An extension has been granted until March. In the meantime SEPA need more letters reporting any smells.
·        Ms Pooley reported that the Countryside Wardens are undertaking to protect red squirrels in Binning Wood.  It was agreed that the Community Council would like to be involved in this. Ms Pooley will find out what they require.
·        It has been heard that Tyninghame Cricket Club are building a pavilion. Mrs Boyd will find out more about this.
·        Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that one new sign has been put up but with an incorrect spelling. One sign needs to be resited and reinstated and one signpost needs repainted.
·        (See12.7) Mrs Alder received a letter from ELC advising that work will be carried out to mark the new junction arrangement, giving priority to traffic using Braeheads Loan.
            There was no youth report tonight.
Mr Robson reported a Current Account balance of £316.79 and a Grants Account balance of £27,396.99. He has designed a claim form for Councillors’ travel and expenses.
·        Ms Cosgrove has designed a simple grant application form to help groups apply for funding.
·        Mrs Shaw-Stewart has written to Lilian Pryde to say what Dunpender Community Council spends its local priorities money on and why. She will email this to other councillors. There is to be an exhibition at the ELC reception on 23rd March to give Community Councils a better idea of what other CCs are doing and photos of our projects are required.  Mr Robson to supply.
·         Mrs Shaw-Stewart suggested having new Christmas lights using a cross bar on the new lampposts.  They could be used for hanging baskets in the summer and for Christmas decorations in the winter. This would also solve the problem of putting brackets on historic buildings for decorations. LED lights, which are very cheap, could be used. It was agreed that this was a good idea. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will now talk to Bill Kelly regarding this and also the possibility of extending the new lampposts up to the Community Hall.
·        Ms Pooley mentioned that she had bought 480 new Christmas lights for Whitekirk, which looked really good but were not nearly enough.
Mrs Mills’ daughter has contacted the Community Council and suggested putting the May Mills memorial bench in the churchyard. A reply is awaited from Ground Care about this.
Ms Stephen has asked around where people would like benches. Suggestions include Buist’s embankment, the corner of the road up to Lawhead and the top of the Drylaw/Stonelaws path. Mr Craighead will find out if any benches are available for these locations. It was agreed that the Foresters’ bench from the Square is too good to put out in the country and a suitable site will be found within the village.
There is no progress to report on the entrance pillars. Ms Stephen remarked upon the pleasing stone entrances she had seen at Whitsome and Allington.
Regarding the West entrance to East Linton, ELC report that an agreement has not been reached re the purchase of the land. Mrs Priest has mentioned to Peter Forsyth that in the event of the entrance not being realigned, at least it needs to be made more visible. She will write to affirm this.
The Knowes path counter has recorded 914 users in July 05 as opposed to 122 users in July 04. The annual totals were 1500 in 04 and 6964 in 05. It was agreed that this is a very positive result.
Ms Pooley has written an article on paths for Focus magazine.
(See12.9) Bob Erskine emailed to ask if a path could be put across the park from Longstone Avenue. This was also mentioned in our survey so Mrs Priest will write to Maree Johnston to start discussions about doing this work.
Mrs Boyd reported that Nick Morgan is going ahead with the Hailes Path. The work has gone out to tender to 3 contractors. Half the funding will come from Scottish Natural Heritage and the other half from ELC plus funding from Forward Scotland. SNH will take the money back if it is not done before the end of the financial year, but it can be reapplied for.
Street sign repairs
Mr Craighead and Mr Robson will walk round the village to look at the street signs.
Ms Kilpatrick is redoing the new East Linton leaflet. It should be printed by the end of April. Ms Kilpatrick will have text and photos ready for a meeting with Margaret Montgomery before the end of February and will forward these to members to look at before then.
The History Society has been working on boards for various locations around East Linton. They have asked if Dunpender Community Council would be the applicant for advertising consent. Mrs Priest will ask Mr Russel if he would like to take this on.
Ms Stephen has spoken to Paul Zochowski, ELC Planner, and he is sending a more detailed map of the Orchardfield housing proposals.
Application has been made to build two new houses on the front of the yard at Orchardfield. This area is reserved for industrial use, for which there is no demand at present. However, there may be a demand in the future, especially if the station reopens. Two new houses would prevent industrial use of the area and for this reason the Council agreed in favour of objecting to the proposal.
Mr Higgins has objected to the Local Plan for the garage site.
There is no further information about developments at Monksmuir.
12.1 Postwatch Scotland Winter 2006
12.2 SEPA View Jan/Feb 2006
12.3 Bass Notes Jan 2006
12.4 Cllr Berry copy letter to J Peddie, Tyninghame
12.5 ELC: public consultation on Prestongrange
12.6 Copy of letter to L Broun-Lindsay from A Stewart
12.7 ELC Transportation: change of junction priority at Braeheads
12.8 ELC Transportation: Speed cushions School Rd/Walker Terr/Hardie Terr.
12.9 email R Erskine re path across path
12.10 email W Galloway re Smeaton signs. Ms Stephen will speak to Mr Gray again.
12.11 East Linton Arts Crafts & Flower Show Soc: request for funding. Mrs priest will write to ask how much they need for a trophy.
Mrs Priest distributed some Community Mediation Service leaflets to the Councillors.
Mr Dickson had received a letter from ELC, which indicated that the Community Council wished to have the football hut removed. He expressed his view that the hut has been there for many years and was paid for by contributions from members of the community. It has provided necessary space for football equipment over the years and is now boarded up and only needs repainted. If a football club was to restart, it could be used as storage as space was not provided in the new pavilion.
Mrs Priest expressed the Council’s view that they would very much like to see a football club in the village again. She will write to the Sport Development Officer regarding this matter.
Ms Cosgrove attended the Association of ELCommunity Councils meeting. She reported that the Scottish Executive is reviewing the role of Community Councils and wishes to gather as much information as possible from all CC’s. Councillors were urged to respond to at least some of the questions in the review document.
Ms Cosgrove also informed the Council that Leader + is seeking good projects to fund and will consider applications until the end of 2006.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd March 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.