Minutes of meeting held on 1st December 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Miss A Ingram, Mrs M Alder, Ms P Stephen, Mr J. Robson
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Bob Leslie
1.0 APOLOGIES Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms J Boyd, Cllr D Berry
It was agreed that the minute of 3rd November was a correct record of the meeting.
PC Leslie writes,
“November has been a relatively quiet month for the East Linton area. We have our ongoing problems with youths in the village but this month they weren’t too bad.
Two vehicles were vandalised, one in Bridge Street on the 17th and one in Station Road on the 5th. One of the vehicles is possibly a targeted vehicle in an attack on property belonging to a particular person. The other would seem to be random.
There are no leads on these at present.
There have been two break-ins to business premises in the village. The first was at Torness Motors Showroom, where two vehicles within the building were vandalised when their windscreens were broken.
The second of these break-ins was at the Co-op where the culprits gained entry to the shop by throwing a drain cover through the glass front door and stealing a quantity of cigarettes.
This crime is likely to have been committed by criminals who have travelled to this area and already selected their target. Similar crimes have occurred at North Berwick and other villages in the Lothians.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the dangers of Drink Driving and would advise that the safest choice is NO DRINK when you drive. You can of course have one or two well, what about three or maybe four there lays the danger in stopping once you start. It is your choice but you also run the risk and what a risk not only to yourself but other road users and anyone travelling with you. The dangers are just too great.
There has been a National launch of a Drink Driving campaign today. Soon there will be a local launch with schools being involved in the design of an Anti Drink Driving poster. I hope it has some effect on those who see it.”
PC Leslie then went on to inform the Council that workers have been canvassing for jobs in the Rennie Place area and would like to warn people to be vigilant for bogus callers.
Mrs Burns has applied for an occasional license to enable her to serve sherry in the library on Christmas Eve.
It was noted that some drivers are ignoring the new roundabout and driving straight into East Linton.
PC Leslie was happy to report that PC Hughes is recovering well from his operation.
4.1 Dunpender News
Ms Stephen informed the meeting that the December edition of Dunpender news would be ready the following day. Mr Russel will collect them, the Scouts will deliver locally and Councillors will deliver to outlying areas.
Ms Stephen announced her intention to hand over the production of Dunpender News to Ms Pooley, enabling her to focus more on other aspects of her work as a Councillor. A new apprentice will be needed to assist Ms Pooley.
4.2 Community Conference
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
4.3 Public Transport/ RAGES
There have been many complaints about trains. There is currently only one train direct from London to Dunbar a day and four from Dunbar to London. There used to be more and this is causing great inconvenience to many. Ms Cosgrove will ask RAGES to write regarding this.
Ms Cosgrove reported that she has not yet heard the results of the Scott Wilson Report on the feasibility of a station at East Linton.
4.4 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mrs Ferguson reported a dispute about who owns the verge and culvert at the side of the road at Markle. During heavy rain the road gets flooded. It was felt that as this is a Highways issue, Peter Forsyth should be informed.
Ms Pooley reported that Mr Wason’s fish processing plant was found to be in breach of SEPA regulations at a recent hearing. He has been given until 19th December to comply with these regulations.
A second coat of Tyninghame green has been requested for Tyninghame village pump.
Mr Craighead is dealing with the bench at the bus stop in Tyninghame.
Ms Stephen noted that Monk’s Muir has changed hands and that there are plans to have a residential retirement section in the caravan site.
4.5 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Scottish Water will be working on the road south of Traprain.
4.6 High School Transfer
It was noted that East Lothian Council have decided that any change regarding East Linton Primary children having a choice of secondary schools will take at least a year and this year’s P7 will continue to have the choice.
5.1 RAGES rag Oct 05
5.2 ELC: Signpost to Funding
5.3 ELC: Minutes of Meetings 15/11/05
5.4 ASCC Newsletter Nov 05
5.5 What on Earth FoE Newsletter Winter 05
5.6 SE Discussion Paper on Community Councils’ role
5.7 ELC: Affordable Housing Policy
5.8 ELC: Path Networks consultation meetings
5.9 ELC : Proposed Traffic Regulation orders
5.10 Strandline Marine Conservation Society Winter 05
Miss Ingram has compiled a questionnaire for local youths, which she will take to the Youth Club.
Mr Robson reported a Current Account balance of £420.32 and a Grants Account balance of £27,323.45
Mrs Priest proposed that councillors should claim travel costs when travelling specifically on Community Council business for a meeting, conference or training for example. After discussion a rate of 40p a mile was agreed. Mr Robson will design a form.
· Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that the Christmas lights would be switched on on 5th December. Mrs Priest noted that although the lights were up in the tree, there appeared to be a loose, frayed end hanging down, suggesting that they will not work. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will phone ELC about this.
· Ms Stephen is to meet with Lillian Pryde, Community Councils Liaison Officer, to review what the Local Priorities budget has been spent on. The Council discussed the various projects, which include the Square, street lights, paths, the skatepark, the fence in the park, the tourism leaflet and Dunpender News.
Mrs Priest reminder Councillors of a reception to be held in March, to which all Community Councils are invited, called Celebrating Success.
9.1 Benches
The Mills family has not raised any objections to the suggestion that the bench in the Square be moved elsewhere.
Mr Craighead will organise two new matching benches for the Square.
The existing benches can be resited at spots to be discussed with Groundcare, and also replacement benches will be requested for the path to Phantassie doocot and at Newbyth road end.
9.2 Planting, bulbs etc
Mrs Priest reported that ELC has provided plants and bulbs for the Square and these have been planted by members of the Horticultural Society with help from Groundcare staff.
9.3 Entrances
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will chase up Laura McKenzie regarding the entrance pillar drawings.
9.4 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that there is no more news regarding the Stories Park path. The project is stuck in Planning. There is no further news regarding the Hailes path either.
Mrs Priest produced a copy of the East Lothian Draft Affordable Housing policy. Ms Stephen will look over this.
· Ms Stephen mentioned that she would like a report of a meeting held recently at Winton House. Cllr Broun-Lindsay to supply.
· Mr Craighead reported that Rennie Place residents have been asking why there has been no action re traffic calming yet. He has been given a copy of ELC minutes showing the decision to this work.
· Mr Craighead would like to know ELC policy regarding parked commercial vehicles in Longstone Avenue.
· Mr Russel asked for news of the repairs to the white bridge. There was none to report as yet.
· It was noted that new signs for Smeaton have gone up at the eastern end of the village. The Council agreed that the while it is important to advertise local businesses, one sign needs repositioning so as not to present its back right next to the East Linton sign. Ms Stephen to speak to Mr Gray.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th of January 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |