Minutes of meeting held on 3rd November 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Boyd, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, Mr B Craighead, Ms P Stephen, Mrs M Alder, Ms J Pooley, Ms A Ingram
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. N Hampshire, Cllr D Berry, Mr D Bates, Mrs G Donn, Mr J Denley
1.0 APOLOGIES P.C. Kevin Hughes, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms L Mackenzie
In section 11.0, the sentence beginning “Mrs Priest informed the meeting” should read “Mrs Priest informed the meeting of improvements which are scheduled once work is completed…”
Otherwise it was agreed that the minute of 6th October was a correct record of the meeting.
Few incidents of note since the last meeting, but I would like to report the following.
On the 14th of October a drugs warrant was executed at Preston Kirk House in direct response to information received. A positive result was made a quantity of Heroin recovered. A male has subsequently been reported for possession with intent to supply.
On the 15th of October a motor vehicle was broken into whilst it was parked secure and unattended in Bridge Street, East Linton. Property to the value of £285 was stolen. Information is sought to trace the offenders of this.
The vandalism to the primary school, which was mentioned at the last meeting, has now been solved and a juvenile from North Berwick reported for summons.
For information a Traffic Management Report has been submitted to the traffic department at Fettes in relation to Lauder Place. They will look into the matter and report back their findings.
Please can I reiterate the importance and need of information on anything, which affects the village and surrounding area. Please pass it on no matter how trivial it may seem to you.
Liz Kilpatrick has reported deer poaching using snares at Kamehill.
Mrs Priest reported the closure of the public toilets due to continuing vandalism.
The fountain has also been vandalised. This has been reported to Property.
4.1 Dunpender News
Mr Russell has compiled a wordsearch for the next edition and ideas various articles were discussed.
The featured councillor will be Allison Cosgrove.
A revised information pullout section will be included in next summer’s edition.
The Scouts will deliver to the central area of East Linton.
4.2 Lauder Place/Tyne Bridge
(See5.8) A letter had been received on this topic from K Miller. Drawings of the proposed road improvements were tabled and Mrs Priest informed the meeting that Transportation say the islands and new lights are scheduled to happen from about January. The no entry sign on Lauder Place will take longer due to the Statutory Consultation notices, which need to be displayed. Mrs Priest advised the residents that this would provide them with an opportunity to air their views to ELC.
Mr Denley stated that one of the residents’ main concerns is that traffic is very heavy indeed on Lauder Place since the new road opened. There are heavy lorries and large farm vehicles using the road on a daily basis. Mrs Donn said that the residents had not anticipated the huge increase in the volume of traffic using Lauder Place. She thinks it is unfair that the residents should have restricted access to their homes due to a one way system because the road is being used as a rat run.
They had conducted a canvass of opinion at Phantassie, Lauder Place and Braeheads and found that the majority of people would like to see no right turn off the A199 and no left turn off the top of Lauder Place. Pedestrians are also nervous of going under the Railway Bridge, as there is no walkway. Ms Stephen pointed out that if there is to be two-way traffic under the bridge, there couldn’t also be the planned walkway as it is too narrow and that Transportation said in discussions last year that the no right turn, no left turn option is unworkable.
Mr Bates pointed out that two streetlights are still not working on the bridge and requested a school patrol. Mrs Priest said it was likely to be refused due to small numbers and the cost, but enquiries will be made.
It is hoped that the two islands, one at Lynn Cottage and one at Phantassie Cottages will slow traffic and make crossing from the Railway Bridge safer.
It was decided that the situation will be reassessed after the work on the islands and lighting is completed.
4.3 Proposed changes to High School transfers
A proposal to restrict East Linton Primary pupils to one High School option has met with opposition as many people would like to continue having the choice. Dunpender Community Council has made a response to this.
4.4 Public Transport
Mrs Priest asked for a Council member to look at public transport issues, for example, bus timetabling. Apparently only one train now travels direct to London from Dunbar, posing problems for elderly passengers with luggage. Ms Cosgrove volunteered, with help from Mrs Alder.
4.5 Tyninghame and Whitekirk issues
The estate, following a request from Mrs Boyd, has restored the Tyninghame pump.
Mr Craighead has priced materials to fix the seat in Tyninghame bus shelter and will undertake to do the work himself.
Tyninghame hall has new kitchen work surfaces.
Mrs Boyd reported that the speed of traffic travelling through Tyninghame is still a problem. Cllr Berry to look into this.
Ms Pooley reported that Whitekirk now has doorstep recycling collections.
Mr Perkins has withdrawn his Planning Application for a gate. The wall at Redroofs has been repaired.
4.6 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Mrs Alder is trying to get the road markings changed at Braeheads to make it clear that the road up the hill is now closed off.
4.7 Community Conference: 2020 Vision
Mr Craighead had attended this ELC conference on our behalf on 29th October. He hopes to write a short summary by next meeting.
5.1 Bass Notes Oct 05
5.2 Mme Zanchet : Twinning Link
5.3 ELC : Mins of Traprain Law Advisory Group 5/10/05
5.4 ELC : Mins JMCP Advisory Group 11/10/05
5.5 ASCC Annual Report 2005
5.6 Library : Thank you for funds
5.7 SEPA View Sept/Oct 2005
5.8 K Miller : Lauder Place
5.9 ELC website training (email)
5.10 ELC : Seminar “Making the most of the North Sea Trail”
5.11 Scotways Annual report
5.12 Mrs A Stewart re White Bridge
There was no report tonight, as Ms Ingram had to leave early.
Mr Robson reported a Grants Account balance of £27,323.45
Of this, £20,500 is due to ELC, £3000 due for the Stories Path and £2185 due for the Hailes Path.
The Current Account balance is £485.49
Ms Stephen informed the Council that she is investigating putting the Christmas lights in the Square up with the help of a local farmer, as the Council will charge £600 to do this. The money saved can be used to put lights in other trees in the village.
Mrs Priest reported that she had attended the ELC seminar “Making the most of the North Sea Trail” (see 5.10) which had illustrated how footpaths can bring economic benefits to the area.
9.1 Scotland in Bloom
The Council is still considering how to offer incentives to the traders to put up floral displays.
East Lothian Council is planning a Walking Festival next April, which will bring walkers to the local area and should be capitalised on.
Ms Stephen asked Council members to think of suitable places to put old benches on Dunpender walks as we replace those in the centre.
(See 5.12) The white bridge still needs repaired. It was agreed that the Council could contribute towards this if necessary.
Nick Morgan has applied to Scottish National Heritage for funding for the Hailes Path.
Paul Zochowski [ELC Senior Planner] will be asked come to the January meeting to tell us what is being discussed with potential developers for new housing in East Linton.
Mr Robson reported from Lafarge Cement Works Liaison Meeting. Last week Dunbar’s record of “No lost time due to accidents” was broken when a freightliner employee twisted his ankle.
Mr Robson circulated a copy of the Interim Environmental Statement 2004.
Ms Cosgrove reported from the RAGES meeting that Scott Wilson had carried out a survey, results not yet known.
For information, she also reported from the Leader + meeting that the Garvald and Morham Broadband project will receive funding.
Mr Russel noted that now that vegetation is dying back, the orange pipes on Pencraig Hill are clearly visible. Mrs Alder will write again.
Mr Craighead is to attend a Funding Seminar in Haddington on 10th November re Viridor Credit Scotland Scheme.
Mrs Boyd will lay the wreath on Remembrance Sunday.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st of December 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |