Minutes of meeting held on 6th October 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms P Stephen, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Ms A Ingram, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms L MacKenzie
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Cllr Hampshire, Cllr D Berry, P.C. Kevin Hughes, Sgt Boath, Mr D Bates, Mrs G Donn, Mrs E Denley
1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs M Alder, Ms J Boyd, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J. Robson
Mrs Priest welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced a change in the agenda. The matter of the bridge and Lauder Place would be brought forward; to allow the public the option of leaving the meeting after this item was discussed. This will be minuted in section 11.0 Any Other Competent Business.
Mrs Ferguson noted that in section 8.1, the third sentence should read simply, “Planning Permission has not yet been granted for the Stories Park path.”
Mr Robson noted by email that in section 12.0, regarding the Lafarge Committee Liaison Meeting, “the new SO2 scrubber is in place” should be replaced with “A contract has been signed for the supply of a new SO2 scrubber with commissioning in 2007”.
Otherwise it was agreed that the minute of 1st September was a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes writes,
Few incidents of note since the last meeting, but I would like to report the following.
On the 10th of September a drugs warrant was carried out on an address in the village as a result of information provided to Police. The search revealed Hydroponics systems and 48 growing cannabis plants. A male has been caution and charged with various drug offences and reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
I would like to point out that this very good result would only be possible if we receive more information on drugs. Who’s doing what, what’s being dealt,
Where is it happening, what days and times are involved. Information can be passed via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111. Any information passed is in complete confidence. Or get in touch with myself and I can pass the information on.
On the 3rd of October a number of vandalisms, which occurred over the weekend at the Primary School, were reported to Police. Culprits have been caught on CCTV and enquiry is ongoing in relation to this.
Please can I reiterate the importance and need of information on anything, which affects the village and surrounding area. Please pass it on no matter how trivial it may seem to you.
Various complaints were received on the evening of the 16th. This was primarily youth disorder. This is being looked in to with the council and Police etc. to change how the disco is run and hopefully stem the disorder complaints.
Again in relation to this people are still not notifying Police about all incidents. I have heard after the event, third hand information regarding incidents involving young people, which should have been reported. These incidents have been serious and should have been dealt with at the time. It is worrying that for some reason Police are not being informed. Can I ask that everybody pass this on? If it results in no further Police Action required or no formal complaint being made by those involved then fine. We still need to be kept informed.
Only one complaint has been received regarding a noise complaint at an address in the High Street.
A couple of incidents have occurred involving young people and BB guns. This has resulted in vandalism to a property. Two young males have had BB guns confiscated a positive line of enquiry is ongoing regarding the vandalism.
After PC Hughes’ report, Ms Stephen reported that a person had been seen in the driveway at Phantassie trying car doors at around 3am.
(See 5.14) An email was received requesting a 30mph speed limit for Tyninghame. Cllr Berry will look at this possibility. Also, it is felt that the priorities sign over the bridge is too close to the bridge to be effective and is affected by undergrowth. It was suggested that coloured stripes or a speed limit would help slow traffic approaching the bridge. Cllr Berry will attend to this.
4.1 Questionnaire
Ms Pooley reported interesting results. Amongst these were a number of requests for an improved footpath from Longstone Avenue to the School and more facilities for teenagers. Ms Pooley will summarise these findings for Dunpender News and East Linton and District Advertiser.
4.2 Builder’s rubble in school field
Mr Craighead reported that the rubble is still there. Furthermore, some householders are now dumping rubbish in the area. Mr Craighead will continue with this.
4.3 Public Transport
This will be put forward to the next meeting. An ELC questionnaire about their Transport Strategy, which was mentioned in Focus magazine, is now available on www.dunpender.net (See 5.17).
Cllr Berry stated that the summer bus service is to be better co-ordinated next year.
4.4 Tyninghame bench and pump
Due to Ms Boyd’s absence, this was not discussed.
4.5 RAGES report
The AGM was held 2 weeks ago. As Ms Cosgrove was absent, this was not discussed.
5.1 ‘Postwatch’ Scotland Autumn 2005
5.2 ELC Minutes 23/8/05
5.3 Changes ‘Newsletter’ Sept 2005
5.4 Homes for Life AGM
5.5 RAGES Rag
5.6 ‘Local Works’ Campaign for Sustainable Communities Bill
5.7 The Local Channel Info
5.8 ‘Mud in Your Eye’ EL Countryside News
5.9 L&B Fire Service:- Service Improvement Plan 2005/10
5.10 ELC : Potential Twinning Link
5.11 EL Primary School Eco Group: request for funding
5.12 Nancy Ovens Award for Play: unsuccessful application
5.13 ELC: Quote for Christmas lights
5.14 Email I Rodgers: Tyninghame speed limit/ priority signs
5.15 ELVON: Development Grants for Health Work
5.16 EL Children’s Panel Annual Recruitment Campaign
5.17 ELC: Consultation on Transport strategy
5.18 ELC: Community Conference 29th October
5.19 ELC: Recycling Strategy
5.20 ELC: Core Paths Planning
5.21 ELC Meeting JMCP Advisory Group
Ms Ingram reported that at the last disco, there was a great deal of drinking and trouble in the village. A fight broke out in the hall and the Police were called. She feels that often it is not usually the local youth that are responsible for vandalism.
Ms Ingram is awaiting feedback regarding a fundraiser for the Youth Club.
Nick Morgan will invoice the Community council for £20,500 for paths.
Viridor have been paid around £2000, leaving £6736 in the grants account.
· (See 5.11) A letter from East Linton Primary School’s Eco Group requests a donation towards the cost of creating an eco-garden on the east side of the playground. Cost is estimated at £10,000. It was agreed to donate £500.
· (See 5.13) The cost of putting up the Christmas lights in East Linton is to go up by 50% to £750. Whitekirk needs a small sum for an extension cable for their lights.
· Mr Craighead has priced two matching benches for the Square at £889. The Mills bench may be moved after permission has been sought from the Mills family.
9.1 Scotland in Bloom
East Linton won the “Most Improved Village” category this year. The judges were particularly impressed by the Square and the Eco-garden project at the school. It was agreed that this was a tremendous achievement. However, while some local businesses produced inspiring floral displays, others did not. Mrs Priest asked the councillors to consider possibilities for incentives for businesses to help them with their displays.
9.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that there have been 5 objections to the proposed re-routing and upgrading of the Stories Park path. It is feared that new benches and the moving of the path nearer the houses will lead to increased disturbance for the residents nearby.
Nick Morgan had suggested that the money from Scottish Natural Heritage could be spent on the Hailes path instead.
The white bridge needs a handrail repaired on the downstream side. It has been reported to ELC. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will look into the possibility of the army repairing it. Mrs Ferguson will try Viridor for funding if necessary.
Cllr Broun-Lindsay informed the Council that Lord Haddington has no objection in principal, to a connection between the two parts of the John Muir Way on the A198.
9.3 Fountain
A bill has been received from G Govan for mending the fountain. It was agreed that this was very reasonable. The lights are now working and the fountain will be repainted in the spring.
9.4 Entrances
Ms Mackenzie produced drawings of entrances to show the councillors. She has designed curved pillars with a circular cap, in the style of those at Phantassie. These could either have a recessed, reflective East Linton sign or the name carved into the stone. The Council agreed that the design was very agreeable and that carved pillars would be preferable as long as it is clearly legible. Due to road regulations, there is only room for one pillar at each entrance, one at Phantassie and one at Allan’s. Ms Mackenzie will take this forward to Peter Forsyth.
Ms Stephen informed the council that the centre of the roundabout is planted with juniper and trees. There are many regulations as to what may be planted, due to the difficulty of maintenance. The verges will be grassed and bulbs will be planted.
9.5 Leaflet
The East Linton leaflet needs updating for 2006. Ms Kilpatrick agreed to help with this.
Ms Pooley reported that SEPA are taking action against the Kamehill fish plant.
Ms Stephen will be reconvening the housing sub-committee.
· Three East Linton residents came to the meeting to voice their concerns regarding the dangers of walking over the Linn Bridge and under the railway bridge at Lauder Place.
Mr Bates feels that the Linn Bridge is very dangerous for pedestrians, as there is no pavement or footpath. Lorries, buses and farm vehicles are among the traffic regularly using the bridge. He has observed headless streetlights and erosion on the parapet. He is concerned about the considerable number of children who walk to and from school, feeling that the danger will be increased in winter.
Mrs Donn described the walk from the railway bridge to Mill Wynd as “downright dangerous”.
Mrs Denley mentioned the increase in heavy traffic using Lauder Place since the new A1 opened.
Mrs Priest pointed out that ELC say a pavement on the bridge is not an option, as the increased height would create a danger of falling over the parapet unless railings were fitted and also that at the Entrances exhibition, the overwhelming view was that people didn’t want a footway marked on the bridge.
The residents would like to see a No Right Turn into Lauder Place off the A199 and a No Left Turn from Dunbar Road. Mrs Priest said that this idea had already been proposed by DCC and rejected by ELC as it was felt that everyone would ignore it and it would be very hard to police.
Mr Bates suggested traffic lights on the bridge to allow pedestrians time to cross. This had also been discussed before and rejected, as there is probably nowhere for the traffic to back up on the Bridgend side.
Cllr Broun- Lindsay pointed out that there is no record of any accident on the Linn Bridge.
Mrs Priest informed the meeting of improvements that will be made as soon as work is completed at Phantassie roundabout which should slow traffic on the bridge.
There will be a traffic island in the road by Phantassie Cottages and bus boarders made at the Bridgend. A footway will be marked under the Railway Bridge at the foot of Lauder Place and it will become one-way, downhill only.
The streetlights on the bridge will be replaced with the new white lights.
Mrs Priest agreed to contact Transportation and see if there is still any room for manoeuvre on marking a footway on the Tyne Bridge.
Mrs Donn informed the Council that a police traffic survey would be done in Lauder Place, following her conversation with PC Hughes.
· Ms Stephen asked if the Council would discuss the proposed changes in choice of secondary school at the next meeting
· Mrs Priest reported that Beachwatch had taken place at Tyninghame
Beach last month. · Articles for Dunpender News should be in by the beginning of November. The featured councillor for this edition will be Allison Cosgrove.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd of November 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |