Minutes of meeting held on 1st September 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Boyd, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, Mr B Craighead
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Kevin Hughes, Cllr D Berry, Ms L Kilpatrick
1.0 APOLOGIES Ms P Stephen, Mrs M Alder, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms J Pooley, Ms A Ingram , Ms L Mackenzie
Mrs Priest introduced Liz Kilpatrick, a potential new member from Newbyth and welcomed her to sit in on the meeting.
Mr Robson noted that in the Treasurer’s report, section 5.0, the balance should read £176.88, and not £1176.88.
Otherwise it was agreed that the minute of 2nd June was a correct record of the meeting.
It has been a good summer in respect of calls this year.
Only nine calls were received in the period since the last meeting until today, with complaints about youths. Six noise complaints were received, four of which were to the same locus.
The ongoing problem with noise and anti social behaviour at an address on the High Street appears to have resolved itself for the time being as no complaints have been received in recent weeks.
On the 14th of June a male was arrested and charged with two breaches of the peace and a resist arrest on School Road. The matter has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
On the 25th of June a male was seen on the playing fields to the rear of the Primary School in possession of an air pistol. He was subsequently traced and charged for a breach of the peace and reported.
On the 16th of July a female was traced to her home address after a hit and run accident occurred on the High Street. She has since been reported for drink driving.
On the 22nd of July a used needle was found in the underpass at the playing fields. Can I take this opportunity to emphasise the need to pass on to everybody, especially children, not to touch any found needles even if they are capped. The course of action should be to leave them where they are and contact the Police and we will attend as soon as possible to uplift them. The council cleansing department can also be contacted.
PC Hughes repeated his request for anyone with any information regarding poaching activity in the area to please pass it on to him.
He voiced his hopes to be able to attend more Council meetings from now on.
Cllr Berry brought to the Council’s attention the fact that Torness Power Station is about to have its own armed police unit as an anti- terrorist measure.
4.1 Vacancy
Liz Kilpatrick, a resident of Newbyth since January, introduced herself to the Council. She has a marketing background and enjoys dog walking in the area. She also has a keen interest in matters relating to the elderly.
4.2 Traffic Calming, Rennie Place, Dunpender Road
Mr Craighead reported that 21 replies to the survey had been received. 16 of these were in favour of speed cushions and 5 against. The 54 non-returns are to be taken as “yes” responses as stated in the letter to residents. Two pieces of correspondence were received expressing anti- speed cushion views. (See 11.18 & 11.22) Mrs Priest will reply to these.
Mr Craighead also reported that the traffic slowing markings on Drylaw Hill, coming into East Linton, have worn away. ELC to be advised of this.
4.3 Questionnaire
The Council looked at the draft results result of the questionnaire, which was distributed with the most recent Dunpender News. Although the response was low only 99 returns, the Council was delighted with the presentation of the results done by Ms Pooley. To be discussed next time.
The Council also agreed that taking up Louis Crook’s offer of editorial space in The East Linton & District Advertiser would be a good idea.
4.4 Beachwatch
Mr Russel had an email from Suzanne Roberts to say that Dunpender Community Council has officially adopted Tyninghame Beach. The Annual Beachwatch Survey will take place at Tyninghame Beach on Saturday 17th September at 10am.
4.5 Tyninghame Junction
Ms Boyd has spoken to Colin Baird [ELC]. The survey has been done and the island is to be removed altogether, creating a regular T-junction. The work for this is in the contract for the resurfacing of the East Linton to Tyninghame, to be carried out later this year.
4.6 Builder’s rubble in school field
Landscape & Countryside told Mr Craighead 6 weeks ago that they were in touch with the builder re. the cleanup. As nothing has happened, Cllr Broun-Lindsay will make enquiries.
Mr Robson informed the Council that the Grants Account balance is £27,780.95 as ELC have not yet charged for the paths. The Current account balance is £13.99.
£545, which was incorrectly credited to the Grants Account, should have gone in the Current Account. Mr Robson will attend to this.
(See 11.17) The head librarian has requested funds for an extra notice board at East Linton Library. Mr Robson will get a costing from Mrs Burns. The Council agreed that up to £200 could be allocated for this.
(See 11.10) White Paper on modernising the Planning System, will be passed on to Ms Stephen.
(See 11.16) The finalised Local Plan has arrived. It details:
· a local housing allocation for 50 houses at Orchardfield
· the safeguarding of land for a potential railway station at Orchardfield
· East Linton conservation area to include part of Bank Road, School Road, the Primary School, the park and playing fields and the house “The Orchard” opposite the Surgery. The Surgery itself will be removed from the conservation area.
· The safeguarding of land to extend the cemetery at Prestonkirk.
Comments on the plan may be made up until 20th September.
There has been no word about the proposed takeaway at 3 High Street.
8.1 Paths
Mrs Boyd reported that Forward Scotland made a visit to the Hailes Path and were worried regarding the state of it. More detailed plans and costs are required before they can make a decision. Nick Morgan has taken it up and will organise tenders for the work. Mrs Boyd will continue to liaise with ELC.
The money from Scottish Natural Heritage has come through for the Stories Park path, but planning permission has not yet been granted. The grant will not be given without it. This could take up to 8 weeks. AC to investigate.
Nick Morgan and Mrs Ferguson have redone the costing for the Stories path and the revised cost is £10,830, initially, with interpretation boards and a second bench to be added later. £3000 has been obtained from the Community Environmental Fund, leaving £7830 still needed.
Stonelaws Path is very overgrown in places. Cllr Broun-Lindsay pointed out that there are maintenance grants available. Alternatively, a voluntary group could be organised to go out and cut the weeds back.
8.2 The Square
Mrs Priest reported that one bench is in place and the other, which was originally donated by the Foresters, is temporarily in the Community Hall garden. It could be relocated at Phantassie Doocot or at Tyninghame. It was felt that two matching benches would be appropriate for the Square.
Mrs Boyd pointed out that the bus stop in Tyninghame is in need of a bench. Mr Craighead will have a look. Also, the village pump is in a poor state of repair and needs attention. Mrs Boyd will find out to whom it belongs.
8.3 The Fountain
The fountain in the Square is now working. Mr Govan will be paid from DCC’s budget to maintain it, while the lights will remain the responsibility of ELC Property. Status of repair not known JP to enquire.
8.4 Scotland in Bloom
East Linton is in the finals. The result will be announced on 14th September.
8.5 Entrances
Planting plans were discussed at a meeting on 19th Aug with Ms Stephen, Ms Mackenzie, Mr Affleck, A.Hogarth and Transportation. It was decided that juniper would be planted in the middle of the new roundabout at Phantassie and birches added in the spring.
Ms Mackenzie’s idea for the entrance signs is a stone pillar type sign, which would reflect the old field gateposts, drawings not yet available.
8.6 Street signs general maintenance
Reports received of various signs in the village needing repaired, for example the Braeview sign. Mr Craighead to compile an inventory of street signs that need attention.
Regarding Railway Bridge 66, Railtrack will not paint it.(11.14) The question of lighting on the footbridge needs to be referred to the local authority.
There was no Youth report tonight.
Ms Cosgrove reported that RAGES are still waiting for an engineering survey regarding the railway station, which was due in June.
Cllr Berry added that there would be new rolling stock for the North Berwick line within the next 4 months.
11.1 SEPA View June 2005
11.2 SEPAView July/Aug 2005
11.3 What on Earth (FOE Newsletter Summer 2005)
11.4 Postwatch Scotland Summer 2005
11.5 Homefront Spring 2005
11.6 ELC Minutes 21/6/05
11.7 Network (Orange newsletter) Spring 2005
11.8 Bass Notes Summer 2005
11.9 ELC: Traprain law Annual Report & Management Plan
11.10 SE: Modernising the Planning System (White Paper)
11.11 ELC: Draft Cultural Strategy. (Ms Kilpatrick to look at)
11.12 Forestry Commission: Consultation on Review of Scottish Forestry Strategy
11.13 Beachwatch Sept 05
11.14 Network Rail: Repainting of bridge (refused)
11.15 ASCC: Community Council involvement in Community Planning. (Ms Cosgrove to look at)
11.16 ELC: Finalised Local Plan
11.17 Library: Request for funding for noticeboard
11.18 Mr & Mrs R Adam: Traffic calming Dunpender Road
11.19Mrs E Kilpatrick: Application to join DCC (Whitekirk vacancy)
11.20 Mr D Bates: various issues, including bus service anomalies.
11.21 Mr D McLean: Bus service and tourism. The Council agreed that bus services need to be looked at as a whole. To be discussed at next meeting.
11.22 Mr J Johnston: Traffic calming in Dunpender Road
There will be a School Board meeting on13th September at East Linton Primary School.
The prizewinners were drawn from a hat for the Wordsearch in summer’s Dunpender News. They were Mrs C Black and Linda Young.
Mr Robson reported from the Lafarge Committee Liaison Meeting. The new SO2 scrubber is in place.
Ms Stephen will now be a signatory for the current account.
Mr Russel noted that the railing on the white bridge between Preston Mill and Phantassie needs repaired. Mr Craighead will deal with this.
Ms Kilpatrick was voted onto the Council and will be informed of this decision.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th of October 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |