Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 06-2005
Minutes of meeting held on 2nd June 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Boyd, Mrs M Alder, Mr Robert Russel, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Ingram, Ms J Pooley

In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Kevin Hughes

1.0       APOLOGIES Cllr D Berry, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs J Ferguson

Ms Boyd noted that section 8.2 should read “Ms Boyd is chasing up Nick Morgan to get funding”.
Otherwise it was agreed that the minute of 31st March was a correct record of the meeting.
Again, the period between the last meeting and now has been relatively quiet, with few incidents of note, although I will report the following: -
There have again been numerous calls to an address in the High Street regarding anti-social behaviour.  I did mention this in the last meeting and the only update with regards to the ASBO is that it has been decided that it would be unenforceable with current legislation.  Because of this, other lines of enquiry are being looked into. 
On the 10th of May the back door to an address in the High Street was found to be damaged although it is not sure if this was the result of an act of vandalism or accidental.
On the night of the under 18’s disco the 14th of May, plain clothed officers who were on patrol as part of an ongoing initiative in the Dunbar area observed a teenage male who was heavily under the influence of alcohol.  As he was falling into the roadway he, for his own safety was placed in a police car to be conveyed home.  Whilst within the car he became violent and abusive towards the officers.  Damage was also caused to the police vehicle.  A report has been submitted as a result of his actions.
Later that evening another youth, who had consumed two bottles of Buckfast was checked out by the Ambulance service and was later conveyed home by the plain clothed officers.
Both of these incidents were not directly linked to the disco and no further complaints or incidents were reported that night.
On the 26th of May a call was received regarding cattle running loose on the A199 at Pencraig Hill.  After a short time the cattle were herded off the roadway.  This happened again a few days later.  It appears however, that a wall has been damaged deliberately, which has allowed the cattle to make good their escape.  Enquiry is being made into this.
On the 1st of June an engine on a Virgin train from Birmingham to Edinburgh between the Markle crossing and East Fortune caught fire.  200 passengers included a disabled person were safely evacuated and conveyed by coach for the rest of the journey.  No injuries were reported.
A transit van with expired tax was reported having been abandoned in a parking bay at Preston Kirk House.  The council has been informed and a 7-day ticket placed on it.  The van however has since moved, I do not know its present whereabouts.  If it appears back I will contact the council again.
I have received complaints regarding speeding motorbikes near to Tyninghame.  I have contacted the traffic branch regarding this and unmarked police bikes will be used in an effort to combat this.
Does anyone have knowledge of the owner of the tin shed on the playing fields at the Primary School?  It is empty at the moment and doesn’t seem to be serving any purpose other that to shelter the local youths.  This is in response to an enquiry by Mr Wilson, the Head Teacher at East Linton Primary School.
Finally the local poachers are hitting the Tyne hard at the moment.  I am trying to get together with the local wildlife liaison officer based at Haddington and the water bailiffs to try and combat this.  Could I ask that you spread the word and ask dog walkers and ramblers to be vigilant and keep an eye out for suspicious persons, nets, blue rope, anything, which may be a marker for a net, anything that appears to be out of place.  If there are any concerns could the Police be contacted with accurate directions so it can be checked out.
Mr Robson reported receiving complaints from mothers in Brown’s Place about speeding traffic. PC Hughes will attend with his radar gun.
4.1              Election of Office-Bearers
Chairperson: Judith Priest proposed by Ms Boyd. Seconded by Mrs Alder.
Vice Chair: Patricia Stephen proposed by Mrs Priest. Seconded by Mrs Alder.
Treasurer: John Robson proposed by Ms Stephen. Seconded by Ms Pooley.
Secretary: Margaret Alder proposed by Ms Pooley. Seconded by Ms Boyd.
4.2       Vacancy
It was agreed that Liz Kilpatrick of Newbyth would be invited to apply to join the Council. Laura Mackenzie of Tyninghame is to be co-opted to help with landscape and drawing work.
4.3       Traffic Calming, Rennie Place, Dunpender Road
The “slow – children playing”signs have been ordered. (See 10.1)
The department of Transportation have said that speed cushions could be installed in certain residential streets in East Linton. (See 10.2)
Mr Craighead will distribute a letter to the residents of Rennie Place and Dunpender Road informing them of the results of his survey and adding that as speed cushions have now been offered free of charge, are there any objections to this going ahead?
4.4       Communications/Community Webnet
A questionnaire is to be distributed with Dunpender News. The results will be published in the following issue.
4.5              Tyninghame Junction
Ms Boyd will email Peter Forsyth to say that the junction at Tyninghame junction is still confusing.
4.6              Dunpender News
As well as the questionnaire,  it was agreed that Dunpender News could contain a flyer for an outdoor production of Romeo and Juliet at Preston Mill. The Scouts  will be distributing the News within the East Linton area.
Mr Robson informed the Council that the Grants Account balance is £28,387.24. The Current account balance is £1176.88
Money is still to be paid out for Paths and the Square work.
The Whittingehame finger post signs are going ahead. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will liaise with Peter Forsyth.
Ms Stephen informed the Council that the field at the Phantassie entrance to the village has been sown with wild flowers. Next year the area at Allan’s garage could be done when the junction has been realigned.
Ms Stephen mentioned that she had noticed very pleasing wooden equestrian signposts near Spott. Miss Ingram to find out about these.
There has been a proposal to turn the Ark into 4 houses. The parking situation will be queried.
There has been a neighbour notification of a proposed tea-room and hot food takeaway at 3 High Street. The Council agreed there were concerns regarding smells, litter, noise, antisocial behaviour, hours of opening and the fact that there is another tea-room two doors down. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will write to Planning.
8.1 The Square
The stonemason, who was supposed to start work on the Square on Monday, has been ill.  He is to be contacted re an early start.
(See 10.8) Anna Davidson, a resident of the Square, contacted the Council regarding the water in the fountain, which has not yet been switched on. According to Ian Govan, it needs cleaning out and there are Health and Safety issues. Ms Stephen will chase this up.
The lighting for Jessie the clock has not been working for a while. According to Ian Govan, who winds the clock, there are also problems with the clock winding mechanism and Health and Safety issues regarding the rickety ladder. Mrs Priest will write to Property and ask about the lights. Ms Stephen will speak to Mr Govan.
8.2 Entrances
The Council needs to put in a proposal for the entrances. Laura Mackenzie is working on this.
8.3 Scotland in Bloom
The judging will be at the beginning of July. Groundcare will be coming to do some planting. Mrs Priest informed the Council that the Horticultural Society has done a pallet garden for the Gardening Scotland Show at Ingliston, which is an excellent promotion for the village.
(See 10.4) An email from S Holder brought to attention the field area behind the school playground, which is not mown by the Council due to the rubble left behind by the builders who did the School extension. Mr Craighead to look into this.
8.4 Paths
Nick Morgan has not managed to get funding for repairs to the Hailes Path from Scottish Natural Heritage. The Ranger has costed the work at £7000. We have a grant of £2185 available. Mrs Priest will write to ELC to discuss funding.
Ms Ingram reported that the disco on 14th May went well, with significantly less trouble. She had a suggestion for a concrete/brick shelter at the back of the park which would provide youngsters with a place to sit and which they could part-fund themselves. Mrs Priest will discuss this with ELC.
10.1          ELC (email) C Baird (Transportation) – Traffic Calming
10.2          ELC Transportation: Traffic calming Dunpender Rd / Rennie Place
10.3          ELC Heritage Forum 16th June – Ms Cosgrove likely to attend
10.4          S Holder (email): Builders rubble in school field
10.5          AGM Assn ELCC’s 15th June
10.6          Bass notes May 2005
10.7          ELC: fountain repairs
10.8          A Davidson (email): Jessie lights/fountain
10.9          A Cosgrove (email): Whittingehame signpost, RAGES etc.
10.10      ELC: notice of cabinet meeting
10.11      ASCC April 2005 newsletter
10.12      Local Govt Boundary Commission: review of electoral wards
·The orange pipes are still there. Mrs Alder will write again.
·Mr Craighead informed the Council that the Bill Brodie memorial seat would be in place by Gala day, but there were no plans for an unveiling ceremony. Mrs Priest will email Andy Baker to tell him the bench has been arranged.
·Mr Russel has contacted the Marine Conservation Society re the Adopt a Beach campaign. The Council, in conjunction with Suzanne Roberts from Keep Scotland Beautiful, will adopt Ravensheugh Sands. This involves 4 cleanups/surveys a year.
·Ms Pooley reported that ELC charged Law Primary £1000 to hire their marquee for the school fair. Cllr. Berry has asked her to ask the Council what they think about charging for marquees. It was agreed that a nominal fee is acceptable, but that it should be free for schools.
12.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st of September 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.