Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 05-2005
Minutes of meeting held on 5th May 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs M Alder, Mr Robert Russel, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Ingram

1.0       APOLOGIES: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr D Berry, Ms J Pooley, Ms A Cosgrove, PC B Leslie, Ms J Boyd
Ashley Ingram, who has been co-opted as a youth member, was welcomed to the meeting and introduced to Council members.
Mr Robson noted that the actual figure in the Local Priorities account was £8450. Otherwise it was agreed that the minute of 31st March was a correct record of the meeting.
            There was no police report tonight.
4.1       Vacancy/AGM
Mrs Priest reported that Ms Pooley knows of someone from the Newbyth area who is interested in joining the Council. Laura Osborne from Tyninghame is also interested. Mrs Priest will write to them both.
It was decided to hold the AGM on 2nd June, before the usual meeting in the Council chambers.
4.2       Traffic Calming, Rennie Place  
Mr Craighead will distribute the results of the survey next week. Mrs Priest has written to Mrs O’Donnell, who made the original request for traffic calming. She has also written to Peter Forsyth enclosing a copy of the survey results and requesting “Slow - children playing” signs.
4.3       Communications/Local Channel/Community Webnet
Mr Russel has looked at the Community Webnet website and found it useful and informative. He will put DCC’s details on it.
4.4       British Gas’ orange pipes at Pencraig
Transco are due to come and remove the orange pipes. Meanwhile, local people have been helping themselves.
4.5              Tyninghame Junction
No progress to report.
4.6              Dunpender news
Ms Stephen informed the Council that the forthcoming issue would have a questionnaire insert instead of the local information insert.
The focus will be on outdoor pursuits. The member profile will be on Jan Ferguson following her success with the Paths project. The contents will include an editorial, articles from the History Society and the Horticultural Society, a map of the dog bins in the area and information about the Ranger walks over the summer.
Mr Robson informed the Council that the chequebook, bank statements, etc. are with the accountant for the audit at present.
The Grants Account balance is £30,092.24. £37,391 has been paid to ELC for the park.
The Current account balance is approximately £330.13.
The allocation for 2005/06 is £545.40.
£600 is needed for the Paths leaflet, although £750 has been received from ELC towards it.  £600 also needed for the Bill Brodie memorial bench.
The owners of 1 High Street have applied for planning permission to build a house in their garden.
A portaloo is in place by the doctor’s surgery. Portacabins are to be erected for use by visiting staff to the surgery.
8.1 Leaflets
Another 10,000 East Linton leaflets are to be printed and will be distributed in Edinburgh. 5000 leaflets will be hand distributed in East Lothian.
Council members agreed to hand distribute the Paths leaflet in campsites, hotels, sports centres and visitor attractions in the area.
8.2 Paths
It was agreed that the Paths launch was a great success with a good turn out.
Mrs Boyd is working on getting funding for repairs to the Hailes Castle Path.
The Stories Park Path needs funding of around £20,000. Mrs Ferguson will try the Community Environmental Fund and Scottish Natural Heritage. Other possible sources of funding might be the Aggregate tax or Landfill tax.
Nick Morgan is looking at the route above Markle Fishery. The white bridge across the Tyne between Preston Mill and Phantassie needs repaired and a handrail up to the field is required. Mr Craighead to look at this. More work is needed to finish the path by St Baldred’s well, Ms Stephen/Mrs Shaw Stewart to see to this.
8.3 Square
The cobbles have been approved so work on the Square can begin. 
8.4 Fountain
Scaffolding is available from a variety of sources for the repair to the light. The fountain is the responsibility of ELC. Mrs Priest to write to Property to discuss who is going to pay for the work.
            8.5 Park – hut/bench
Mr Craighead reported that the skysurfer has been repaired and is back in place.
The memorial bench has been ordered and should be in place two days before the Gala. The existing bench can easily be repaired and is to go at the bottom of the park.
Regarding the football hut, Mr Dickson, who previously ran the football club, would like to repair it. The hut is being vandalised and used as a toilet. If it is not being used as a football hut, the Council agreed it would be safer to demolish it. Mrs Priest will look into the matter.
            8.6 Scotland in Bloom
Mrs Priest reported that oak planters are being made for the High Street. At Smeaton Lake, 40 tree surgeons are to undertake remedial work. The Horticultural Society are entering a pallet garden promoting East Linton at Scotland’s Garden Show at Ingliston.
            8.7 Entrances
Work should start on the entrance at Phantassie at the beginning of June. Ideas for alternatives to the’ wishing well’ style entrance signs are still needed.
Ms Ingram reported trouble at the last disco, which required the Police to be called. They were unable to come for half an hour, during which time the trouble increased. Drink was seen as the main problem.
The next disco will be held on May 14th. The age limit is to be reduced to under17’s only and the intention is to have more supervision and a better level of control.
10.1          Bass Notes April 2005
10.2          People against litter ; poster/ membership info
10.3          ELC Countryside Forum 18th May. Mr Russel and Mrs Priest to attend.
10.4          SEPA view March 2005
10.5          FoE: What on Earth Spring 2005
10.6          NHS: Outcome of Public Consultation
10.7          ELC: Tenant Participation Strategy document
10.8          Tesco: Investing in East Lothian
10.9          Communities Scotland conference
10.10      ABEL : AGM 1st June 2005
10.11      ELC : £750 grant for walks leaflet
10.12      Forestry Commission corporate plan
10.13      Calor Scottish Community of the Year 2005
10.14      Changes Newsletter April
10.15      Scotways Newsletter
The AGM /next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd of June 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.