Minutes of meeting held on 31st April 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr B Craighead, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs M Alder, Mr Robert Russel, Ms J Boyd
In attendance:
1.0 APOLOGIES: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr D Berry, Ms J Pooley, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J. Robson, Ms P Stephen, PC R Leslie
It was agreed that the minute of 3rd March was a correct record of the meeting.
There was no police report tonight.
Mr Howden of Drylaw Terrace had phoned to report having his bumper kicked and his hubcaps stolen one night recently. Mrs Priest has encouraged him to report the incident to the police.
4.1 Vacancies
The Council is still looking for a new member, ideally from the Tyninghame or Newbyth area. It was agreed that word of mouth is the most effective means of arousing interest and members will continue to ask around. Mrs Priest will write a press release for The Courier.
4.2 Traffic Calming, Rennie Place
Mr Craighead produced the survey results. He reported a return of 59%. It had been previously agreed with ELC that 75% in agreement would be required for speed bumps to be installed.
31% of the total were in favour of “Slow Children playing” signs and this will be suggested to Peter Forsyth. Mr Craighead will distribute survey results to the residents. Mrs Priest will write to Mrs O’Donnell, who made the original request for traffic calming.
4.3 Burial Grounds
Mrs Shaw-Stewart was not present to report on communications with Dunbar Community Council regarding a crematorium.
4.4 British Gas’ orange pipes at Pencraig
Mrs Alder reported that she had received a letter from Balfour Beatty to say that Transco has agreed to uplift the pipes in the next week or two.
4.5 Communications/Local Channel/Community Webnet
Mr Russel will look at the Community Webnet website.
4.6 Tyninghame Junction
A Give Way sign is now in place on the triangle at the junction. It was agreed that a sign to indicate where to go is also required. Mrs Boyd to phone.
There was no Treasurer’s Report tonight.
There is £8454 in the Local Priorities budget for 2005/6.
Mr Craighead has priced memorial benches. Flat packed benches are lower in price, but it was agreed that something sturdier would be required. A hardwood bench with a plaque is available from ELC, which costs £600 including installation. It was agreed that this would be suitable. Mr Craighead will contact Linda Herkes at ELC to arrange for installation before Gala Day. Mrs Priest will liaise with the Gala Committee regarding the inscription.
There were no planning matters to discuss tonight.
8.1 Leaflet
It was agreed that the East Linton leaflet would be given a modest EAE distribution in Edinburgh this year 10,000 leaflets to be printed. Remaining
5000 leaflets to be hand distributed in East Lothian and Tourist Info Centres.
8.2 Paths/Paths Launch
Mrs Ferguson produced new proofs of the paths leaflet. A suitable cover photo is still required. The improvements, e.g. larger typeface, were agreed to be successful. Mrs Boyd and Mrs Priest will proof read and help with captions for photos. Mrs Priest has asked ELC [Community Services and Economic Development] to share the cost of producing/printing the leaflet [£1500].
Mrs Ferguson and Ms Pooley met with Donna McArdle, who agreed to provide a marquee at Preston Mill for the launch on 16th April. The neighbours will be consulted because of potential parking problems. Possibly parking at the Stables will be available. [J Priest to check]
A pre-launch meeting will be held on Thursday 14th April at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers. It was agreed to spend some money on face paints and biodegradable balloons for the launch, as well as biodegradable dog waste bags to distribute on the day.
Refreshments will be served in the marquee tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. It was agreed that this would be complimentary.
The launch will begin at 2.30pm, tea will be served at 3pm and Mr Russel will lead a walk along the Knowes Path at 3.30pm. Mr Pooley will lead a cycle party on the Stonelaws route.
The St Baldred’s path has been tidied up begun by Mr Russel and Mrs Priest, then followed up by Mrs Shaw Stewart who arranged materials and labour to drain and build up the path. More gravel is needed on the path and this will be done as soon as possible.
The Hailes Path is to be repaired in the new financial year.
8.3 Square
. Work should begin on the Square in the next week or two.
8.4 Fountain
Mr Craighead has liaised with Mr Govan and contacted electricians. The contractor, Mr Grigg, requires scaffolding before he can remove the top of the fountain to check the electrics. Apparently the light is repairable and needs rewired. The estimated cost will be £70 for materials, plus time, plus the cost of the scaffolding. Mrs Priest will contact the Drama Group regarding a source of scaffolding. The issue of how to pay for the repairs will be debated once we have an idea of the full cost.
James Sandie, who previously repainted the fountain, will be asked to quote for painting it again.
8.5 Entrances
Work on the entrance at Phantassie should begin in early June. The new streetlights will be continued as far as Phantassie Cottages and Orchardfield.
The standard ‘wishing well’ design of signpost has been costed in for the east and west entrances. If the Council wishes to consider alternative ideas, we must move quickly.
8.6 Bins
Mrs Priest reported that the new litterbins are now in place. The question of green wheelie bins being left out on pavements in the High Street was raised, as they pose an obstacle to wheelchairs, buggies, disabled people, etc. Mrs Alder will write to Stuart Pryde regarding this matter.
8.7 Park hut
Mr Craighead found out from Dave Kerr (Senior Amenity Officer), that the community owns the old football hut. He recommends that we write to ELC to request that it be demolished. Mrs Priest will write to Maree Johnston.
The newly reinstalled sky surfer is broken. The manufacturers will replace it.
Ashley Ingram, who has been invited to join DCC as a co-opted youth representative, was not present at the meeting.
There was a bit of disturbance at the last disco. Broken glass was found in the school playground and hidden in the bark chips in the playpark. To be discussed with Community Policeman.
10.1 Beachwatch 2004 (Marine Conservation society)
· The next meeting falls on Election Day. It will go ahead as usual.
· Mr Craighead is doing a survey of usage of the park as part of feedback required by the grant.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th of May 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |