Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 03-2005
Minutes of meeting held on 3rd March 2005
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr B Craighead, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms P Stephen, Mrs M Alder, Mr Robert Russel
In attendance:

1.0       APOLOGIES: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr D Berry, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Boyd, PC K Hughes
2.0              MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 3rd, 2005
It was noted that in section 8.2 regarding paths, Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mrs Boyd would liaise over the work on the Hailes Path.
Since the last meeting it has thankfully again been a quiet period for the Dunpender area.
1        There is still an ongoing problem at an address in the High Street regarding neighbour problems. This is being addressed but is progressing slowly.
2        On 02/02/05 there was a suspicious caller at a house in Orchardfield about 21:00 hrs when this male caller enquired about newspaper deliveries. It is thought that there may have been another male nearby.
3        On 11/02/05 at The Community Centre Colin Stewart had reason to call regarding a young girl from Haddington who was attending the Disco there.
4        The girl was drunk and he had called an ambulance. The girl’s mother was eventually coaxed to attend and she uplifted her daughter.
5        We have a report of the theft of 2 mobile phones from one girl’s coat, which was left unattended at the Disco at the Community Hall.
6        On 11th Feb a mobile phone was taken from the shop Sunflowers Beauty Salon. The phone had been left on the desk in the shop and it was taken by persons unknown.
7        On 21/02/05 a report was received about children being in the Toilets at the Park. Not known if any recent damage caused at that time and enquiries are in hand.
8        There have been concerns raised about the speed of vehicles especially motor cycles on the A198 past Tyninghame.
This unfortunately is part of the route taken by many motorcyclists who use the A198 road from Longniddry down through Aberlady and North Berwick and back to the A1 via Tyninghame.  
The better weather will bring an increase in their numbers; at the loss of the geese we gain the speeders.
Approaches have been made to the local Traffic Dept and also a unit based at Fettes who use unmarked motor cycles to catch the culprits.
There was a local resident caught speeding recently on the A199 and I hope that he tells all of his co-bikers to slow down.
4.1       Vacancies
The Council is still looking for a new member, ideally from the Tyninghame or Newbyth area.
4.2       Traffic Calming, Rennie Place  
Mr Craighead informed the Council that the survey has now been handed out to the 75 houses involved. He is awaiting the response.
4.3       Update of constitution
Mrs Priest has gone through the constitution again and she and Ms Cosgrove have added a few things to it. This will be circulated to the Councillors and the amended constitution adopted at the AGM in June.
4.4       Communications/ consultation
Ms Pooley told the Council that the questionnaire would be delivered in June with the Dunpender News. Regarding the possibility of editorial space in a proposed monthly advertising leaflet, the Council decided to wait and see the leaflet before making a decision. A new national community website has been started – The Local Channel– Mr Russel to look at. (see 10.18) 
4.5       Burial grounds
No further progress on this but it was agreed that we communicate with Dunbar Community Council about the idea of a crematorium in Dunbar. This was agreed to be a good idea. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to write?
4.6       British gas’ orange pipes at Pencraig
Mrs Alder reported that neither British Gas nor Balfour Beatty had agreed to move the pipes. She will write to Balfour Beatty again and possibly involve The Courier.
In Mr Robson’s absence, Mrs Priest reported a current account balance of £685. The grants account balance is £21,682.
There is £659 in the Local Priorities budget at present.
·        (see 10.5) Mrs Burns requested more funds to complete the required bookends for the library and it was agreed that this would be appropriate.
·        The Gala Association contacted the Council (see10.7) wishing to mark Bill Brodie’s contribution to East Linton Gala Day. They are would like the Council’s help with a memorial in the park such as a bench. Barry Craighead will price benches with plaques.
·    Some finance will be required for the Paths leaflet, Mrs Priest and Mrs Ferguson to investigate sources.
·        For the Council’s consideration, Mrs Priest mentioned the site near the Dr’s surgery, which was originally meant for light industry, but which could be a possible site for sheltered housing, affordable housing or houses with workshops.
·        Ms Pooley reported that the Planning application to knock the wall down in Whitekirk had been refused.
·        Ms Stephen reported that the Housing Sub-committee is trying to get a meeting organised with Alec Brown, an architect in Stenton, to produce some drawings of acceptable housing schemes.
8.1 Paths
·        Mrs Ferguson produced a draft of the Paths leaflet. A few minor changes were agreed upon, but it was generally considered to be very pleasing.
Mrs Ferguson suggested April 16th to hold a Paths Opening day at Preston Mill, possibly with stalls from groups such as the Ramblers, Scottish National Heritage, Paths to Health etc. Tom Shearer, (Head of Community Well-being), Maree Johnston and the dog warden will also be contacted regarding the Open Day.
Jill Mackay at ELC to be contacted to help with publicity – e.g. a press release in the Courier.
Ms Cosgrove will be asked to check Public Liability Insurance.
Refreshments will be available – Mrs Priest and Mr Craighead to organise.
Posters will be required for the village.
Mrs Ferguson also produced favourable statistics from the Path Counter. They show that 59 people used the Knowes path in the February before the path was upgraded. 419 people used the path in the February after the work was completed.
Mrs Priest again thanked Mrs Ferguson for her hard work.
·        Regarding litter/dog waste bins, these are required outside the library, along at Phantassie and in the playpark in Longstone Avenue. It was noted that the dog-waste bin in the park by Bank Road had been emptied and the contents thrown at a neighbouring house. It was suggested that this bin be moved further from the houses. Mr Craighead to approach ELC.
·        Mrs Boyd has spoken to the Pathways Officer regarding the Hailes Path. He has suggested waiting till April and he will try to find a grant to add to ours to make a proper job along the Hailes path.
·        It was noted that the path between St Baldred’s well and the little bridge is muddy and dangerous. Mrs Alder will get quotes for the work
8.2 The Square
The price for improving the Square will be around £9000. Work should start soon and will be done by J Hamilton.
Mr Craighead met with Mr Govan regarding the fountain. They will meet with an electrical contractor next week to discuss repairing the lamp which is badly corroded. A report will follow.
8.3 Entrances
Work should start on the entrances before the year end.
8.4 Leaflet
Mrs Priest reported that there are 5000 East Linton leaflets left. It was agreed to restrict circulation this year – prices for reprint and circulation to be advised – as the cost and impact of the Paths leaflet has to be considered. The East Linton leaflet will be redone next year now, not this Spring as intended.
8.5 Mr Russel informed the Council that a new 30mph sign is in place at Preston Mill, that the ivy on Preston Road has been cut back and that nothing has happened regarding the Tyninghame junction.
Ashley Ingram has expressed interest in being a youth representative and is to be approached about being a co-opted member.
10.1          PTA: Quiz team – not enough members available to form a team.
10.2          ELC: Meeting Traprain Law advisory Group / AGM Report
10.3          ASCC: Edin and Lothians meeting 18th June
10.4          Postwatch Scotland
10.5          EL Library: bookends
10.6          ELC: Draft Antisocial Behaviour Strategy – MS Cosgrove to be asked to respond.
10.7          Gala Assn.: memorial bench
10.8          Antisocial Behaviour conference
10.9          Comrie CC : Support for Scottish Action on Tetra Radio System
10.10      ELC: meeting John Muir Country park Advisory Group
10.11      SNH: Scottish Outdoor Access Code – copy and leaflets
10.12      SE: Review of Marches and Parades
10.13      EL Housing Assn. Annual Report
10.14      EL Care and Repair Annual Report
10.15      Standing Up to Antisocial Behaviour Awards info.
10.16      Cllr Berry: copy letter re fishmeal manufacture at Kamehill
10.17      Consultation by Ofcom on public phoneboxes
10.18      Info on the Local Channel, new website
Mr Craighead mentioned that the old football hut in the park has been vandalised, used as a toilet and the equipment has been destroyed. Mrs Priest will contact the Sports Department to find out whom it belongs to.
12.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be on Thursday 31st of March 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. Due to holidays very few members would be available on 7th April.