Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 02-2005
Minutes of meeting held on 3rd February 2005
at Tyninghame Village Hall
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms J Boyd, Mrs M Alder, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr Robert Russell
In attendance: PC K Hughes

1.0       APOLOGIES: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr D Berry, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms P Stephen

Mrs Priest welcomed Mr Robert Russel of the Dean, East Linton, to the meeting.
Mr Robson pointed out that in the Treasurer’s Report, the balance in the current account was 96p short. Otherwise it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Again, the period between the last meeting and now has been very quiet, with few incidents of note, although I will report the following:-
There have been a total of 8 calls to an address in the High Street regarding anti-social behaviour.  I did mention this in the last meeting and have no update with regards to the ASBO.  
On 9th January, a male was arrested and reported for a minor assault at Drylaw Terrace.
On 20th January, a motor vehicle in McCall Gardens was broken into and a Goodmans CD player and a number of CDs were stolen.  No lines of enquiry, at present, are open regarding this.
On the 26th January at Kingsburgh Gardens, an assault and breach of the peace occurred.  There is a named suspect.  Enquiries are being made to trace him. 
On 2nd February, a suspicious occurrence took place outside an address in Orchardfield.  Around 2056 hours, a male described as being in his 30s and well built, who kept his head down and his face partially covered, asked if the occupier had ordered any papers for in the morning.  The male has not gained entry to the house and it is thought a second male may have been nearby. 
Can I take this opportunity to remind everybody regarding suspicious or unexpected callers, particularly during the hours of darkness.   Please ensure you use a spy hole, if you have one, or a window, which gives you a view of the door.  If you do have to open the door, make sure you use a security chain first and always check the ID of the caller.  If you are not happy, do not let them in.  If you think they are suspicious, contact the Police as soon as possible with a description and a direction of travel.
With regards to the road accident on the 16th January at Pencraig Hill, the Incident Room and Enquiry Team at Haddington are still working hard to solve this crime.  Any information, no matter how trivial, please contact Haddington Police Station and ask for the Incident Room.
4.1       Vacancies
Mr Russel, a retired biology teacher with many interests, particularly outdoor pursuits, was invited to join the Council in the vacant East Linton seat. Mrs Priest informed the Council that one member is still required, from the Tyninghame and Whitekirk ward. It was agreed that someone with computer skills who could help in areas such as the websites would be ideal.
4.2       Lorries in Whitekirk
Ms Pooley reported that although lorries still go through Whitekirk, there are not nearly as many as before and this matter seems to have resolved itself.
4.3       Traffic Calming, Rennie Place
Due to Mr Craighead’s absence this will be carried over to the next meeting.
4.4       Update of constitution/ policy statements  
The constitution is being typed, so this will be distributed shortly.
The policy statements are as follows.
Environmental policy
DCC recognises the principle of sustainable development where the economy, community and environment flourish together. According to this principle DCC will do its best to:
a) ensure that natural resources are used wisely.
b) encourage activities and technology that benefit the environment including pollution control and recycling.
c) conserve biodiversity  by enhancing habitats and protecting species.
d)  protect and promote our environmental heritage
e) seek expert advice and consult with interested parties on decisions affecting the environment.
 Equal Opportunities policy:
DCC undertakes to promote equal opportunities through the elimination of discrimination between persons on grounds of sex or marital status, on racial or ethnic grounds, or on grounds of disability, age, sexual orientation, language, social origin, or other personal attributes, including beliefs or opinions, such as religious beliefs or political opinions.
4.5       Communications/ consultation
Ms Pooley will compile a questionnaire for the June edition of Dunpender News. Conducting a longer, qualitative survey was also considered to be useful.
4.6       Burial grounds
Mrs Shaw-Stewart met with Cllr Berry, who does not regard the lack of burial grounds as a great problem at the moment. She will write to Stuart Pryde to pursue the idea of a new crematorium.
4.7       British Gas’ orange pipes at Pencraig
Transco have been contacted regarding the pipes at Pencraig, each contractor is blaming the other and Mrs Alder is continuing to make phone calls regarding this matter.
Mr Robson reported a current account balance of £2274.96. The grants account balance is £20751.18.
£20,000 is still due from Viridor for paths.
Mrs Priest suggested buying computer paper, envelopes and stamps for the Council members to help towards expenses incurred.
·        It was agreed to support the East Linton Arts, Crafts and Flower show with some money. [£200 from current account] 
·        The library has made a request for funding for new bookends for the shelves and a box of musical instruments for “Bounce and Tickle”. It was agreed that the Council would meet the cost. [max £100, LP account]. At Christmas, Mrs Burns, the Librarian, offers sherry and mince pies to library users. It was agreed that at Christmas DCC would apply and pay for the £10 occasional license. Also offer Mrs Burns a small cash budget of £50 to cover seasonal extras and small expenses currently paid from her own pocket.
·        Tyninghame Hall committee requested a 50% contribution towards a total of £1000 for new curtains and worktops in the kitchen. £500 [current account] was agreed.
·        There were no Planning Applications to report.
·        Ms Pooley is awaiting developments regarding the wall at Whitekirk.
She also mentioned that the new Council Planning website is very good.
8.1 Bus Shelters
The new bus shelters are in place at Orchardfield and outside East Linton Community Hall.
8.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that the proofs for the Paths leaflet would be ready at the end of February. There are seven definite routes and possibly eight if a difficulty with the path near Markle Fisheries can be resolved. There will be a small narrative for each walk, including notes from the Local History Society and Mrs Ferguson has a disk of photos. Various possible covers for the leaflet were circulated among Council members. Mrs Ferguson suggested a possible path opening date as April 1st – this will be confirmed next meeting. Mrs Priest thanked Mrs Ferguson for her hard work. Mr Russel offered to proof read the Paths leaflet.
It was suggested that Tyninghame coffee shop would benefit from a brown sign like the one for Knowes Farm. The Community Council could pay for this.
As yet, no one has been found to fix the steps on the Hailes Castle path and Mrs Shaw-Stewart said she would find a suitable person.
8.3 The Square
Mrs Shaw-Stewart informed the Council that she has received one quote for the stonework on the Square and is waiting for other quotes. The fountain needs rewired and Mr Craighead has offered to get quotes for this.
8.4 Entrances
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will chase up Laura Mackenzie to draw plans for the entrances. Mrs Priest will take up the issue of the lights on the Tyne Bridge with ELC.
8.5 Park
Mrs Priest reported that one piece of equipment has been removed to have the welds checked. This should be back in place next week.
There was no youth report tonight.
10.1          C. Ballance MSP: invitation to tour Scottish parliament
10.2          Bass Notes Jan 2005
10.3          E L Arts, Crafts and Flower show Society: request for funds
10.4          EL library: request for funds
10.5          R.Russel: re vacancy
10.6          Changes Jan Newsletter
10.7          Scotways Newsletter
10.8          SE: Analysis of Consultation on Rights of Appeal in Planning
10.9          Tyninghame Village Hall Committee: request for funds
·        The new membership card for Scotways is to be held by Mrs Ferguson.
·        Mr Russel noted that the bench at St Baldred’s well has very high slabs under it. Several elderly users have found getting up off the bench difficult because of this.
·        An East Linton resident is interested in starting a monthly advertising leaflet. He would like to use the Community Council’s map and offer them an editorial space. The Council will give this some consideration but agreed to the use of our map.
·        The draw for the winner of the Wordsearch in the December Dunpender news was made, from an encouraging number of correct entries. James Black wins the malt whisky, Romaine Strang wins lunch for two at Votadini’s and Annette McLean wins a cut & blow dry at KC Styling.
12.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd of March 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.