Minutes of meeting held on 7th October 2004
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms J Boyd, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms P Stephen, Ms T Crane, Mrs M Alder, Mr. B Craighead, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Bob Leslie
1.0 APOLOGIES: Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J. Robson, Mr J Stephenson, Cllr. D. Berry
Section 4.7 should read, “Mr Stephenson and Mrs Boyd will develop an environmental policy” Otherwise it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Leslie informed the Council that the month of September had shown a dramatic increase in the number of thefts in the East Linton area after such a good summer period..
On 4th/ 5th September a plate glass window at Anderson’s Butcher’s shop was broken. A possible sighting of two young men but no identification was made.
On 5th/ 6th September a trailer was stolen from Rutherford’s in Dunbar Road. The security to the compound was overcome and a wheel clamp forced off the trailer wheel.
On 18th September an early morning slip in theft occurred about 07.30 hrs when a house in the High Street was left for a short time and the door was not locked. A purse and a quantity of money were stolen.
On 20th/ 21st September at Smeaton Nursery a quantity of plants were stolen overnight in what seems to have been a ‘Steal to Order’ theft.
28th/ 29th September a diesel tank at Rutherford’s in Dunbar Road was forced and a quantity of fuel stolen.
30th September An argument between a couple in Orchardfield occurred and as a result a male has been charged in relation with this and a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.
30th September /1st October the garage premises situated at Dunbar and Haddington Road East owned by Mr Higgins were broken into. One or two items were stolen but the culprits did not manage to get away with much.
Enquiries are ongoing regarding these crimes.
Mrs Ferguson asked PC Leslie about the attempted abductions of children in the Dunbar area, which have been reported in the local paper and much talked about.
PC Leslie informed the Council that a man in a car had spoken to a boy from West Barns. The boy ran away. Ten days later, a girl claimed to have been approached by a man in a car, but this turned out to be an innocent event. PC Leslie considered there to have been a lot of irresponsible discussion of the West Barns incident.
4.1 Dunpender News
Articles for the December issue need to be in by the end of October. These can be sent to Mrs Priest, who will forward them to Ms Stephen and Ms Pooley. It was agreed that hand delivery is best as it ensures that every household in the Dunpender area receives a copy. Mrs Priest will compile a word search.
4.2 Recycling Bins for Whitekirk
Ms Pooley reported that Gillian Wilson, Services Officer for ELC, would help locate a suitable site for recycling bins in Whitekirk.
4.3 Traffic Calming, High Street
Mr Stephenson has approached the School Board for a member to be co-opted to join the sub-committee, as their input would be useful. The sub- committee consists of Mr Stephenson, Ms Crane and Mrs Priest.
4.4 Speed Bumps Rennie Place
Ms Crane and Mr Craighead are compiling a survey to canvass opinion in the Rennie Place/ Dunpender Road area.
4.5 Update of constitution/ policy statements
Mr Stephenson has worked on the constitution. Ms Cosgrove has been developing an Equal Opportunities policy. Mr Stephenson and Ms Boyd have been developing an environmental policy. Copies have been circulated to be discussed next meeting.
4.6 Communications/ consultation
It was agreed that an article in Dunpender News describing what the Community Council actually does would be a good idea.
It was felt that performance needs to be measured somehow.
Ms Pooley suggested that a series of door-to-door interviews would be a good way of finding out what people think. She will produce a questionnaire.
4.7 Public Toilets
The problems with the public toilets lights on all the time and broken disabled arm have been looked at by the contractor.
There was no Treasurer’s report.
· The Council agreed to contribute £1179 to the development of the Park. Mrs Priest will sign the grant acceptance form.
· £100 will be given towards the cost of framing the Royal Scots Flag, which has now been hung in the Community Hall. (see 10.18)
· £100 will be given to East Linton Babies, Mothers and Toddlers to help with funds. ( see10.20)
· The Council were informed of a planning application for Orange phone masts at Phantassie and Markle.
· The Planning Officer has contacted Ms Stephen regarding a possible green burial ground in Binning Wood. Ms Stephen has written to the Planning Office asking various questions about burial grounds, for example, who maintains them?
Dunpender Community Woodlands Trust has no objection to the possibility of a burial ground in the wood.
· The planning sub-committee intend to do some daylight site visiting. It was suggested that a professional planning advisor would be helpful. The sub-committee will have a meeting at Mr Stephenson’s house on the 3rd November at 7.30pm.
· The question arose of the position at Kiloran House as a double garage has been built without planning permission.
· Planning permission has been requested for houses at the old Torness Motors workshop site by the railway.
· The Highway department is still against the creation of workspaces at St Andrew’s Kirk because of parking problems.
8.1 Scotland in Bloom
Mrs Priest reported that East Linton had got to the final of Scotland in Bloom and had won the Linton Trophy for Permanent Landscaping, which was tabled. Congratulations were extended to David Affleck and the Horticultural Society.
8.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that the Fresh Futures application had been unsuccessful due to concerns that developing the Tyne Path at East Linton would be detrimental to native flora. ELC Biodiversity Officer has done a report showing that this would not be the case. She will resubmit the application. Work is underway on the Drylawhill path and soon to start on the Tyne path. A design for walkers’ report cards to monitor the paths was tabled. Mrs Ferguson will also work on the copy for the Paths Leaflet, which will come out in spring and apply for funding for this. Mrs Boyd has applied for funding for repairs to the Hailes Path.
8.3 Park
Mrs Priest and Mr Craighead applied to CERS for funding for much needed new play equipment for the Park. Mrs Priest was delighted to inform the Council that the application has been successful and that CERS has awarded £34,096 for this purpose. The Council was shown pictures of the equipment to be installed, which should be in place by Christmas.
8.4 The Square
The planning application for the Square will be resubmitted, with a pavement added in to the drawings. Ms Cosgrove will report on the lights on the fountain next meeting.
8.5 Entrances
Drawings are available of the plans for the entrances to East Linton. There will be an exhibition in the library to be seen to by Peter Forsyth.
Mrs Alder reported that the road that used to go up to Sunnyside at the right turn to Hailes still has not been blocked off.
There was no youth report tonight.
10.1 HADAS AGM notice
10.2 Changes Newsletter Sept 04
10.3 Postwatch Autumn 2004
10.4 Bass Notes Sept 04
10.5 Network: Orange Newsletter
10.6 Traprain Law Advisory Group Minutes/ agenda
10.7 John Muir Country park Advisory Group Minutes/ agenda
10.8 Orange: application for phone masts at Phantassie
10.9 Orange: application for phone masts at Markle Farm
10.10 Adopt a Beach info/ Strandline Autumn 2004
10.11 SE : Scottish Rural Partnership Fund
10.12 ELC: Invitation to East Lothian Cultural Strategy consultation day
10.13 NHS Lothian Consultation: invitation to meeting
10.14 ELC: Emails re Binning Wood Burial ground proposals
10.15 Co-op: Correspondence re selling of newspapers
10.16 SE: Consultation on Water Services reminder
10.17 R.Russel: Junction Tyninghame/ A198
10.18 Community Assn: Request for share of banner display case cost
10.19 EL Horticultural Society: Costs for Scotland in Bloom project
10.20 Babies and Toddlers : Request for funds
· Mr Craighead brought up the subject of dog fouling which was agreed to be very bad at present. If anyone is spotted not cleaning up after their dog, and can be identified, contacting the community police officer will result in a fine being issued.
· Mr Craighead also mentioned that although the new extension to the school is complete, the builders still have not tidied up the rubble.
· Mrs Priest has asked ELC for the rubbish bins to be reshuffled, having a larger one at the recycling area where at present there is a small one, which is always full, and adding a bin at the Library.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 4th of November at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |