Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 09-2004
Minutes of meeting held on 2nd September 2004
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Boyd, Mr J. Robson, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr J Stephenson, Ms T. Crane, Mr B Craighead
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Bob Leslie

1.0       APOLOGIES: Ms J Pooley, Mrs M Alder, Ms P Stephen, Cllr. D. Berry, Ms L Shaw-Stewart
Mrs Priest introduced the new member, Ms Trish Crane, and welcomed her to the Council.
The minute of June 3rd 2004 was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Leslie informed the Council the summer period for this year had been a good one in respect of crime committed in the East Linton area.
There has been a significant decrease in the number of motor vehicles which have been broken into. This has been the case generally for the whole of the Haddington Police group area. An initiative called Safe Summer ran in conjunction with another, which covered golf clubs, car parks and beauty spots where the public would park their vehicles. These areas were checked on a regular basis and, possibly as a result of this, the number of thefts has fallen dramatically in comparison to last year. We cannot, however, be complacent on this matter and will have to maintain our effort in this area.
From our records, we have one break-in to a car reported for this year’s summer period.
There have been several vehicular accidents in the area surrounding East Linton and last Sunday a motorcyclist was killed near Drem. Accident figures, however, are encouraging.
The work being carried out at the primary school attracted the local children and several calls resulted from this but with little or no real problems. Most calls were resolved at the time of attending. Some minor damage had been caused but on the whole there was not a great deal to cause concern.
There have been and continue to be several calls of complaint from residents in the High Street with regard to some of the residents. Matters are in hand for the Police to work in conjunction on this with East Lothian council. Unfortunately the process does take time to work through and hopefully it will resolve the matter. This involves antisocial behaviour orders and the Housing Department.
There was a break into a house in Bank Road where a quantity of jewellery was stolen. This enquiry has been passed on to a House Breaking enquiry team.
This year a number of complaints have been made in relation to nudist bathing on the beach at Tyninghame. Sometimes these are reported a day or two after the event but individuals have been spoken to and warned, although they denied any involvement. From enquiries made it is apparent that this has been happening for some time, possibly a year or two, but with very few reports being made to the Police. Hopefully the colder weather will play its part and the number of instances should decrease.
4.1       Dunpender News
It was agreed that the new look Dunpender News was a big success and the pullout information section widely appreciated. There were 14 entries for the Wordsearch and the winner was Liz Ingram of East Linton.
4.2       Recycling Bins for Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Mrs Boyd informed the Council that the recycling bins are now in place in Tyninghame. She has done a leaflet drop to inform people.
Whitekirk still needs to agree upon a suitable location for the bins.
4.3              Traffic Calming High Street
Mr Stephenson reported on the findings from the System 2000 survey. An average of 4000 cars a day passed through the High Street and only two were recorded to be travelling at excessive speeds. The busiest time was between 5-6pm, followed by 6-7 p.m. and 1-2 p.m. Mr Stephenson will write a resumé of the survey.
There was an informal meeting in June between Mr Stephenson, Mrs Priest and Peter Forsyth [ELC] to look at ideas/options for calming traffic in the High Street. Narrowing the road at the Crown Hotel and Robin Dickson’s office to create a priority system is not possible. There is no suitable place for cars to wait, due to the junction with Bank Road and potential further loss of parking spaces.
Another option which might slow traffic would be to create a possible 12 parking spaces opposite the Community Hall by losing some of the grass. However, there are two memorials in this area and losing grass is generally unpopular.
Mr Stephenson and Ms Crane were invited to form a sub-committee to investigate traffic calming options for the High Street and a member of the School Board is to be asked to join them. The School Board will be sent a copy of the traffic survey.
Mrs Priest will answer a letter from D. Bates giving comments on traffic calming in response to the suggestion in the Dunpender News (see 10.23).
4.4       Speed Bumps Rennie Place
Ms Crane and Mr Craighead will take this up and conduct a series of door to door visits in Rennie Place and Dunpender Road to find out what people think.
Mr Robson mentioned a that a resident of Drylaw Terrace has asked for the yellow lines between the fire station and Kingsburgh Gardens to be removed due to parking difficulties. This is not possible.
4.5       Bus Shelter - Orchardfield
The request for a bus shelter at Orchardfield has been added toTransportation’s list.
4.6        Training for Members
Mrs Priest informed the Council of various training opportunities available for Community Council members.
4.7       AGM/Update of Constitution
The Council decided to hold an AGM at the beginning of June. Prior to this, the Constitution will be updated. Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Boyd will also develop an Environmental Policy and Ms Cosgrove and Ms Crane will develop an Equal Opportunities Policy.
4.8       Communications/consultation
Mr Stephenson will contact Dan McLean to offer help with the Dunpender website. 
Mr Robson reported a balance of £3017.73 in the current account and  £6064.54 in the Grants account.
There remain a number of outstanding invoices from advertisements in the Dunpender Community Council tourist leaflet.
The Youth Club will be restarting in the near future. The £200 that was kept in trust will be required for this.
(See 10.8) a letter from East Linton Library thanked the Council for money for new noticeboards and bookends.
(See 10.24) A letter from East Linton Playgroup was received to thank the Council for the generous contribution towards funds. It was spent on a water play centre and other new equipment. A photograph will be provided for Dunpender News.
The Council will lay a Remembrance Day wreath as usual. Mrs Boyd will go to the service.
The Council Chambers door was installed today. It was agreed to be a great improvement.
£300 will be given to the Girl Guides to help fund an International Camp. The Council would like feedback from this.
Ms Crane agreed to join the sub-committee along with Ms Stephen, Mr Robson, Mr Stephenson and Mrs Shaw-Stewart. They will be discussing what type of housing development the residents of East Linton are prepared to accept.
Cllr Broun-Lindsay reported that the planning approval for office spaces at St Andrew’s Church is on hold pending negotiations with a local landowner regarding possible parking spaces by the Bowling Green.
It was noted that building work has started in the grounds of Kiloran.
·        Mrs Ferguson reported that there has been a 3?-week delay, but work on the Drylawhill to Stonelaws path will begin next week.
She has also contacted Lord Haddington re a new stretch of path east of A198 to connect the Tyne path with the John Muir Way and is awaiting a response.
The Fresh Futures application for funding for the Stories Park path has been submitted.
Mrs Ferguson suggested that a rota system for local walkers would help to monitor the paths for litter, drainage, etc. once they are completed.
The Hailes Castle path steps are still broken and the area under the new bridge is very boggy and rubble makes it difficult to cross. Mrs Priest suggested that the Community Environmental Fund would be a possible source of funding for the repair to the steps and Ms Boyd undertook to send in an application.
·        An application has been submitted by Mrs Priest and Mr Craighead to CERS, the fund from the aggregate levy, for funding of £42,181 for the new playpark. The decision date is 24th September.
·        The new tourist leaflet has been printed and distributed.
·        Mrs Shaw-Stewart will resubmit the amended planning application for refurbishment of the Square. Cllr Broun-Lindsay had been told that repairs to the fountain lights could cost £1700. It was agreed to put this work in motion and Ms Cosgrove agreed to contact ELC Property Services.
·        The new street signs are now ready. Property will put them up.
·        Mr Forsyth has said that the junction work will be completed this financial year. Still waiting to hear about the exhibition for the entrances. An email from Mr & Mrs Dignan of Orchardfield was received (See10.22), saying that through traffic has greatly increased in their street, due to people accessing the A199 from there. They have been informed of the planned changes to the junctions.
·        Mrs Priest reported that East Linton is in the final of the “large village” category of Scotland in Bloom, winners to be announced on 15th Sept.
·        The first phase of the new streetlights is complete and they seem to have proved very popular.
·        (See10.19) Scotways have completed the Lammermuir Hills Walks project and a leaflet is now in circulation. The Stoneypath Tower section, which is in the Dunpender area, is included in this.
There was no youth report tonight. The Youth Club will be restarting in the near future. It is hoped that some young people may be interested in helping with the website.
10.1          ELC: Invitation to Annual Tour of John Muir Country Park
10.2          MELD AGM notice
10.3          FoE: What on Earth Autumn 2004
10.4          Bass Notes Summer 2004
10.5          SEPA View Summer 2004
10.6          Postwatch Summer 2004
10.7          Strandline Summer 2004
10.8          East Linton library: thanks for noticeboards / bookends
10.9          Planning Aid Scotland Newsletter
10.10      Vodafone Mast consultation
10.11      EL Local History Society re paintings. Dunpender Community Council is in agreement with what ELC has decided.
10.12      School Board minutes May and June 2004
10.13      Homes for Life AGM notice – 15th September
10.14      SE: Consultation on ‘ Maintaining Houses – Preserving Homes ‘
10.15      SE: Consultation on Water Services
10.16      Water Customer Consultation Panel meeting 16th September
10.17      Scottish Water Consultation Code and Sustainability Report
10.18      NHS Lothian: Changes to Out of Hours GP Services
10.19      Scotways: Lammermuir Hills Paths Project
10.20      ELC: Appointment system for Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths
10.21      Cllr Berry: Recycling facilities Tyninghame/ Whitekirk
10.22      Mr & Mrs Dignan: traffic in Orchardfield (email)
10.23      D Bates: traffic calming comments
10.24      Playgroup thank you letter
10.25      Children’s Panel: annual recruitment campaign
10.26      Signpost to funding
·        Mr Robson reported from LaFarge Cement that they have had 949 days accident free, that the NW quarry is now completed and shall be allowed to go back to nature and that the new sulphur dioxide scrubber will lead to an increase in the production of synthetic gypsum.
·        Mr Robson also reported that the East Linton sign at Thistly Cross roundabout has been removed. This cannot be amended at present as the dual carriageway is being built.
·        Regarding the new public toilets in East Linton, the lock in the ladies’ is giving rise to problems – children are getting locked in. In the gents’, the disabled arm is broken. Ms Cosgrove to report this to ELC.
·        Ms Cosgrove informed the Council that she has been asked to be on the panel of Leader Plus.
12.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be on Thursday 7th of October at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.