Minutes of meeting held on 8th January 2004
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Pooley, Ms P. Stephen, Mr J. Robson, Mrs J Boyd, Mrs M. Alder
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. D. Berry, P.C. Hughes
1.0 Apologies: Mrs J. Bishop, Mrs L. ShawStewart, Mrs A. McLean, Mrs J Ferguson
2.0 In the minute of 4th December 2003, two amendments are necessary.
Section 12.3 should read that Ms Stephen had been to a meeting with ELC and not Miller homes.
Section 12.4 should read that the Feasability Study for the opening of East Linton station will be funded by ELC, Scottish Borders Council and the Scottish Executive.
The Minute was otherwise agreed to be a correct record.
PC Hughes wished the Council a Happy New Year and gave the report for 4th December 2003 8th January 2004
07/12/03 The ongoing complaint of a certain individual parking their vehicle and trailer dangerously in McCall Gardens was again highlighted. The trailer was moved on Police request.
11/12/03 A fraud was carried out at Rutherford’s on Dunbar Road. A male ordered a trailer and paid for it with a cheque belonging to a company in liquidation. Enquiry is ongoing. The trailer is valued at £1,850.
15/12/03 The theft of a mobile phone was reported from the Community Hall. This has since been returned.
17/12/03 High visibility foot patrols were carried out in the village. No incidents were reported.
18/12/03 In response to complaints of speeding through the village, Traffic Warden Gordon, PC Brown and I carried out a road check at Drylaw Terrace. 41 Vehicles were stopped and the drivers made aware of the complaints. No offences were detected.
18/12/02 A complaint was received regarding a young male riding a motorbike in the area without a helmet. He was not traced. I have received another complaint recently regarding this male and I am looking into the matter.
19/12/03 Complaints received regarding a vehicle leaking oil onto the roadway outside DJ Malcolm newsagents. This vehicle has now been moved from the High Street and the owner warned.
26/12/03 A disturbance was reported on the High Street. Two vehicles were damaged as a result of this. The male responsible is known and the matter is being dealt with.
28/12/03 Another disturbance was reported, this time outside Braeview. The matter was resolved prior to Police arrival.
03/01/04 Complaint of teenagers throwing wheelie bins about the street. The area was searched, but no trace found of the youths.
03/01/04 A vehicle in Preston Road had its rear windscreen smashed whilst it was parked in the driveway of the house. No persons seen, enquiry is ongoing.
06/01/04 As a result of a swan hitting a power cable a sub-station exploded causing power cuts to 20,000 people in the Gullane, Aberlady, Haddington, Dunbar and East Linton. Power was quickly restored. This resulted in house alarms sounding when reactivated.
Mrs Priest thanked P.C. Hughes for his report.
Mrs Boyd raised the question of speeding in Tyninghame. Many vehicles travel very fast through the village. PC Hughes explained that it is not possible to set up an official speed trap due to a lack of officers trained in the use of a radar gun. However, it is possible for one officer to sit with the radar gun and issue warnings, charge drivers with careless driving, etc. PC Hughes has agreed to look into the problem.
A letter had been received from a resident in McCall Gardens (see11.15), complaining about commercial vehicles parked in their street whose owners do not live there. PC Hughes pointed out that no offence has been committed unless the vehicle is causing an obstruction. He has spoken to the person involved and hopefully the situation has been resolved amicably.
A letter has been received from the School Board (see 11.5) regarding dog fouling in the park and playing fields. There are new regulations regarding this issue but PC Hughes stated that so far there have been no cases brought. There are plans to enforce the laws once the posters etc are available from ELC and the Dog Warden will be brought here to catch dogs out loose in the street.
4.1 Website
The message board has now been removed from the Dunpender Community website. There is, however, a notice board where local information may be displayed.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Priest informed the Council that the second part of the grant for paths has been achieved. The Council congratulated Mrs Ferguson on her successful effort. Mrs Priest asked Ms Pooley to write a short note on the Whitekirk walk for the website.
4.3 Chambers Door
The Chambers door has been approved. It will be painted green.
4.4 Dunpender News
Mrs Priest thanked those responsible for Dunpender News. Ms Cosgrove reported that someone from the BBC had been in touch with her re the article on the Rail Action group in Dunpender News.
4.5 Edinburgh Congestion Charging Proposals
At the recent meeting, the views of Dunpender Community Council were put forward. East Lothian Council has agreed not to slam the door on the proposals and will continue talks with Edinburgh City Council. There will be a Public Inquiry in the spring.
Cllr Berry informed the Council that the bus service to the New Royal Infirmary is to be improved.
4.6 Speed Bumps Rennie Place
Cllr Broun-Lindsay reported that it would not cost more than £5000 to create speedbumps in Rennie Place. ELC will fund some of the project.
Accurate figures are required before a letter can be forwarded to the Dunpender Road and Rennie Place residents saying how much they may need to pay. Cllr Broun-Lindsay to supply these figures.
4.7 Community Councillors’ Job Description etc.
It was decided that it was unnecessary to produce a Code of Conduct for Councillors, but that Ms Cosgrove and Ms Stephen would produce a Job Description.
5.1 A copy of the ELC Affordable Housing Policy was circulated among members. (see 11.2)
5.2 The Council was consulted regarding a proposed Vodafone mast at Markle Mains. Mrs Alder to reply.
5.3 Regarding the fish meal plant at Kamehill, objections have been received from residents of Newbyth and the owner of woodland at Kamehill about the smell. A permit from SEPA is required for this plant and the neighbours do not want this to be granted. Ms Stephen to write to SEPA on behalf of the residents in the area. DCC would like to be kept informed of the matter.
5.4 The Old Steading at Tyninghame Links is to be sold for housing.
There was no report tonight.
Ms Cosgrove reported a bank balance of £5209.48, which includes £3000 for the square. It was decided that the new account, which has been set up, should be for all Grant Money. This account will contain £3000 for Paths and £3000 for the Square, leaving a balance of £2209.48 in the Current Account.
It was agreed that Mrs Priest should receive £100 towards phone calls, printer ink, etc.
· Mrs Priest asked if the Horticultural Society and Longstone Avenue Residents’ Association had received their money yet. This needs to be checked.
· The PTA has agreed to supply strips for the football team.
· The requested paperback stands are now in place in the library.
· Regarding improvements to the Park, Cllr Broun-Lindsay reported that he had arranged funding of £2000 from the Local Initiative Scheme. This could be used to key in money from elsewhere. Mrs Boyd will write to Balfour Beatty requesting a donation. She is working on an application to Fresh Futures.
· It was agreed that the Christmas lights had been a success. The lights in the Square went off, possibly due to damage to lights on the Crown’s tree. A surge protector may help prevent this happening again. New bulbs are also needed for some of the trees. Mrs Shaw Stewart to be asked to investigate.
10.1 Streetlights
Brian Cooper, Road and Network manager, has placed the order for Phase One of East Linton’s streetlight project High Street and Square. Bill Kelly, Lighting Officer, needs to be contacted to check what has been ordered for Phase Two- the Bridge.
10.2 Junctions
Development of junctions with the A199 [former A1] is being held up by the sale of the piece of land at the west exit. .
Lauder Place residents have been asked what they prefer for the junction of Lauder Place and the existing A1. Awaiting reply.
10.3 The Square
Still awaiting a Neighbourhood Information Point sign on Votadini and a drawing for the new design for the Square.
10.4 Viewpoint
There will be a meeting of the expressway project engineers on 19th January at which Balfour Beatty could be asked to landscape the quarry.
A letter will be sent to Ray Montgomery and Maree Johnston to suggest this, or at least to ask Balfour Beatty to clear rubbish from the quarry .
10.5 Street Signs
As no comments have been received about the new street signs proposed in Dunpender News and on the website, it was decided to go ahead and order them from Borders Council Sign Shop.
11.1 Postwatch Scotland Winter 03/ 04
11.2 ELC Affordable Housing Policy Report
11.3 EL Drug and Alcohol Action Team posters
11.4 Water Customer Consultation Panels
11.5 EL School Board re dog fouling in the park and playing field
11.6 Friends of the Earth renewal notice it was agreed to renew the membership
11.7 Bass notes
11.8 Strandline ( Marine Conservation Society )
11.9 ELC: environmental trends
11.10 ELC: notice of meetings
11.11 Conference: Planning for Scotland’s success
11.12 ELC: Consultation on Freedom of Information Act. Ms Cosgrove to respond
11.13 Scottish Executive: Motorway Regulations and A1 Expressway. Ms Cosgrove to respond
11.14 Stappard Howes: Vodafone mast at Markle Mains [Mrs Alder]
11.15 D McLean: vehicle parking in McCall Gardens
11.16 ELC: Burial Grounds Strategy. To be discussed next meeting, then Mrs Pooley to repond.
11.17 L Shearer: suggesting free dog dirt bags [to be investigated]
11.18 C Stewart email: resignation from DCC. It was the view of the meeting that the Council would like him to stay until the elections in May. His contribution is much valued. Mrs Priest to write.
The A1 Fun Day on 14th March was discussed. Teams interested in fundraising will pay £5 per adult or £28 per team of six to Save the Children. Details on DCC website.
Thursday 5th February at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |