Minutes of meeting held on 6th November 2003
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A. Cosgrove, Mr C. Stewart, Ms J. Pooley, Mrs J. Bishop, Ms P. Stephen, Mrs M. Alder, Mrs J. Ferguson, Mr J. Robson
In attendance: Cllr. L. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. D. Berry, PC Bob Leslie
1.0 Apologies: Mrs L. Shaw-Stewart, Mrs Janet Boyd, Mrs A. McLean
2.0 Section 11.0 of the Minute of the previous meeting held on October 2nd 2003 should read:
Mr Stewart informed the Council that the plans are in for the play area and invited Council Members to join him and Mrs Bishop to view them at his house next Thursday at 7.30pm. The following week Mrs Bishop and he intend to visit various groups and ask children for their opinion.
Otherwise, the Minute of 2nd October 2003 was agreed to be a correct record.
PC Leslie reported that PC Hughes is on paternity leave following the birth of his daughter. He then gave the report for October 2003.
3.1 Two youths tricked their way into the house of an elderly lady when they asked for her assistance to retrieve a ball, which they claimed to have kicked into her garden. A cash box containing only paperwork, which had been taken from her house, was found nearby with the contents still within.
3.2 3-4 local youths are believed to be responsible for the assault and bullying of visiting youths to the village. Steps have been taken with regard to this, individuals spoken to and warnings administered. Further efforts are being made to have this behaviour stopped.
3.3 There have also been reports of youths firing a BB gun in the village. Warnings have been given against denials of involvement and again, this is being monitored. Parental support has been given when dealing with this complaint.
3.4 Complaints of a minor nature have been received from the Longstone Avenue/Rennie Place area regarding a house window being knocked, the culprits running off and a FOR SALE sign being damaged.
3.5 Plain-clothes patrols in the village by police (PC Hughes and Brown) resulted in two visitors to the village being searched and reported for possession of illegal substances.
3.6 A site meeting took place in relation to the positioning of two new bus Stops, which are to be near Miller’s Deli and The Crown.
4.1 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that the application to Leader Plus has been successful and that an award of £22,500 has been granted. She will now approach Viridor Landfill Tax Credits for a further £20,000. The remaining balance of around £3000 will most likely be funded by Scottish Natural Heritage.
Cllr Norman Hampshire will be approached for assistance with the Viridor application as the Dunbar Community Development Trust is registered with Entrust already.
ELC have suggested setting up a separate new bank account for Paths, considering the large sums of money involved. The Council agreed that this would happen and that any two of Mrs Priest, Ms Cosgrove and Mr Robson would be the signatories.
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that when the application to Viridor has been done, she would concentrate on the Linn Rocks path.
Mrs Priest suggested that descriptions of the various paths could be being written now in preparation for the leaflet, which will come out when the paths are completed. Mrs Ferguson will write these, apart from the path from Whitekirk to Stonelaws, which Ms Pooley will undertake.
4.2 Viewpoint/ Quarry at Pencraig
Mrs Priest informed the Council that she has spoken to Maree Johnston at ELC about the possibility of landscaping the quarry.
4.3 Tourist Signs on the new A1
Cllr Berry told the Council that the signs are to be as were discussed two years ago. North Berwick is concerned about the lack of signs to NB on the southbound carriageway. East Linton is to be well signposted.
4.4 Bus Stop in the Square
Mrs Bishop reported that she met with Cllr Broun-Lindsay, Alex Park, Colin Baird and two traffic policemen from Fettes Row to discuss the best site for the proposed bus stop. This is to be on the west side of the High Street, opposite the fountain and will be a two way stop. Three parking spaces will be lost.
4.5 Chambers Door
As Mrs Shaw-Stewart was not present, there was no progress to report regarding the Council Chambers door.
4.6 Dunpender News
Items that need to be included in the next edition are:
· The new interpretation panels with a photograph
· The new bus stop to be written by Mrs Bishop
· The pavilion work has now started
· Binning Wood to be written by Ms Pooley
Ms Stephen reported that the next edition should be back from the printers at the end of November.
NHS Lothian Annual report.
ELC notice of Meetings.
E Lothian Women’s Aid Annual report.
Community enterprise News.
Scottish water Annual Report.
ELC: Structure Plan Public Workshops.
ELC: Invitation to Heritage Forum.
Congestion Charging - AELCC meeting.
J. O’Donnell re speed bumps in Rennie Place.
Librarian: request for funding for East Linton Library.
E Linton Drama Group: request for funding.
ELC Planning: Christmas Trees.
Royal Mail: Single Daily deliveries.
East Lothian Access Panel.
ELLP: Community Planning Conference.
Ms Cosgrove gave Council members a copy of the year’s accounts following the audit by Becky Donald.
The current account balance stands at £3,912.78
It was decided that all the agreed expenditures should be paid as soon as possible,
leaving £500 for emergency applications. There have been two requests for funding, from the library and the Drama Group. The library needs two paperback stands money for this has already been allocated.
The Drama Group is putting on Oliver in February and needs running costs as fundraising attempts this year have been unsuccessful. It was agreed to give £400, from the current account rather than Local Priorities money.
The Community Environmental Fund has awarded £3000 for improvements to the Square.
Regarding Christmas Trees in East Linton and the difficulties associated with putting up brackets on listed buildings [corr. 12], Ms Stephen reported that she would be meeting Mr Nichol from ELC Planning to discuss this.
Mrs Bishop and Mr Stewart reported that Mr Wilson, head teacher at East Linton Primary School, was delighted that the children were approached to help choose a design for the new play equipment. A design has now been selected.
Proposals for further improvement to the park include;
· more trees for Memorial Walk
· two new flower beds for the bottom of the park
· more tree planting by the railway
· a new shrub bed by the toddler park
· the unsightly empty raised bed to be planted
· refurbishment of the tennis courts with a bench for viewing.
Applications for funding can now begin.
Regarding the lavender on Preston Road, the problem apparently cannot be dealt with until the road-salting season is over, i.e. spring.
Ms Stephen informed the Council of a proposed change of use of the old library from library to shop. There is also an application for a change of use from shop to office for the Miller’s Deli site. Mrs E Miller, who attended the meeting, informed the Council that the Deli would not be closing down.
Mrs Priest suggested that the cost of planning permission might sometimes be a deterrent to householders in the conservation area who were thinking of fitting new windows or repainting. She offered the idea that perhaps the Council could help with Planning Permission fees in visitor sensitive areas such as the Square. To be considered.
10.1 Landscaping of the Square
Mrs Priest showed the Council an outline proposal plan for the Square. The area under the tree will remain grassed, while the area round the fountain will be paved. New walling built with local stone will create a raised bed with the existing wall. The kerb will be dropped to allow disabled access and the bench seat will be moved. An interpretive panel is to be positioned in the Square, away from the tree to avoid its being covered in the black deposit. The planters will be relocated.
10.2 Junctions
Ms Stephen reported that there has been no word from Brian Couper about the junctions.
10.3 Street Signs
Information about the new street signs is available on the website and will be in Dunpender News.
Mr Stewart informed the Council that new games equipment for the Youth Club has now been bought and that there will be a Disco on November 15th.
· Mr Robson informed the council that he had received an email inviting him to register his support for Broadband for East Linton.
· Mr Robson reported that he had attended the bimonthly meeting at Lafarge Cement Works where production is up and the safety record is 660 days accident free.
· Mr Robson reported that the Drug Awareness meeting had been very informative and was a great success. A local librarian and publican amongst others attended.
· Cllr Broun-Lindsay informed the Council that a resident in Whittingehame has approached Balfour Beatty to use the expressway for a day in aid of Save the Children. They have agreed to this in March 2004 and local groups may be able to use this as a fundraiser. Now awaiting a contact meeting.
· Mr Stewart informed the Council that there would be a public meeting regarding a Flower Show on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30pm in the Community Hall.
· Ms Cosgrove informed the Council that she would attend the AGM of Transform Scotland in Edinburgh.
· Mr Robson brought a poster for the notice board regarding poachers, requesting that all poachers and pollution incidents be reported.
Thursday 4th December 2003 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |