Minutes of meeting held on 2nd October 2003
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A. Cosgrove, Mr C. Stewart, Ms J. Pooley, Mrs J. Bishop, Ms P. Stephen, Mrs A. McLean, Mrs L. Shaw-Stewart, Mrs J. Ferguson
In attendance: Cllr. L. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. D. Berry, PC Brown, PC Hughes
1.0 Apologies: Mrs M. Alder, Mr J. Robson, Mrs Janet Boyd
2.0 The Minute of the previous meeting held on 4th September 2003 was agreed to be a correct record. In section 4.4, however, Dunpender Community Woodland Trust should read Dunpender Community Woodlands Trust.
PC Hughes gave the report for September 2003.
April 2003
3.1 On 4th September a complaint was received regarding a possible drunk driver leaving the Crown Hotel after a disturbance with the licensee. The vehicle was not traced and no offences were committed at the Crown.
3.2 On 6th September an attempt was made to break into the Co-op by means of a jemmy or similar to the rear doors. Entry was not gained. There are no suspects at this time.
3.3 On 7th September an assault took place on Bridge Street involving a cyclist. Enquiry was made and as a result of this a male has been reported for warrant.
3.4 On the 15th September, sometime during the night, persons unknown threw plant pots and hanging baskets onto the roadway from the High Street and Mill Wynd. There was no permanent damage. This does happen from time to time unfortunately there are no positive lines of enquiry to take.
3.5 Again on 15th September a call was received via the Fire Service regarding a cooker alight at Lauder Place. Officers did not attend this call and fire service dealt with it accordingly. There was no serious damage or injury.
3.6 On 16th September persons unknown sometime during the night attempted to force entry to Torness Motors on Haddington Road. This was an unsuccessful attempt and the doors held. There are no suspects.
3.7 On 16th September a complaint was received regarding vandalism to a car parked in Langside. The vehicle was scratched with a key or similar.
PC Hughes reminded the Council that the Dunpender Website has links to the Community Police.
4.1 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that the money from the Community Environmental Fund would be used to signpost paths coming into the village. The path from Drylawhill to Stonelaws needs upgrading, as it is impenetrable in places.
The Tyne path to Knowes Ford also needs upgrading. Beyond this, where it crosses the A198, there is a tunnel already in existence, which could be used if an extra 400m of path were made. £50,000 is needed for this work.
Mrs Ferguson has made applications to Leader Plus and the Community Environmental Fund [second round] and we agreed that she should apply to Viridor Landfill Tax Credits.
4.2 Viewpoint/ Quarry at Pencraig
This viewpoint offers a 360 degree panoramic view of East Lothian and beyond. Landscaping of the quarry would enhance this area which could be a way of maintaining the old road as an important tourist route. Mrs Priest asked the Council to give this matter some thought. Various sources of funding may be available.
4.3 Drug Awareness Meeting
This will be held on 14th October at 7.00pm in the Council Chambers. People are welcome to attend especially publicans, librarians, youth workers, etc.
4.4 Tyninghame Hall
Since the sale of the estate, there is no-one to look after the hall. At present, Ian Rodgers of Tyninghame is taking care of bookings and Lord Haddington is dealing with the insurance. Ian Rodgers is assembling a group to make decisions about the future of the hall.
4.5 Bus Stop in the Square
Mr Stewart is investigating this and is due to speak to Alex Park [ELC]. Cllr Broun-Lindsay pointed out that the proposed bus stop is likely to be met with opposition from the residents of the Square.
4.6 Dunpender News
Articles for the Christmas edition need to be in by the end of October. Articles should be sent, preferably by email, to Mrs Priest. Last edition’s wordsearch puzzle was a success, with several winners. Mrs Priest will compile another for the next edition. Ms Stephen told the Council that she needs an understudy to help produce Dunpender News. Ms Pooley will take this on.
ELC notice of meetings.
ELC Copy of Biodiversity Action Plan.
Scottish Water/ Water Customer consultation
Marine Conservation society Autumn 2003 Newsletter
Changes Newsletter Aug 2003
Sept Newsletter from N MacCormick MEP
Homes for Life Annual Review
E L Horticultural Society re costs Scotland in Bloom.
Cllr Berry: Tourist Signing on A1 Expressway Cllr Berry feels the Council should check on what tourist signs are proposed for the A1 expressway. Ms Cosgrove offered to investigate as she went to the original meetings 18 months ago.
Mr C Stewart: proposal to run a Flower Show next August independently of the Horticultural Society. Mr Stewart asked for a donation or sponsorship from DCC to help finance it. The majority of members felt that DCC could not support a show unless it was done with the blessing of the Horticultural Society and Mr Stewart was urged to meet with the Hort Soc committee to discuss a way that this could be achieved.
Mrs McLean reported that the Disco last Saturday ran quite smoothly with no major trouble. The group are making a trip to the ice rink in the October week. They are planning a basic first aid session by the Red Cross, a drink and drugs awareness talk by MELD and a visit from the Community Police to talk about how young people should conduct themselves in groups. The Youth Club is awaiting the arrival of portable basketball nets.
Ms Stephen had nothing to report locally.
Ms Cosgrove reported that Becky Donald is presently auditing the books. The balance stands at £5570.24, which includes £3000 for signs. Foreseeable expenditures include around £2000 for the East Linton leaflet, £1400 for streetlights, £500 for paths, £500 for the Horticultural Society, £200 for Longstone Avenue and Stories Park Neighbourhood Watch signs.
There is £4558 in Capital Improvement money, now allocated to streetlights.
9.1 Mrs Shaw-Stewart pointed out that Whittingehame is badly in need of a new notice board. It was agreed that this should be replaced and also a laminator provided to produce rainproof notices. It was agreed also to provide Whitekirk with a laminator for the same purpose.
9.2 Regarding the front door of the Council Chambers, Major Fowler is no longer willing to foot the bill for this as planning permission has only been obtained for a standard panelled double door to match the flat upstairs and not the oak door he had envisaged. Mrs Shaw-Stewart volunteered to apply for planning permission for the oak door.
9.3 Ms Pooley informed the Council that the village hall at Whitekirk is being renovated at the expense of the Church.
10.1 Landscaping of the Square
Mrs Priest informed the Council that she has applied to the Community Environmental Fund for £3000. East Lothian Council estimate the cost of a basic smarten up to be around £8000. Suggestions for the improvement include removing the grass, which doesn’t grow very well under the tree and is hard to mow, keeping the cobbles round the fountain, re-cladding the wall and possibly planting it, dropping the kerb to allow disabled access to the interpretive panel and improved seating. Laura Osborne of Tyninghame has some design ideas for the Square and also does wild flower planting with swathes of colour, which could be appropriate for other areas of the village.
10.2 Parking in the Square
Mrs E Miller who runs the Deli in the Square was present at the meeting and voiced her concerns that the lack of parking spaces is losing her business. It was suggested that some short term parking spaces could be allocated in the Square.
10.3 Street Signs
Regarding the new street signs, Mrs Priest informed the Council that they would need to be placed high up to prevent the foil being picked off. Further consultation is needed to decide which ones to replace.
Mr Stewart informed the Council that the plans are in for the play area and invited Council Members to view them at his house next Thursday at 7.30pm. The following week he intends to visit various groups and ask children for their opinion.
· Ms Cosgrove reported that RAGES have information in The Courier about the lobbying campaign regarding improved rail services from Dunbar to Edinburgh.
· Cllr Broun- Lindsay reported that Robert Rollo and Sons should be starting work imminently on the pavilion.
· Regarding www.dunpender.co.uk, the Council was informed of recent developments and Dan McLean would like the groups to send him their information for the website. Mr Stewart reported that he has entered the website in the Calor Gas Community of the Year Competition.
· Cllr Berry informed the Council that there is a new winter timetable for the North Berwick to Edinburgh train service. The Sunday service from Drem has been improved but will not be running till November, until when there will be a bus service.
· North Berwick Day Care Association has a new 14- seater bus and is happy for groups to use it if they apply. There would be a small fee involved and a trained driver would be required.
· Ms Pooley reported that Whitekirk’s new interpretive panel has some glaring mistakes in the form of missed words and spelling errors. Ms Pooley to write a letter of complaint to Brian Simpson.
Thursday 6th November 2003 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |