Minutes of meeting held on 6th March 2003
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs J. Bishop, Ms P. Stephen, Mrs A. McLean
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. D. Berry, P.C. Cowan
1.0 Apologies: Mr J. Robson, Mr D. Harvey, Major T. Fowler, Mr C. Stewart, Mts L. Shaw-Stewart, Mrs M. Alder
2.0 The Minute of the previous meeting held on 6th February 2003 was agreed to be a correct record.
3.1 P.C. Cowan informed the Council that the stretch of road at Sheriffhall has now been resurfaced.
3.2 P.C. Cowan confirmed that the proposed speed calming signs at Tyninghame would have to comply with regulations. He will present the legal requirements in report form.
· On 15/2 a house in East Linton High Street was forcibly entered and cash and jewellery worth over £1400 was stolen. A local woman has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
· On 15/2 the police were called to a disco in the Village Hall and a youth was later assaulted in the High Street. The persons responsible have been traced and warned.
· The local youth club disco on 22/2 ran smoothly and without incident.
· A local woman has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal in relation to a break-in in McCall Gardens, East Linton.
3.4 P.C. Cowan informed the Council with regret that postmaster John Fleming collapsed and died on Tuesday 25th February.
Mrs Priest thanked P.C. Cowan for his report.
4.1 Vacancy
Mrs Priest reported that there had not been a single response to the advertisement in The Courier for the Beanston/Markle/Crauchie vacancy. She suggested that Council members might ask people from these areas directly if they would be interested.
4.2 Litter/Recycling.
A letter from Stuart Pryde (see 11.8) outlines the Litter Management initiatives, which reflect ELC’s zero tolerance attitude to litter. These include measures such as on the spot fines. We agreed to wait and see if these measures had any effect.
The National Waste Plan (see 11.18) addresses the issue of litter and waste on a national level copy received on 24/2/03. Cllr Berry informed the Council that at present East Lothian is achieving 5-6% recycling.
4.3 120 Bus Service
The 120 bus service will be resumed in full with a slightly altered timetable some time in April. Mrs Priest thanked Cllr. Berry for his intervention on this issue.
4.4 Post Bus
Regarding the possible loss of the Haddington- Whittingehame Post Bus service, Cllr Broun- Lindsay stated that there may be a change of bus to the area. Awaiting further details.
4.5 Bonfire/fireworks
Ms Stephen is to meet with the Gala Association and the Fire Brigade to discuss the problem of organising bonfire night. There are apparently plenty of volunteers willing to help but no one willing to take responsibility.
Ms Cosgrove reported a balance of £3997.93 in the account.
5.1 (see 11.16) ELC will no longer audit DCC’s books. It will be necessary to appoint an independent auditor and pay for it from now on. Ms Cosgrove agreed to find a suitable person.
5.2 (see 11.2) East Lothian Cardiac Rehab Group request for donation to funds. It was agreed that £100 was appropriate.
5.3 (see 11.4) East Linton After School Club request for donation to buy equipment. It was agreed that £250 was appropriate.
5.4 (see 11.11) Mid and East Lothian Drugs request for donation to funds. It was agreed that £100 was appropriate.
5.5 (see 11.12) Paths to Health project request for donation to funds. A donation has been withheld until the Council has thought out a Paths strategy.
The proposed signs at Tyninghame are to be paid for by Transportation.
6.2 Mrs Priest requested a litter bin to be placed outside the library with a metal tray on top for stubbing out cigarettes as at present the ground at the library entrance is littered with cigarette ends.
6.3 Discussion of a horticultural spend was postponed till next meeting due to poor attendance.
6.4 Still no progress to report regarding the new streetlights.
6.5 Peter Forsyth, the Senior Roads Officer, will rationalise existing signs in East Linton before the new signs regarding parking regulations go up.
6.6 The new interpretative panel in East Linton will be located in the Square. The kerbs in the Square will need dropped to allow for disabled access, which can be done as part of the general refurbishment of the Square. Brad Stone have said they are not interested doing the refurbishment, but Groundcare have offered to produce drawings.
6.7 The paint has been chosen for the front of the Council Chambers. Tam Fowler has offered to pay for McArthur’s to make a new door, which will comply with planning requirements.
6.8 No objections have been raised to the plans for the pavilion. It has been agreed to allow a small kitchen inside. Cllr Broun-Lindsay stated that toilets would be better at the far end of the pavilion because the gala staging goes at the end on the school side. He has also asked ELC to consider extending the pavilion slightly, with hard standing for the gala stage.
Drawings of proposals for Phantassie junction were tabled. There were concerns over the suggested signposts. Ms Stephen to make sure that the design of the signs is part of the consultation as well as road design. She will also find out if there are regulations about what may be planted.
The visitor leaflet needs to be distributed. This is done free in tourist information centres, but it was decided to spend in the region of £1000 on distribution. The Council will think about which months and which distribution sites would be most appropriate. Leaflets will also go out with Dunpender News.
8.1 (see 11.17) The Horticultural Society’s AGM will be on 19th March at 7.30pm.
8.2 The issue of planting at Prestonkirk House has been resolved. The signs have been moved and ELC Groundcare will plant the area.
8.3 Groundcare met with Mr Stewart and Mrs Priest in the park and it was agreed to put up the Toddlers’ park next to the existing play park, surrounded by an anti-dog fence with a gate. At the next Council meeting, Mrs Priest will ask for ideas for the park.
9.1 A neighbour has written to say that there has been a Planning Application for 5 two-storey houses to be built in the grounds of Kiloran House. For the past hundred years all building around that area has been single storey. Ms Stephen will write a letter to say that the Council agrees that this objection is reasonable.
9.2 There has been a Planning Application to build a house in Whitekirk.
10.1 Mrs McLean reported that the Youth Club fund-raising talent show would take place on 4th April.
10.2 The summer trip this year will be to a theme park in Yorkshire.
11.1 ELC Notices of Meetings
11.2 E Lothian Cardiac Rehab Group: Info & funds request
11.3 ELC Ray Montgomery : 120 Bus service
11.4 After School Club : Funds request
11.5 L&B Police: Drug Awareness training for Community Councillors
11.6 ELC Myra Galloway : invitation to E Lothian Heritage Forum
11.7 ELC Brian Simpson : invite to Rural Community Planning conference
11.8 ELC Stuart Pryde: Litter Management initiatives.
11.9 Bass Notes
11.10 SEPA View Winter 2003
11.11 MELD : Funds request
11.12 ELC Helen Bruce: Paths to Health project.
11.13 Water customer Consultation Panels
11.14 SCVO : invite to conference on Local Govt in Scotland Act 2003
11.15 SEPA Service Charter
11.16 ELC: Community Councils audit procedures
11.17 EL Horticultural Soc : Notice of AGM
11.18 Scottish Exec/SEPA: copy of the National Waste Plan 2003
11.19 P Foreman re Planning
Regarding concerns about the Post Office, Mrs Priest informed the Council that she had been told that it is likely to continue to operate in East Linton.
Thursday 3rd April 2003 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton |