Last week saw two small legacy projects started with funding from the Robert Noble Good Causes Fund
Dave Crosby began his workshop in the Hall with a group of local youth from Guide And Scout packs He is working on teaching them how to use local woods that can be carved and the aim is to produce wooden reliefs based on Robert Noble subject matter i.e. Trees.
The finished pieces will be on display permanently in the community hall As a legacy to Robert Noble with an explanatory sign next to them
The Powderhall Foundry in Granton Edinburgh visited the Prestonkirk Graveyard to take a cast of the portrait and relief on Nobles headstone The intention is to make a bronze cast to be erected on the wall at the memorial garden opposite the community hall, beside the history board
This should create some interesting history for locals and visitors as the new benches have proved popular there with people having their packed lunch or a rest. There will be an explanatory notice next to the bronze head etc.