Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - March 2020
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 5th March 2020 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mr D Wight
Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr A Reid

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson

Mr A Jeffrey Mr A Gibson Lynn Jardine
Mr C McWhannell Mr T Roberts

Apologies: Ms A Pearson, Mr R Russel, Mrs L Shaw Stewart

Minutes of previous meeting held on 6th February 2020

• Police report & CAPP priorities

Jim and Jemima (cardboard cops) have recently been in Tyninghame and East Linton.†

Next Meeting 31st March.


4.1 Vacancy for member

Mr McWhannell attended tonight to confirm his interest in the vacancy.
Another vacancy has arisen following the resignation of Mr Robson as treasurer and will be advertised on the website and the council chambers noticeboard. Mrs Priest has written to Mr Robson to thank him for his sterling service over many years. Mr Martin expressed an interest in the treasurer post and outlined his experience including being treasurer for Whitekirk Community Company. The resolution to accept Mr Martin as the new Treasurer was passed in the meeting. The Authorised Signatories in the current mandate will be changed accordingly and the current mandate will continue as amended

4.2 Park / Station

Information received from Allan Brooking, the Network Rail community liaison officer, is that†initial proposals will consist of two platforms, approximately 175m in length which will accommodate 6 carriages. A proposed car park, including approximately 70 spaces (with 4 electric charging points), is to be located to the south bound side of the railway on existing vacant land. There are no plans at this time to use the school field for an extended car park. Exact plans and designs have yet to be fully completed.

Mr Roberts asked for clarification of the southbound side of the railway which is actually the park. Did Mr Brooking mean the south side? To be checked.

Mr Swift advised that he had received confirmation from Peter Forsyth (transportation senior manager) that there are no plans for a car park in the park.

Mr Gibson raised the point that the existing land on the south side of the railway will accommodate 43/44 cars only ñ not 70.

4.3 Flooding at Railway Underpass

Mr Swift contacted Network Rail who confirmed the case is with their chief engineer but there has been no further response. Mr Gibson advised that extensive surveys are currently being carried out in the area around the tunnel and drains and he will seek further information from the council and respond to Mr Swift.

4.4 Roads:

West entrance: Concerns have been raised by the police and ELC roads department about the new road layout at the west entrance to East Linton.† ELC have arranged for cones to make the new bulge more visible and are pushing the contractors to add the agreed signs as soon as possible.
Mr Craighead advised the meeting of 3 accidents to date. Mr Swift highlighted that the danger will increase once traffic is entering and exiting the new estate and the strong possibility of traffic backing up on the A199 at the entrance to the village and confirmed this was raised by DCC at the planning committee.
Potholes: Mrs Cosgrove reported a number of potholes and flooding at Waughton. Mrs Priest reminded everyone to report any road issues on the council website.

Mrs Priest advised that the process has started to make the 20mph limit in East Linton permanent with slight tweaks to the start of the limit on the east and west approaches.

4.5 DELAP/Area Plan

Mrs Priest thanked Mr Wight for his work on Area Plan. The sub-committee will meet after this meeting to agree next steps. Mr Craighead suggested formulating constitution changes ready for AGM of DELAP. Mrs Cosgrove raised the fact that West Barns had two representative institutions on DELAP whereas East Linton has one.

4.6 ELDA article
Mrs Priest volunteered to write the article for the next ELDA.
4.7 Meetings attended

Mrs Cosgrove will attend the next local rail meeting.

Mrs Priest attended the Association of East Lothian Community Councils meeting. This has been renamed as the Connected Communities Service and the service manager is Kaitlin McCorry. The Connected Communities manager for North Berwick area is Sandra King and for East Linton it is Gordon Horsburgh. Keith Dingwall from the planning department is involved in trying to improve way planning works. The Green Book describing how things run needs updated.

Mr Wight enquired about the intentions for new housing around East Linton once the station is here. Cllr Kempson advised that developers are poised and there could be 1000s of new houses.

5.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs Cosgrove advised that two LNER services and 1 Scotrail service have been identified as possibilities for additional trains to stop at Dunbar and also that the earliest southbound Transpennine service from Dunbar departs at 05:45.
Mr Craighead advised of a new bus stop at Pencraig.

6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities budget. No report presented due to resignation of the treasurer. Mr Martin will take over and has suggested moving to a bank with online access.

7.0 Projects

7.1 Fountain repair

Mr Craighead will contact the contractors to start the work.

7.2 DELAP funding

No progress has been made on determining suitable locations for dropped kerbs however Mrs Priest has established a cost of £1000-1200 each.
Mrs Priest also enquired about extending the pavement at the corner of Bridge Street at the Crown but has been advised it is not possible. Mrs Priest also confirmed that feasibility study of improving safety at the Church on Preston Road by introducing a priority system is not likely in immediate future. To apply for funding we would need a cost which needs to be established.
Mr Craighead is attending the next DELAP meeting on Monday where he will seek a clearer picture of available funding going forward.

Mr Wight advised that Tyninghame Village Hall committee is working on a funding proposal.

Mr Craighead has new batteries for the defibrillators and will install them. He advised they were less expensive than anticipated by £80-90. He has also ensured the defibrillators are registered on the Defibrillator Area Plan.

DELAP future meetings ñ 11th May, 22nd June, 31st August

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues

8.1 Lawhead Junction / Speed on A198

Mr Reid reported on proposals for improved signage and reflective bollards at the Lawhead junction and associated SLOW road markings to make drivers on the A198 more aware. A review will be carried out in 6 months. Mr Reid will request speed monitoring to be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the changes.

Mr Wight reported an erratic speed reactive sign at Tyninghame. Keith Scott attended and confirmed the sign was operating correctly and suggested that the battery isn't fully charging due to the weather. All speed reactive signs were serviced and checked recently and this sign was operating correctly.

Mr Wight reported damage to the bridge has been repaired as has the Tyninghame village sign.

8.2 Footpath to Binning Wood

Mr Wight advised that a meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March in Tyninghame Village Hall at 7.30pm. It will be attended by Nick Morgan, the access officer, and Mr Wight has contacted Scotways who will try to respond.

8.3 Whitekirk chargepoint

Mr Martin will chase Morag Haddow of ELC regarding this.

Mr Craighead advised that the viewing board for Pencraig Hill has been repaired and reinstated.

9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues

Nothing to report.

10.0 Planning Matters

10.1 Tyningame Links Development

Mrs Priest thanked Cllr Kempson for the following information.
The proposal would bring a large amount of visitors each year, to a site in very close proximity to the Firth of Forth Special Protection Area (SPA) which is also a SSSI.† Both Scottish Natural Heritage and the Councilís Countryside Services (who manage the area as part of the wider John Muir Country Park) acknowledge it could affect the Firth of Forth SPA, notified for its wintering and passage birds and could result in disturbance and/or displacement of SPA birds; and/or damage to the habitats supporting the SPA birds, in particular the sensitive saltmarsh areas. †
SNH originally objected however confirmed they would withdraw their objection if the Council could secure the delivery of the applicantís Access Management Plan.† The Councilís Countryside Team continues to object to the application and do not consider that the Access Management plan can be delivered.† The Planning Delivery Service employed an external environmental consultancy to provide an independent review and to carry out an Appropriate Assessment in view of the sites conservation objectives for their qualifying interests.† Outstanding issues on road services matters will have to be considered depending on the outcome of the consultantís report.† Public and community council objections to the proposals mean regardless of the decision taken on the planning application the application will be reported on the Councilís Scheme of Delegation List.† The associated listed building consent application does not have any public objections to it.
Cllr Kempson will ensure the consultantís report is available to DCC.

10.2 Whitekirk Hill

Mr Swift confirmed that he had advised ELC that the DCC objection stood despite the reduction in the number of lodges. Mr Martin attended the planning meeting and reported that the development was passed in principle. He expressed his feeling that insufficient time was provided for the village or Dunpender †to consider their response to the amendment and communicated - that although not happy he personally felt that this was acceptable however †the villageís opinion on the the reduced number of lodges was not formally determined and several villagers maintained their objections.

10.3 Viridor PAN

Notice has been received of a proposed planning application notice for a plastic recycling plant. Baled plastic would be transported to site, washed and converted to plastic pellets for reuse. A public consultation will be held in Bleachingfield Centre in Dunbar on Thursday 23rd April between 2-9pm.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
1 07/02 ELC S Leathard: Scrapyard
11.2 09/02 C McWhannell: vacancy

11.3 09/02 & 13/02 S.Kempson/N Clark: Tyninghame Links development
11.4 10/02 NBAP, H Smith: NBAPinfo 11.5 10/02 ELC: Review of ELothian Local Provision (Fire & Rescue)
11.6 11/02 J Ogden-Smith: Presentations on Community Hospital 11.7 12/02 ELC, J Hargreaves: Hogweed spotting on River Tyne
11.8 13/02 ELC, K.Scott: Traffic Tyninghame 11.9 13/02 ELC, K.Scott: Traffic Lawhead junction
11.10 13/02 ELC, N Morgan Footpath to Binning Wood 11.11 17/02 & 04/03 Viridor PAN and public consultation (letters)
11.12 18/02 A Butt, BBC: Debate night audience applications 11.13 18/02 ELC R.Robertson: EV chargepoints in Whitekirk
11.14 19/02 Network Rail, A Brooking: new Community Liaison manager 11.15 19/02 Lothian Buses/R Russel: timetables and crowding on buses
11.16 20/02 ELC, C McCorry, Chambers update 11.17 20/02 ELC: Mud in your Eye
11.18 21/02 G.Millward: enquiry re possible map of houses at Newbyth 11.19 23/02 J Wilson (HaddingtonCC) Town centre parking strategy
11.20 23/02 ELC, C.Redpath costs for dropped kerbs 11.21 27/02 ELC, K.Sewell: Resilient Community Event Tues 24 March
11.22 28/02 J Robson: resignation 11.23 29/02 & 02/03 J Charles: Whitekirk Lodges planning application
11.24 03/03 AELCC: ideas for training/Green Book working group 11.25 03/03 D.Affleck: Updating information boards
11.26 05/03 Network Rail: proposed station car park & platforms

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

11.1 - Mrs Priest advised that the tenant is using the land in line with his current planning consent and in line with his lease and no licences are required. Despite appearances a scrapyard is not being operated from the premises and Environmental Health have raised no issues. There is still a feeling that it is encouraging fly tipping and DCC should be informed of any such issues. Mrs Priest will contact Network Rail regarding the fencing along the railway and will follow up on the 2 cars which do not appear to have tax.

11.25 - Mrs Priest confirmed that the level of funding required to update the information boards is not available. Mr Craighead reported that the two boards at the car park on the east side of the village have been dumped against the wall. A new site was previously discussed but no outcome was reached on a better location. QR codes were discussed as a future option.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business

Mr Craighead has arranged access to the Stables for 3 hours a night for future meetings and will pass Mr Martin details for invoicing.

Mrs Cosgrove highlighted that the flower beds at Phantassie have been attended to by council. In addition the playgroup have received £500 from the Educational Trust.

Mr Wight advised of an upcoming exhibition from April to October at John Muirís Birthplace in Dunbar which will highlight how John Muir helped change the world and how Dunbar is working towards a net zero carbon future and a resilient community.

Mr Wight advised of a meeting on Monday 2rd March, 7-9pm, Bleachingfield Centre in Dunbar on East Lothian farming and the climate emergency. There will be representatives of WWF and the Green Party in attendance in addition to local farmers.

Mr Martin reported that pavements in Whitekirk have improved but the bus stops have not been reinstated including the bus shelter erected with AP funding. He will contact Keith Scott. Cllr Kempson advised bus shelters in Haddington are being replaced.

Cllr Kempson will request Keith Scott to have the two way sign reinstated at the Mart bus stop.

Mr Craighead enquired about whether East Linton participated in Village in Bloom. Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that we do not as the focus is on hanging baskets and annuals not sustainable planting which is what we support. DCC will try to continue funding.

Lynn Jardine reported that Cllr McLennan has agreed to meet with the parent council and DCC about the park. Mr Swift agreed to contact Cllr McLennan to set this up.

2nd April 2020 in The Stables, Preston Rd East Linton