Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - February 2020
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 6th February 2020 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mr J Robson

Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson

Mr M Dix Mr A Jeffrey Mr A Gibson

1. Apologies: Mr D Wight, Ms A Pearson, Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of previous meeting: held on 9th January 2020

3. Police report & CAPP priorities

Police report presented to meeting. Nothing to report regarding East Linton.

4.0 Matters Arising

4.1 Flooding at Railway underpass

Mr Swift raised this with Nick Morgan at the local access forum who confirmed it is a right of way originally funded by Sustrans. Mr Swift also sent photos to Network Rail who confirmed that their engineering department have the site flagged as requiring attention. Mr Swift will be copied in future dealings regarding to the site.
Mr Gibson informed the meeting that there are investigative engineering works ongoing around Andrew Meikle Grove in relation to the station but they do not cover the area under discussion. He also advised that ELC are investigating to confirm whether the additional drains put in by Miller Homes are working as expected.

4.2 Meetings attended:

Community Hospital meeting: Mr Reid reported on the meeting which was very well attended. A project, Transforming Services for Older People, will research ongoing demand for these services and potential options for provision of services, conducting further public consultation, followed by selection of a proposed care model to be put forward for funding. The intent is to complete by June. Cllr Kempson agreed to source the meeting programme and presentations and notes/minutes of the meeting for circulation to DCC. Mr Reid toured the hospital and was advised of outline plans for a Minor Injuries facility, including out of hours provision, and that a pan-Lothian review of minor injuries provisions was planned.

Access Forum: Mr Swift reported on the proposed path through the hospital grounds. This is to be funded by Sustrans but an issue exists where, at one location, the route does not satisfy the criteria on 3.5m path width. Cllr Kempson attended a meeting in Spott where the feasibility or a pathway between Spott and Dunbar was discussed. It was suggested by Sustrans at the meeting that there is flexibility around path width, especially in rural areas. Mr Swift and Cllr Kempson will escalate the issue at the hospital to confirm whether that flexibility can be applied.

4.3 ELDA article
Mr Russel has volunteered to write the next ELDA article.

4.4 Roads

20 mph: Mrs Priest received an e-mail from Morag Haddow stating that the draft order relating to East Linton was sent just after Christmas. This was not received so Mrs Priest has asked for it to be re-sent.
Dropped kerbs ñ Mrs Priest e-mailed Keith Scott to request that the dropped kerb situated opposite the hall be moved as it makes access from the bus difficult.

Mrs Cosgrove advised that the traffic lights at the entrance to East Linton from the A199 are gone and that the pavement has been altered to reduce speed entering the village.
Mrs Priest has contacted Keith Scott again to have the two way flag reinstalled at the bus stop at The Mart. Mr Swift will contact ELC regarding the pavement at The Mart where the grass creates difficulties for mobility scooters. The meeting agreed that difficulty of accessing The Mart safely needs attention.

Mr Martin has contacted Jim Goodfellow with pictures of potholes and very worn edges badly repaired around Whitekirk and will ensure the roads department follows this up.

4.5 DELAP/Area Plan

Mrs Priest complimented the review of the Area Plan carried out by Mr Wight; other member had added comments on rural litter, cleaner, greener buses and linking the plan to ELC climate change agenda. Mrs Priest will ask Mr Wight to submit these comments on behalf of DCC.

A sub-committee of Mrs Priest, Mr Swift, Mr Craighead and Cllr Kempson will represent DCC at a meeting with the chairman of DELAP to discuss fair representation.

5.0 Public transport/RAGES
Two LNER services and 1 Scotrail service have been identified as possibilities for additional trains to stop at Dunbar. Mrs Cosgrove was approached regarding the possibility of a bus service between Gullane to Drem station and has followed it up but been advised it is not possible.

6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities budget
Treasurerís Report presented to meeting.

Outstanding balances in Current Account ñ £8001.46 (£5000 earmarked for Fountain) and Grants Account - £866.17. Outstanding balance in Local Priorities Account is £1723.32.

Mr Martin advised of a BHF programme and website www.thecircuit.uk which is a national network of defibrillators to monitor and advise when batteries needs replaced.
Currently Mr Craighead checks the batteries monthly. Registering the East Linton defibrillators as part of the network will be investigated. The meeting discussed the ongoing cost of maintaining the defibrillators. Mr Craighead will progress with replacing the battery at the hall under the current funding allocated.

7.0 Projects

7.1 Fountain repair

Mr Craighead advised this will be executed as per the initial quote as the weather allows.

7.2 DELAP funding Mr Robson had received a remittance advice from ELC advising payment of £1,613 for the Hall hand dryers would be credited shortly. This will be passed to the hall on receipt of an invoice from the hall treasurer.

Possible funding applications for next year were discussed

1. Dropped kerbs: Mr Robson and Mr Craighead agreed to carry out a general survey of dropped kerbs in East Linton in preparation for a possible funding application. Cllr Kempson advised that some of the roads budget is already committed.

2. Defibrillator batteries.

3. Feasibility study on a priority system on Preston Road including widening the pavement: Cllr Kempson will pursue this with Peter Forsyth to identify costs for a funding applications

Future DELAP meeting dates: 9th March, 11th May, 22nd June, 31st August

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues

8.1 Parking at Tyninghame Links
Mrs Priest had contacted Alan Stubbs who confirmed that ELC wonít create additional car parking and plan to restrict parking out with the designated parking area. Cllr Kempson advised that the planning application for the restaurant is not yet determined due to the number of sites of special interest in the area. The meeting agreed that these sites, all over East Lothian, are under pressure from an increasing number of people. Mr Swift suggested that if ELC were concerned with environmental protection in East Lothian there should be an immediate moratorium on new housing and requested Cllr Kempson to take this forward.

8.2 Speeding on A198

Mr Reid will phone Keith Scott for an update.

8.3 Whitekirk chargepoint
Mr Martin has asked ELC if there is money left in the budget, this year, to fund a chargepoint but has had no response and will chase again. Mrs Priest circulated an advert from the Times regarding EV charge points which sit on street furniture and has communicated this to Morag Haddow who confirmed ELC were considering this type of chargepoint.

9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report.

10.0 Planning Matters

Nothing to report.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations

11.01 10/1 A Gibson: Flooding, transport, station
11.02 10/1 & 15/1 L.Kearney: Handicabs info and poster 11.03 13/1 ELC A Stubbs: pavement accident at Community Hall
11.04 13/1 H Barker: bus service information 11.05 14/1 M Foy: Plans for trees in park

11.06 15/1 H.Smith: Reprovisioning update Jan 14th meeting at Community Hospital

11.07 15/1 ELC/J Swift: Cabinet meeting re 20mph limit in Dunbar
11.08 19/1 J.Bell/C Bruce: Letter to Transport minister re A1 safety in E Lothian 11.09 22/1 Tyninghame Village Hall newsletter
11.10 24/1 ELC A. Stubbs: Parking at Tyninghame Links

11.11 27/1 G. Ross: Meeting 4/2 9.30 Brunton Hall re new Police call answering procedure

11.12 28/1 AELCC: Next meeting 2 March
11.13 28/1 Cllr Kempson: DELAP meeting 11.14 28/1 Climate Challenge Fund newsletter: host free training sessions
11.15 30/1 G Robertson: DELAP meeting 11.16 3/2 BBC Scotland: debate night audience 26 Feb
11.17 4/2 ELC M.Haddow: EV Chargepoints 11.18 5/2 ELC K.Scott: Bus stops/dropped kerbs
11.19 5/2 ELC N.Morgan: footpath by St Baldredís Well 11.20 5/2 ELC M.Haddow: 20mph limits Dunbar (& East Linton)

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk for local consultations.

Mrs Priest advised that the path at St Baldredís Well is eroding and the bridge will need attention in the near future.

Discussion is underway regarding dualling of the A1 south of Dunbar.

Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove will attend the Association of East Lothian Community Councils meeting on 2nd March.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business

Mrs Cosgrove investigated the use of the primary school for future DCC meetings but the required times could not be accommodated. Mr Craighead will investigate the use of The Stables.

Thursday 5th March 2020