Dunpender Community Council
Minutes AGM 2019


Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 6th June 2019, 7.30pm
in the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mr J Swift Mr D Wight
Mr E Martin Mrs J Parish
Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel

In attendance Cllr S Kempson
Mr A Jeffrey
Mr A Gibson
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

Mrs J Priest
Mrs A Cosgrove
Mrs Shaw-Stewart
Ms A Pearson
Mr J Robson


Mrs J Priest - Chairwoman
Ms A Cosgrove - Vice-Chairwoman
Mr J Swift - Secretary
Mr J Robson - Treasurer
Members: Julia Parish joined the Community Council, Gordon Gray resigned; we are one member short for the Whitekirk ward. This year our members have, among other things:

• Studied and responded to a number of consultations

• Objected to planning applications and breaches of permission including Markle Quarry, Monkmuir, Karele riding charity, the scrapyard at Station Road, Whitekirk.

• Continued discussions with residents about maintenance of common ground

• Funded, built and installed more new benches along our footpath network

• Continued to support the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers and volunteer path wardens

• Made another attempt to improve pedestrian safety at the corner of Prestonkirk

• Had yellow lines removed at Brownís Place and opposite the Community Hall to provide about 10 extra parking spaces

• Part-funded ëpop-upí policemen to be used at speeding locations

• Worked with ELC to provide public electric car charging points on Station Road

• Investigated adoption of the High Street phone box

• Had the Park railings painted by the Community Service team

• Worked on repairing the Fountain ñ obtained work estimates and applied for grants

• supported the Horticultural Society in keeping East Linton blooming

• reported flood debris in the river and broken streetlights, potholes etc to ELC.

• continued the discussion of the fish passage or removal of Knowes Weir

Members continued to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of consultations and meetings this year including ELC Bus Forum, RELBUS, RAGES, CAPP, two Area Partnerships, Tarmac, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups and the Local Access Forum.

Dunpender News this year and have written a short report each month for the East Linton Advertiser (many thanks for the free space we are given) as well as ensuring our news is on the website.

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website, www.eastlinton.uk.com , to Mrs Taylor who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.


The 2018/2019 Accounts were audited in April, confirmed to be correct with the Treasurer's records and a certified copy passed to Internal Audit at East Lothian Council.
The income of £1,978.86 was considerably less than the previous financial year's (around 75%), largely due to lower refunds from East Lothian Council and no grant contribution from ELC Partnership. Expenditure at £5,675.00 was significantly less than 2017/2018, mainly because of no funding for the Robert Noble Anniversary as in 2017/18. Funding, totalling £1,677.61, including our Grant (Admin), recovered expenditure from the Local Priorities Budget (controlled by ELC), covered costs towards the Fountain maintenance, East Linton Horticultural Society, internet, News artwork, and East Linton Gala First Aid. Donations direct from DCCís bank account, from £100 to £250, were paid to East Linton Scouts, Girl Guides, Primary School, and After School Club.
The final cash balance for 2018/2019 was £2,817.15, comprising of £1,271.18 in the Current Account (BUSINESS) and £1,545.97 in the Council Grants Account (TREASURERS). Copies of the Abstract and Notes to the Accounts, in digital format, were circulated to members in May. The Treasurer would like to thank the auditors Douglas Home &Co, at their third and much quicker attempt to compile our Accounts. I did make enquiries with ELC, their Internal Audit, and other Community Councils to find a quicker and cheaper alternative, but was unsuccessful. So, for the forseeable future, we shall be using Douglas Homeís services.

Proposer:- Mr Craighead
Seconder:- Mr Russel


The following office-bearers were re-elected. Chair ñ Mrs Priest, Vice-chair ñ Ms Cosgrove, Secretary ñ Mr Swift, Treasurer ñ Mr Robson.

Proposer:- Mr Ruseel
Seconder:- Mrs Parish

Proposer:- Mr Wight
Seconder:- Mr Martin

Proposer:- Mrs Parish
Seconder:- Mr Russel

Proposer:- Mr Wight
Seconder:- Mr Russel

There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.