Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - November 2018

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
on Thursday 1st November 2018 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Robson Mr E Martin
Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead
Mr J Swift Mr D Wight
Mrs Shaw Stewart

In attendance Mr A Thomas
Mr A Gibson
Ms T Ward
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1. Apologies
Ms A Pearson
Mrs J Parish
Mr G Gray

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 4th October 2018
Raised by Mr Russel 4.0 to be amended to:- Mr Russel to write ELDA article for November ELDA.

3.0 Welcome to Iain Gray MSP
Iain Gray MSP could not attend due to a bereavement. Discussed his return visit and DCC have no immediate plans to invite him to a future meeting.

POLICE REPORT ñ PC Gavin Ross (submitted by email)
The last month has been busier than usual with a number of reported crimes and
incidents, there may be other incidents that for specific reasons I cannot mention.
Road Safety:-
At 02.20 on the 15th a suspicious vehicle was observed in East Linton by a passing patrol. This led to a pursuit towards North Berwick which was abandoned due to the excessive speeds and public safety.
About 09.30 on 17th in East Linton a black Range Rover collided with a parked vehicle then drove off. The driver has been identified and will be charged with failing to stop and failing to report an accident.
th a speed check was conducted on Browns Place; 20 vehicles had their speeds checked, 5 were stopped and warned and 1 ticket was issued for doing 31mph in a 20mph limit (£100 fine and 3 penalty points)
On Monday 22nd another speed check was conducted with similar results and 1 ticket issued.
Antisocial Behaviour:-
On the 4th on a bus passing through East Linton, a male shouted at and threatened an elderly female and a teenage girl. He has been identified and will be charged accordingly.
No related incidents
Theft:- no related incidents

Community Speed Watch:-
East Lammermuir Community Council are progressing the scheme; they have identified a need for Stenton and Innerwick. They will now source volunteers and funding before training is provided. Purchase of the basic equipment required is just over £1,000.
Pop-up Jims:-
All 4 Community Councils in the ward are supportive with Dunbar and East Lammermuir both agreeing to the proposed costs. Still waiting on replies from West Barns and Dunpender to the proposed £88.83 cost
Other incidents of note:-
As we are unable to attend the meeting Iíd encourage feedback by email with any questions or information. Either that or report at Dunbar CAPP, Thursday 22nd November.

Last month, PC Ross had distributed information about Community Speed Watch, agreed to watch East Lammermuirís progress, DCC still not keen on initiative.

DCC discussed a financial contribution to cardboard cops/pop up Jims ñ agreed to support £88.83 contribution to costs (costs shared between 4 x Community Councils in area). DCCís understanding is that police will circulate Jims and be in charge of where they go but wondering how this is agreed and what frequency they will be moved? All agreed it would be counter-productive to advertise this initiative. DCC to again request that a Jim is placed on A198 at Tyninghame/East Lintonís Browns Place/Drylaw Terrrace when DCCís turn.
CAPP priorities from meeting on Monday 22nd October 2018:-
- Youth and adult cycling on pavements & bike lights

- Parking complaints of illegal parking in East Linton

The next CAPP meeting is on Thursday 22 November 2018 ñ Mr Craighead to attend on behalf of DCC.

4.1 Paths
Mr Wight reported that there are no real developments on the new path in Tyninghame. Mr Swift had discussed this with Nick Morgan; he is in discussion with Quentin Gray and Tyninghame Estate. ELC will wait until new financial year to get funding and estimates.

Mr Craighead submitted an interim report on the benches project to DELAP, Mr Robson has a copy. 9 benches placed and another 3 planned (2 seats and 1 bench) on John Muir Way between Tyninghame and Ware Road.
Peter Forsyth, ELC has noted repairs to be done along footpath towards bus stop from Orchardfield/Andrew Meikle Grove, it is in the programme for the next financial year.

4.2 Roads/pavements
Ms Cosgrove reported that she had spoken to Glen Kane, ELC regarding the non-working streetlights on the bridge (hit by large agricultural vehicles) and was informed that specialised lights were on order but take several weeks.
Mrs Cosgrove raised a concern about the size of the signs recruiting foster carers on lampposts (but not the message conveyed). The signs are large and there was a concern that it was distracting for drivers.
Electric vehicle charging points ñ two to be installed within the next 6 months at Station

Road, East Linton. ELC will consider requests for charging points from people without driveways or anywhere to charge their electric vehicle ñ add to ELDA article to make residents aware. The point would typically be in a convenient location nearby with a four-hour limit on it.

4.3 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel reported that Dunpender News was progressing and all articles and images had been sent to the designer (Mrs Taylor ñ also present). Mrs Taylor reported that Dunpender News would be designed and printed during November, ready to distribute around Dunpender area in early December.
Mr Russel to write ELDA article for December ELDA.

4.4 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
DCC members recently attended AELCC where Iain MacFarlane, Head of Planning, ELC was interviewed. Mr MacFarlane has acknowledged lack of planning enforcement and this is purely due to lack of staff, but can send specific examples to him. Mrs Shaw Stewart to gather and submit a list of enforcement requests - Monksmuir/quarry/scrapyard/Karele riding school.
Ms Pearson to give update about Karele at a future meeting. Mrs Shaw Stewart reported that Rock Rose riding school is supposed to shut their floodlights down at 10pm, however doesnít do this ñ add to list for planning enforcement.
DELAP ñ no recent meeting held. Next meeting is on Monday 26th November.
Mrs Shaw Stewart and Mr Russel attended recent Community Resilience workshop run by ELC.
Mr Swift attended recent Local Access Forum at Newhailes House.

5.0 Defibrillator insurance
Discussion held about public liability insurance for DCCís defibrillators. NBCC/AELCC are taking forward this issue and have emailed ELC Insurance and Risk Officer for some guidance so DCC to keep an eye on progress and act accordingly.
Mr Craighead raised concern about Tyninghame defibrillator ñ it is at the back of the Hall in the dark and in an emergency, would be hard to find. Mr Wight to bring this up with Hall Committee, are they interested in applying for planning permission to place it at the front of the Hall?

6.0 Ongoing projects
Fountain ñ Mrs Cosgrove reported the plan to apply for 2 possible funding sources ñ Viridor and East Coast mainline ñ Mrs Cosgrove to work on this with assistance from Mr Craighead and Mr Robson. Mr Craighead has contacted 7 fabricators since last meeting but no-one keen to take the work on, however, he has arranged a meeting with Alec Anderson ñ quote is maximum £3,250 ñ this is the worst-case estimate. This would need to be added to cost of painting the fountain once work complete which is £1,440 plus the cost of the paint. Mrs Priest to also submit Civic Pride application. DCC have allocated £1,300 from Local Priorities budget.
Mrs Priest reported outcome of recent meeting with S Pryde ELC about East Linton park. DCC has requested:-

1. community involvement in any proposals for the Park including a public meeting.
2. leisure facilities using the Developer Contribution should be accessible for all. 3. using the Section 75 Developer contribution, we would like the existing skatepark removed and a new concrete one built in the corner next to the tennis courts.
4. a full-size football pitch should be maintained somewhere in the park and also a pitch (the same one?) for a Junior football team to be developed. 5. the Longstone ROW under the railway should stay as it is.
6. Safer Route to School path across the park should be retained as close to its current route as possible. 7. Gala and the Law Race need to be considered.

Mrs Priest to speak to David Affleck about progressing the Robert Noble leaflet. It is apparently ready apart from the inclusion of the map.
Agreed to work on the Walks leaflet in the new year. In 2014 it cost £1,430 for 1,500 copies.
Mrs Priest to update a list of where all snow shovels are for the website/next issue of ELDA.

7.0 Treasurerís report
Current Account balance £2,562.29 (this includes benches budget - 52.84% spent of benches budget)
Grants Account balance £2,395.05 (includes £1,506.47 allocated for youth matters)
Local Priorities remaining funds to be allocated before end of financial year £469.67
Recent payments made:-
Dunbar Garden Centre (benches) £824.40 - Current Account
Jon Champion (paths maintenance) £193.25 - Grants Account
David†Affleck £319.42 East Linton in Bloom. DCC received a nice letter of thanks noting his progress - Local Priorities
Agreed to allocate £88.83 from Local Priorities on cardboard cop. Remaining funds still to be allocated. Discussion around funding ñ should a sub-committee be organised to help allocate funds? At the moment funds are allocated as pressing issues arise ñ some items appear on every year ñ e.g. East Linton in Bloom/website/Dunpender News. Mr Robson explained about allocating funds but not necessarily spending them before the financial year. No decision made.

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Charlie Perfect from SEPA has agreed to come back to DCC to give an update regarding Knowes Weir ñ January 2019 suggested. Mr Swift has passed this information on the residents who would be affected by the removal of the pass.
Mr Wight continuing to put pressure on ELC around rumble strips.

Mr Swift and Mrs Priest attended public meeting regarding Markle Quarry held in East Linton Hall.

9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
No update.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES

11.0. Planning Matters
Markle quarry ñ Mr Russel, Mr Robson and Mr Swift went on a site visit. Discussed Quarryís application to rescind planting plans ñ condition 32. Described their plans to plant a smaller shelter belt of mixed hardwoods and shrubs ñ this will give an edge to the Quarry. If plan is acceptable to ELC planners, discussed DCC withdrawing their objection. DCC decided to withdraw objection once planting has been done. No issue with Quarry extension plans, some of this is due to collapse and this will increase life of quarry by 10 years. Have Monks Muir residents complained?
Discussed Whitekirk lodges planning application in detail with input from Mr Martin and Mr Thomas of APT. Mr Martin gave information on Save Whitekirk Campaign and Mr Thomas discussed and clarified issues around lighting and phased building plan. Save Whitekirk Campaign have not engaged with APT or landowner. Plan to discuss again at December DCC meeting and come up with a response. An extension can be requested for DCC however this planning application will have at least a 4 month determination.

12.0 Correspondence & consultations
12.1 5/10 L Pryde: Training 12.2 8/10 LDorrian: PP for Hall stonework and defibrillator
12.3 12/10 CCís October newsletter 12.4 13/10 letter GWood: dog fouling ñ Ms Parish has visited resident
12.5 18/10 SPryde: Park
12.5 21/10 AGibson: factoring/IGray 12.6 22/10 DWight to NMorgan: Tyninghame path
12.7 22/10 APT Devt: Whitekirk Hill 12.8 24/10 CCís Improvement service: Govt consultation on fracking etc
12.9 26/10 ELC, PForsyth/M Haddow: EVCharging points 12.10 27/10 J Swift: Ditches and Lades/Knowes Weir
12.11 29/10 LBP, Gavin Ross: Pop-up Jims 12.12 30/10 GMenzies(letter): Noble board ñ Ms Cosgrove to reply
12.13 30/10 Tyninghame Village Hall newsletter
12.14 30/10 Edinburgh Airport: update on application for Airspace change
See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

13.0 Any Other Competent Business
ELC still havenít come up with definitive opening hours for toilets in park, despite being asked by DCC twice in last 4 months.

Thursday 6th December 2018