Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - November 2017

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on hursday 2nd November 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Robson Mr R Russel
Mr B Craighead Mr E Martin
Mr J Swift

In attendance Mr A Gibson, Andrew Meikle Grove RA
Monks Muir residents
Anthony Thomas, Whitekirk resident
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1. Apologies
Mrs A Jolly
Ms A Pearson
Mr G Gray
Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th October 2017
Amendment to 4.3, Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Craighead attended DELAP budget meeting. Otherwise accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted. No-one from DCC was able to attend CAPP meeting on 19th October 2017. Police are continuing 20s Plenty speed checks in East Linton.

4.1 Paths
Mr Craighead has all material to build benches. Awaiting positions and help from Countryside volunteers. Discussed Civic Pride application ñ suggestion that renovating Stories Park path or renewing history boards in East Linton as ideas. Further discussed at 5.0.

4.2 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Martin to write Decemberís ELDA article.
Most articles and photos have now been gathered and passed to Mrs Taylor, designer. Mr Russel to chase up any still outstanding. Dunpender News will be designed and printed during November and delivered with December ELDA. Discussed possibility of printing News in colour which would cost either £39 or £46 more depending on the number of pages in the publication (unknown as yet). Agreed to print in colour.

4.3 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mrs Cosgrove been involved with C&YP part of DELAP ñ providing smaller activity bursaries. DELAP are funding someone to do administration of bursaries.
Mr Swift attended Local Access Forum ñ nothing discussed in Dunpender area. A green dog walkers initiative is to be introduced.
Mr†Robson†attended the Tarmac Liaison Committee Meeting last month and reported that: 1.† With the help of the RSPB, the North West quarry was to become a Nature Reserve - restoration area of 8.15 acres. 2.† To indicate TARMAC's commitment to the Works, £10m spent around the site in 2 years. Quarry has another 39 years left of use. Production estimate 2017 is 7000,000 tons cement. 3.† Emissions from site†below†required limits.
Mrs Cosgrove attended an ELC budget meeting identifying possible savings ELC could make.

4.4 Roads/pavements
Discussed 20mph trial. ELC have advised that painting more ovals on road is not practical as we are in a trial period. Keith Scott, ELC can provide more signage and ovals, Mr Russel to meet with Keith Scott to discuss. DCC can possibly buy more signs but will wait to see what ELC do first. Mr Russel sent email to Eves Coaches to advise of new speed limit, no response received but buses seem to be keeping to the new speed limit.
Mrs Priest still to assess dropped kerbs in East Linton.
The Preston Road verge will be cleared within the next 6 weeks.

4.5 Rennie Place common ground
Discussed. Playpark is responsibility of Rennie Place residents. Agreed Mr Swift would draft a letter to be sent from DCC. Suggestion that a meeting could be called for January 2018.

4.6 Station Yard site
The area is messy. Scrapyard using area outside yard. There is no proper fence. This may be a breach of planning consent. Estates have asked Planning Enforcement Officer to look at this. ELC Environmental Health have also investigated.
Local tradesman, Tommy Hunter, has complained that the large Paperbank bin has been removed from the area. ELC had looked into its use and decided that it wasnít being used enough.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Allowing for the £140 donation to the Gala Committee, recovery from LP budget, DCC wreath cost of £31, and Mr Craighead's £52.26 purchase of cement and fixings for the benches, the Current Account stood at £675.50.† Council Grants Account, after paying Jon Champion for the strimming and grass cutting around the village, stood at £2,747.11 - some £1,500 was ring-fenced for `youth matters`.† Mr Robson had previously circulated the Local Priorities spreadsheet, and after discussions, the following was agreed: The Dunpender News budget increased to £700, using the surplus from the Benches and some uncommitted funds; after paying the Horticultural Society £331.84, £368.16 was left; The £52.26 bench fixings would be recovered from the LP budget later.
Mrs Cosgrove to chase up electricity in park initiative.
Uncommitted £2,000 in Local Priorities
A thank you letter was circulated from EL Horticultural Society
Discussed what to apply for from Civic Pride fund, discussed clearing Stories Park path or replacing village information boards. Decided on Stories Park path clearing. DCC will ask Nick Morgan for advice on how best to tackle this large job, it is very overgrown. Boards can be updated at another time. An electricity box is in the way of the Noble board being placed. Mrs Priest to investigate this.

6. Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mrs Taylor read out a report from Mrs Jolly regarding Tyninghame as follows:-

- We had a very happy and well attended harvest lunch,with 45 adults and three children. Friday November 10th is our pub night and we will be having a quiz.

- The cricket pitch has now been cut, but what a mess, the farmer Mr Hamilton has been having a trying time with it. His baler constantly gets choked with the grass and they have had to give up and leave it over the weekend to see if it can rot down a bit. It is no use for animal feed as so many people have been allowing their dogs to foul in the long grass. The field is virtually a rutted mess.

- Tyninghame estate are tidying up the hedges and trees and painting the cottages which are due to be rented out.

- Last weekend was The Wee fair and that made the village extremely busy, there were a number of parking issues.

- Still awaiting the outcome of Lothian Broadband meeting with Mr Stobbard.

- The defibrillator is checked each week by Mrs Jolly.

Mr Martin reported that the music evening held in Whitekirk Village Hall last week was a success. There has been good progress made in doing up the kitchen.
Law Primary Schoolís catchment area is to be slightly amended to take in the children from new housing developments on the west side of North Berwick.
Markle Quarry to be discussed at 8.0.

7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Plans to adopt the phone box at Whittinghame are ongoing and there is to be a meeting on 9th November. DCC will complete paperwork for the group.

8.0 Planning matters
Discussed further application to rescind condition 32 of original planning application in 1998 at Markle Quarry. The 10m wide strip of trees was not planted. Discussed and all agreed that they would not like to see this condition rescinded. This could be made a condition of the Quarry extension. Mr Swift to write letter, send round and submit objection to ELC.
Monks Muir resident wished to remind ELC of chevrons and speed checks at A199 past Monks Muir. These were promised by ELCís Peter Forsyth. Cllr Hampshire to follow up. Discussed properties being built at Monks Muir entrance. Cllr Hampshire to speak to ELC Planning department tomorrow. Retrospective planning has been lodged but unavailable online.
Discussed AMG. It has recently come to light that conditions havenít been met which were in planning permission for estate, breaching original planning consent. Estate visits have been carried out by ELC Planning Enforcement and Scottish Water and work is about to begin. ELC could finish work and bill Miller Homes if work is not completed. Congratulations to AMG RA. ELC does not have resource to check these so rely on resident reports.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Bus forum meeting is on 28th Nov ñ Mrs Cosgrove go if she can.
RAGES are keen for rail meetings, chaired by ELC, to be restarted, 2 meetings per year, Cllr Hampshire to follow up. There has been no more feedback from the Transport Minister and ELC intend to make contact with civil servants at Scottish Government.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Discussed skate park ñ Mrs Cosgrove has been in touch with Head Teacher at ELPS. New P7s have lots of ideas.
Noble storyboard to be put up.
Art competition ñ Mr Russel to request photos of winners with pictures and medals for Dunpender News.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 5/10 D Karpacz: Safety in Longstone Ave
11.2 10/10 ELC C Redpath: bushes in verge on Preston Rd 11.3 11/10 L Pryde: Edinburg Airport Airspace change update
11.4 11/10 ELC: Star Awards for ELC staff 11.5 11/10 G Harley: possible grant for tidying overgrown areas?
th Oct
11.7 12/10 Sustaining Dunbar: Winter events 11.8 13/10 EL Bus Forum meeting 28th Nov
11.9 13/10 LPryde: CC Research Regional workshops 11.10 19/10 LPryde: EL Community Hospital update
11.11 19/10 ELC: Licensing Board meeting 11.12 19/10 A Gibson: AMGrove SUDS
11.13 20/10 ELC: Changes to Law Primary catchment area 11.14 20/10 ELC: Civic Pride fund application form
11.15 20/10 East Coast Buses win award 11.16 21/10 ELC Joint Integration Board meeting
11.17 22/10 K Moulin: Whittingehame telephone box proposed adoption 11.18 24/10 ELC: new website, user group members wanted
11.19 24/10 ELFoodbank AGM 15 Nov 12.30pm 11.20 25/10 ELC: Papers for meeting 31/10
11.21 25/10 LPryde: E Lothian Partnership: Participatory budgeting event

11.22 31/10 F Finch: vacancy (no response as yet)

11.23 31/10 ELV: Invitation to Provostís reception 14th Dec 7pm (4 spaces available for DCC ñ Mrs Priest, Mrs Cosgrove, Mr Craighead and Mr Robson to attend)
11.24 31/10 ELC: Planning ctee 7th Nov 11.25 31/10 ELC: Markle Crossing closed overnight 5-6th November

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead or Mr Russel to lay wreath at war memorial on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of DCC.
The defibrillator cabinet for Community Hall has been ordered.
Depth gauge has been reinstalled ñ thank you Mr Russel and Mr Craighead.
Sustrans are working on the cycle path from Monks Muir to Sandys Mill.

Thursday 7th December 2017