Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - January 2017

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
on 12th January 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present; Mrs J Priest Mr J Robson Mr J Swift

Ms A Cosgrove Mr B Craighead Mrs A Jolly

Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance: Cllr. M Veitch Mr R Drysdale (AMG residents)

Mr A Jeffrey (Longstone Avenue) Mr J Gray (Monksmuir)

Mr J Herron (Monksmuir)

1. Apologies Ms A Pearson

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st December 2016

The minutes were approved as they were.

3. Police Report;

Dog fouling has become an increasing problem in East Linton. The Community Warden had noticed huts and garages left open. Mr Craighead has some posters to distribute about this matter.

4.0 Matters Arising

4.1 Roads/pavements; Preston Road plans; there will be a display in the Library from 16th January. Extra funding from the Area Partnership could help move this forward to the next financial year. Potholes in the Surgery road have been found to be the responsibility of ELC, Cllr. Veitch will progress this.

4.2 Mr Russel will write the ELDA article for the February issue.

4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended:
No meetings had been attended.

4.4 A planning application for the defibrillator to be sited on the Community Hall had been submitted by Mr Russel on 12th January.

4.5 Trees in river; the weir at Knowes had been completely cleared of debris.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget

Mr Robson informed Members that the Current Account's balance was £251.10, inclusive of additional website, Fountain maintenance, planning fee, and T & S costs - Fountain costs would be recovered from ELC.† BACS remittance advices had been received from ELC, covering refund of previous website, and "News" costs, along with £800 from the Area Partnership towards the Robert Noble Anniversary, next year.† Spreadsheet would be updated when confirmation received from bank.† Council Grants Account stood at £3,298.03 - £1,937.50 `ring-fenced` for the Robert Noble Centenary.† The Local Priorities budget was revised, due to the fact that the Tyninghame PAD cabinet was in fact donated by the Scottish Ambulance Service - £508.49 reallocated.† It was agreed that an extra £50 be given to the Horticultural Society, to cover additional planting for the Robert Noble celebrations.† A revised spreadsheet would be circulated.† Mr Robson also undertook to contact ELC regarding future maintenance and painting of the town's Fountain.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues;

Tyninghame; a new Hall Chairman has been appointed, Mr D Simpson. Christmas lights had been erected. The cricket and football pitches are at risk, due to high cost and low use. They may revert to agricultural use by the estate.

Whitekirk; the Golf Course remains very quiet and still. The Hall refurbishment is progressing.

Markle: remains remarkably quiet.

7.0 Traprain and Whittinghame issues;

Plans for a playpark are progressing with land possibly available, but a committee needs formed for real progress. DCC has offered to help but this offer has not yet been taken up.

8.0 Planning;

DCC will await a planning application for the proposed housing at Prestonmains before taking any action.
Ms Shaw-Stewart is going to a meeting with HADAS and various MSPís to discuss developer-led planning which has already led to many houses being built against the wishes of local communities and also the Local Authority. She will contact AELCC as this is a problem all CCís should tackle.

The lorry park at Monksmuir; the situation is unclear, and involves a static caravan and the ownerís heavy vehicles. Residents to look into it.

9.0 Public Transport/RAGES

Public Transport; 33 new parking spaces are planned at Drem, and more at Dunbar.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects;

Christmas lights; these are due to be switched off on 13th January. Mr Craighead reported he had heard of much dissatisfaction with last monthsí display. More support is needed from the East Linton public and fundraising was discussed; DCC does not have the funds to produce lights of the high standard people now expect. A Christmas Lights group would be a help; anyone interested could contact a DCC member. It was emphasised that 10% of DCCís budget is spent on lights - only visible for a small part of the year.

The fountain requires some maintenance; DCC is to investigate whose responsibility it is.

Noble events; Ms Cosgrove reported money is still coming in for the various projects. A Civic Reception will be held, and an exhibition is planned. Mr Craighead reported the gravestone has now been erected, and some groundwork yet to be done in consultation with Mr D Affleck.

Consulting with young people; Ms Cosgrove reported a consultation with the P7ís at North Berwick primary had gained much information, sent to the Area Partnership. She will speak to East Linton Primary Head Teacher on 16th January about a similar exercise here.

11.0 Correspondence and Consultations;

11.1 Dec 1st E Wilson, Sustaining Dunbar, Board members needed
11.2 Dec 7th Edin Airport Noise Management board
11.3 Dec 11th G Dignan: funding sought for new Playgroup
11.4 Dec 7th Auction Mart: request for letter of support for Leader funding
11.5 Dec 13th KBaird free Walk leader training 17th Jan
11.6 Dec 14th LPryde: consultation on barriers to engagement in Planning system
11.7 Dec 14th M Haddow: Mins of October RELBUS meeting
11.8 Dec 16th L Pryde: Seasons Greetings
11.9 Dec 14th and others RHamilton MSP: Prestonmains development
11.10 Dec 15th HSmith chair NBCC: CC boundaries
11.11 Jan 9th LPryde Scottish Civic Trust MyPlace Awards 2017
11.12 Jan 9th LPryde ELREC Community Council Survey
11.13 Jan12th S Baptie: Citizen Aid Phone App.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business;

13.0 Date of Next Meeting; 2nd February 2017