Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - December 2016

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 1st December 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mr J Robson Mr J Swift

Ms A Cosgrove Mr B Craighead Mr E Martin

Mr R Mosely Ms A Pearson Mr R Russel

In attendance Mrs.H Patterson (Noble project)

Mr A Gibson - AMG Residentsí Association Cllr Veitch (after para. 11.00)

ï Apologies Mr G Gray Ms A Jolly Ms L Shaw-Stewart

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd November 2016

It was pointed out that no mention had been made of the award of ìVolunteer of the Yearî by ELC to Mr B Craighead of DCC.

3. Police report

Little of note had been submitted, except the usual reminder to secure vehicles, outbuildings and properties overnight.

4.0 Matters Arising

Firstly Ms Patterson addressed the meeting to describe raising money for the Robert Noble project. As well as a book of all the paintings discovered there are plans for indigenous plants of Nobleís time to be planted opposite the Community Hall, along with two curved benches, a medal to be awarded for a painting competition and arrangements made to transport people from the Day Centre to The John Gray Centre in Haddington to see the Noble exhibition. Mr Patterson has produced cards to raise funds, available at present in the Linton Hotel. Ms Patterson was thanked for the update.

4.1 Roads/pavements

An exhibition on plans for traffic regulation on Preston Road will be be placed in the Library in mid-January. £20,000 from the Area Partnership to be requested for this project.

4.2 DCC News

Ms Pearson and Mr Russel were congratulated on their efforts in producing this. The newsletter has now been distributed by DCC members. Ms Priest will send a map of the area covered by DCC to all members.

4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended

The Playgroup have applied for funds to help re-start and may get £3,000 towards future hall rents. £800 allocated to the Noble Fund/Project

Meetings; Mr Martin, Mr Mosely and Ms Priest had attended an induction meeting in the Town House for new Community Council members on Monday 28 November.

4.4 Paths

Depth gauge; the depth gauge at the white bridge was washed away in the flood of 29th November. Mr Russel has recovered the two sections and he and Mr Craighead will re- instate it in the spring.

More debris has collected at the Linton Bridge after the flood. Mr Russel will notify Mr Clark of Landscape & Countryside, who dealt with its removal earlier this year.
The presence of large tree trunks in the river was discussed, with regard to whose responsibility they were.

The hedge at the path to Markle at Rennie Place has become overgrown. DCC has agreed to a residentís request to trim it back.

Mr J Swift, Rev. D Scott, N Morgan and Cllr M Veitch met to discuss a path round the back of the church and were all in favour. The next step is to consult with the landowner about creating a short path from the Smeaton driveway.

Monksmuir residents have expressed concern about the use of the car park at the entrance for a static caravan and heavy equipment. Mrs Priest will contact Cllr Veitch about this unauthorised change of use.

Mr Mosely passed on concerns from a resident about damage to the standing stone on Pencraig Brae. He will contact the Chief Archaeologist at ELC.

The defibrillator is to be relocated to the Community Hall, beside the notice board. Mr Russel will deal with the planning permission required.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Mr. Robson advised that the current account stood at £535.56, inclusive of website and Dunpender News artwork costs, totalling £160 - being recovered from Local Priorities. The Council Grants Account balance was £1,386.33 - donations of £1,425 were received towards the Robert Noble Centenary, and will be ìring-fencedî within that account. The Local Priorities Budget spreadsheet previously circulated showed just under £1,000 spent with less than £5,000 remaining. No uncommitted funds remained for 2016/2017.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle;

There is no definite news as yet regarding a speed limit in Tyninghame.

7.0 Traprain and Whitekirk:

Field users near Sunnyside are to apply for retrospective planning permission for the portakabin which appeared there.

8.0 Planning Matters;

There is to be a consultation regarding proposed housing at Prestonmains, on December 13th in the Community Hall. Following the exhibition DCC will comment on the plans.

9.0 Public Transport/RAGES

Ms Cosgrove reported that the Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has offered 60% of the funding for stations at East Linton and Reston. Two scenarios are possible - 1) Network Rail do the work within the two years 2017 - 2019 and ELC must pay more than currently offered, or 2) the work is done in 2019 - 2024 as part of Network Railís programme and ELC would not need to contribute more. Concerns were voiced by DCC about the 44 parking spaces planned being insufficient. 33 new spaces are to be provided next year at Drem by Network Rail/ELC, and extra spaces at Longniddry are to be created.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects

Christmas lights; these are to be installed in time for the Market on 4th December.

Robert Noble Project; nearly £2,000 is available. The graveyard headstone may be in position during next week.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations;

11.1 Nov 4 LPryde: ELCH News Bulletin Oct 2016
11.2 Nov 4 East Lothian Foodbank AGM 1st December 2016 3pm
11.3 Nov 4 LPryde: Induction Training Session on Monday 28 November 2016
11.4 Nov 8 ELC LSmith Artwork ready to go for PP
11.5 Nov 8 Sustaining Dunbar: Reuse & Waste Innovation centre
11.6 Nov 15 Sustaining Dunbar Newsletter
11.7 Nov 15 ELC: Education Ctee meeting 22 Nov
11.8 Nov 17 ELC: E Lothian Integration Joint Board meeting 24 Nov
11.9 Nov 19 ELC: Licensing Board meeting 24 Nov
11.10 Nov 22 LPryde: Annual My Place Civic Trust awards
11.11 Nov 22 ELC Mtg 30 Nov of Police Fire & Community Safety Scrutiny Ctee
11.12 Nov22 LPryde fwd: ELothian Community Hospital Newsletter
11.13 Nov 24 S Baptie ELC: Guide to assistance available through the winter
11.14 Nov 25 LPryde fwd Edin Airport initial consultation findings report
11.15 Nov 25 A Davidson: potholes in Square
11.16 Nov Invitation to Provostís reception Thurs 15th Dec 7pm Saltire Rooms
11.17 Dec 1 Minutes of FoRT meeting on 9th Dec

DCC has been invited to send 2 members and their guests to the Provostís Reception on 15th December at 7 p.m.
Mr David Affleck received a ëVillage in Bloomí award from ELC on behalf of the Horticultural Association.
Mrs Priest asked DCC members to send a head/shoulders photo of themselves for inclusion on the DCC website.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business:

Mr Craighead reported on the poor effect of the new street lights. Cllr Veitch replied they were of a standard design but agreed they were not as good as the previous lights. Mr Craighead also reported the light outside the Community Hall needs a new bulb. Ms Cosgrove to ask Streetlighting team if they will put one in.

13.0 Date of next meeting: NB 12th January 2017.