Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - October 2016

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 13th October 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr J Robson, Mr G Gray, Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift, Mr R Mosley, Mr R Russel, Mr E Martin

In attendance Cllr M Veitch, Mr Anthony Jeffrey - local resident, Mr Alec Gibson - AMG Residentsí Association, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Roll call

Read by Mrs Taylor:-

Ward 1 (1 Community Councillor)
Linda Shaw-Stewart

Ward 2 (2 Community Councillors)
Anne Pearson
Jonathan Swift

Ward 3 (6 Community Councillors)
Allison Cosgrove
Barry Craighead
Richard Mosley
Judith Priest
John Robson
Robert Russel

Ward 4 (3 Community Councillors)
Gordon Gray
Anne Jolly
1 vacancy

Election of Office Bearers

Chairperson: Judith Priest
Nominated by Mr Russel, seconded by Mr Robson

Vice Chairperson: Mrs Cosgrove
Nominated by Mr Craighead, seconded by Mr Robson

Treasurer: Mr Robson
Nominated by Mr Swift, seconded by Mrs Priest

Secretary: Mr Swift
Nominated by Mrs Priest seconded by Mr Robson

Elected Mr Martin to serve Ward 4 as a casual vacancy.

Normal meeting resumed.

ï Apologies
Cllr N Hampshire
Cllr J Goodfellow
Ms A Cosgrove
Mrs A Jolly
PC G Ross
PC J Stewart

Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st September 2016

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking:
No reports of note.

Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour:

No reports of antisocial behaviour

You told us that a particular issue was littering and peopleís lack of concern for the area:
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money:
Nothing of note.
Other incidents

In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, outbuildings and properties are secure overnight.

CAPP meeting was held on Wednesday 28th September 2016. Priority area discussed relating to Dunpender was anti social behaviour and vandalism at East Linton Park. It was reported that the area was patrolled on a number of occasions. No youths traced who are suspected of involvement in the incidents, no reports of any further incidents.
Other ongoing policing issues relating to Dunpender include:-
Further complaints about speeding at Tyninghame on A198.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Mr Swift met with Nick Morgan, Paths Officer, ELC regarding the path alternative round the back of the Church, to avoid the pavement/traffic issue on Preston Road. Next step is to approach the landowner, there is already an informal path through the woodland there, and also to meet with Rev. David Scott to discuss plans with Church.This is being viewed as a possible interim solution The drawings for the traffic management system have been produced but ELC have already stated that to secure the funding within departmental budgets to complete this work, will take a long time, although may be possible to fund via Area Partnership. Cllr Veitch to send the drawings to Mrs Priest - DCC to consult with local community, possibly by putting drawings in Library and publicising through ELDA.
DCC received an email from Anna Davidson from St. Andrewís Church regarding many unfilled potholes in the Square in East Linton. The yellow lines in the Square are being ignored - people are parking at end of grass. When new traffic wardens start, this will be highlighted as an area to concentrate on.
Letter received from resident in Longstone Avenue regarding speeding in area and concerns for childrenís safety. Replied re. 20mph zones. Road Safety Officer to be asked to attend - Mr Craighead to co-ordinate with ELC/local resident.

4.2 ELDA article for October/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write ELDA article.
Dunpender News to be sent to printer at mid/end of November, should be available to distribute by DCC members at start of December.

4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
NBAP are considering holding a charrette - a 3 day fast paced workshop about how to resolve a problem, which in this case, would be parking and traffic in North Berwick. Experts come in to help to solve the problem. 200 people at NBAP AGM. DELAP provided by email by Ms Cosgrove. The Educational Attainment Sub Group is meeting on 31st October to discuss allocation of the £100k Attainment funding. There are 12 applications for funding. Concerns around the connection of one of the new streetlights at Monks Muir - DELAP have paid Scottish Power for this but light not on and it is now dark at night. DELAP are following this up.
Mr Russel attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group - nothing of note discussed relating to Dunpender.
Mr Russel attended the John Muir Country Park meeting - reported that the police are being stricter on big parties - over 200 kids at Belhaven, alcohol is being confiscated.
Mr Martin attended the meeting with Abellio. They have been working on trying to improve train schedules from North Berwick, to have a train on a Sunday morning before 11.30am. Cllr Veitch, Cllr Berry and Harry Barker are lobbying for train that begins at Prestonpans to be extended to start at Dunbar. Unlikely to be real improvements until get new trains, now delayed to 2018.
Mr Robson reported that Tarmac meeting last month was cancelled. No problems at Dunbar.
Ms Cosgrove reported via email regarding the Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) - as Fisheries money comes from Europe, it is not clear if the amount promised for the new round will materialise. (LEADER funding may not continue after January 2017). Next meeting is on 26 October and there are two applications to consider.
Mrs Cosgrove also reported via email regarding the Association of East Lothian Community Councils - Hilary Smith from North Berwick Community Council, the previous Chair of the Association has been re-elected and is willing to continue with the Association. The next meeting is on 9 November in Haddington and is on Health Service provision as well as being the AGM.

4.4 Paths
Mr Swift contacted CKD Galbraith regarding weir above Knowes being covered in debris and obstructed fish pass. Iain Gray, MSP, has recently raised it as a parliamentary question so this will hopefully now be dealt with.

4.6 Defibrillators
Ian Yeaman has defibrillator at Votadinis - it is intended that this will go outside Community Hall - Ian/Mr Craighead to apply for planning permission. There is money allocated within Local Priorities for the case and will possibly receive money from Co-op too.
The defibrillator being provided from private funding will possibly go on Fire Station - this is being checked with officials at Scottish Fire Service. Mr Swift to contact Mr Strachan to contact private donors.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The Current Account balance £250.86 + £488.90 to be returned. Thanks for funding recently received from East Linton Horticultural Society & Gala Committee.
Council Grants Account balance is £1,599.83.
Local Priorities budget has £3,992.23 committed and £1774.34 uncommitted. Funds may be required to tidy round Robert Noble gravestone. £500 allocated to Christmas lights budget - Mrs Shaw-Stewart to arrange local electrician to look at St Andrew's power box in square (cable & box).

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Tyninghame dog fouling getting bad again - Mrs Jolly has stopped putting bags in shelter as people were taking all of them.
Whitekirk have received £1,000 from NBAP for Hall and are in discussion with Viridor through Church and have an architect preparing drawings. The Hall belongs to Church but is managed by Community. Idea being to turn one toilet into a disabled toilet and upgrade the toilet and also to have a kitchen to make it attractive to let. This work is expected to cost £25,000 of which Whitekirk community are expected to raise total of 10% - £2,500. DCC voted to grant £500 to Whitekirk Hall fund from Local Priorities.
Residents at Markle are continuing to discuss the possibility of the crossing closing if the railway station was to open in East Linton.

7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
There is a lot of local concern about new portakabin at Sunnyside. This appears to belong to a local equine charity teaching children and doesnít appear to have toilets or basic facilities. Mrs Pearson has been in touch with ELC Planning and Environmental Health to and register her concerns. Cllr Veitch also to investigate. Land owned by James Cunningham from Sunnyside.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that she has been approached regarding a new playpark in Whittinghame. There is a tiny playpark in Whittinghame, but this is insufficient. Advised people to approach landowner to ask for ground. DCC happy to back them in their efforts and to provide support and help them to find outside sources to fund.

8.0 Planning matters
The Local Development Plan consultation is running until 7 November 2016. DCC responded to this at Main Issues stage. At this stage, Mrs Cosgrove provided information re. East Linton sites that developers were interested in. DCC support ELCís opinion that these areas are not sustainable. Mr Swift and Mr Mosley to work on a response.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES AGM recently held in Reston was well attended. The North Berwick service is still the subject of many complaints because of overcrowding. Network Rail has published its ìChoices for Scotlandís Railways 2019 and Beyondî. Their plans for our area include doubling the track from Prestonpans to Drem, and introducing loops on the track south of Drem. RAGES would support both these actions. Harry Barker has taken over as Chair of RELBUS. The next meeting is on 26 October, which Mrs Cosgrove will attend. The new buses are working well, are clean and generally have been well received.
A new night bus has recently been announced, Night Hawk, expect this will be use it or lose it service.
East Lothian Community Rail Partnership had a recent meeting at QMU which Mrs Cosgrove attended.
Cllr Veitch reported that there was no update to ELC/SBC counter offer from Scottish Government.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Discussed Christmas lights (see Treasurerís Report at 5.0)
£500 NBAP funding available for Robert Noble exhibition to tour to N Berwick.
Mr Craighead met with Stuart Pryde who guaranteed reinstating Noble memorial stone by end of year. ELC can fund the restoration as they will use it as a training exercise - because stone is so heavy The ground around will probably need landscaping.
Re. Robert Noble Anniversary - the next meeting with the Councilís Exhibitions Organiser is on 27 October. More paintings have come to light including two very good ones held by the City Art Centre in Edinburgh, and they are willing to loan them. Photographs of the existing paintings are being arranged. Mrs Cosgrove is waiting to find out more about funding applications for the illustrated guide.
Mr Russel contacted Lesley Smith, Arts Officer re. artwork - no reply. Cllr Veitch to chase.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Aug 30 Greenspace Scotland: Tesco Bags of help funding
11.2 Sept 20 ECoast Buses: CMA investigation into takeover of First service
11.3 Sept21 FoRTyne Mins of Sept meeting

11.4 Sept 23 ELC F Dawson update on Community Broadband
11.5 Sept 28 NHS Lothian: work starts Oct on Community Hospital in Haddington
11.6 Sept 29 ELC JMCP Advisory Gp:Mins and mtg 6 Oct
11.7 Oct1 D Karpacz: traffic problems and speeding in Longstone Ave
11.8 Oct 4 BT: Phone Box consultation
11.9 Oct 4 Planning Aid Scotland: Services offered
11.10 Oct 4 ELC: Cabinet papers
11.11 Oct 6 RELBUS meeting 26th Oct 7pm Town House
11.12 Oct 7 FoRTyne meeting 12 Oct
11.13 Oct 10 H Smith: AELCC meeting Weds 9/11 7pm: Health Care in ELothian
11.14 Oct 11-12 JBell/A Gibson: SUDS basin at AMGrove
11.15 Oct 12 East Coast Buses: new Nighthawk service from 5th Nov
11.16 Oct 11 Keep Scot Beautiful: Climate Challenge Fund open for applications 11.17 Oct 13 SESplan: Proposed Strategic Devt Plan published
11.18 Oct 13 A Davidson: problems with potholes/parking/lights in Square Letters
Oct 3 Hort Society - thanks for donation
Oct 4 A Stewart: accessible bench at or near Preston Road end

Oct 10 G Dickson: School transport provision for Prestonmains Farm

East Lothian Proposed Local Development Plan - closes 7/11/16
See also https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Whitekirk phone box has been adopted by Whitekirk Community Association. Mrs Priest asked in ELDA if we should adopt phone box on East Linton High Street - 1 response received in favour of plan. Still remains a maintenance problem. Cllr Veitch reported that the phone box may be listed anyway and canít be taken away. Roodlands - turf will be shifted by end of October then new car park to be built and buildings to be removed as work begins on new Hospital.
Letter received re. school transport from Prestonmains Cottages. Cllr Veitch to follow up. Mrs Priest to write back to resident.
Scottish Government initiative announced re. high speed fibre broadband by 2020. EL broadband programme have written to the Minister as theyíd like to carry on with their programme or do they have to wait to take part in SG programme. Mr Martin attending meetings.

Thursday 3rd November 2016