Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - February 2016

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
4th February 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mr J Swift

In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, Mr A Maclaren (PhD student studying Scottish Rural Life), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Apologies: Ms A Pearson, Mrs A Jolly, Mr E Martin, Mr G Gray

2.0 Minutes of previous meeting held on 7th January 2016
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted. Mr Craighead noted that due to policing staff changes, police could only attend DCC meeting if there were no call-outs, hence there being less police presence at all local Community Council meetings. Mrs Cosgrove noted that AELCC wrote to Inspector regarding this issue. The Inspector will be revising the local policing plan.
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting on Monday 25th January 2016. There were 16 representatives present from local agencies. Main priorities identified were youth loitering, with no intent to harm but intimidating to locals especially elderly people; parking at Dunbar Primary School and dog fouling in both Dunbar and East Linton.
Mr Craighead also reported that there has recently been an increased police presence in East Linton and also that ELC are recruiting additional Community Wardens who will be responsible for parking tickets and dog fouling.

4.0 Matters Arising
4.1 Paths
Ms Pearson and Mr Swift had identified the owners of land adjacent to the River Tyne from Preston Mill to Knowes Bridge. Owners identified as Tyninghame Estate, Preston Mains (Kenneth Gray) and Mr Dale. Paths for All grant refused ñ plan to try again.
Discussion around sustainable urban drainage system in AMG. Cllr Veitch to look into a better fence.

4.2 Roads/pavements
Mrs Cosgrove reported re. DELAP funding update. Pavement works on High Street are being started first week in March; new speed sign sockets should be installed by 31 March and expecting delivery of new speed sign by March.
Cllr Veitch reported no progress on signs re. height (top of road) and width (top and bottom of road) for Lauder Place ñ he will chase up.

Cllr Veitch reported no progress with pavement outside Co-op ñ he will chase up.
Cllr Veitch will find out if there has been any progress regarding the Preston Road study within ELC and report back to next DCC meeting.

4.3 ELDA
Mr Russel to write ELDA article for February 2016.
David Evans is giving up ELDA and is looking for a new editor.

4.4 Area Partnerships
Meeting on Monday night ñ East Linton update reported under 4.2. Mrs Cosgrove has planned projects list.

Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting on 25th January 2016.
Mrs Cosgrove attended the DELAP on 11th January 2016.
th January 2016.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum last week. LAF are working on promoting paths wardens. Gullane/Drem path issues still ongoing. LAF also discussed the lack of a bin at Tyninghame Links and the dirty protest (dog owners leaving dog dirt in small pile of bags). Mr Swift spoke to Eamon John, ELC who is conducting a review into changes since Coastal Car Park charging was brought in and was aware of dirty protest. Cllr Veitch to also speak to Eamon John. Following last DCC meeting, Mr Russel wrote to Neil Clark, ELC suggesting a sturdy sign could be put at Links car park asking people to take rubbish home. Mr Russel had a reply from Neil Clark stating that it was a very useful suggestion. LAF Chair, Jim Wylie, Chair also noted that NFU are attempting to criminalise dog fouling in fields. LAF also discussed producing a Walks in East Lothian leaflet or app and Dunpenderís Walks leaflet was used as an example and praised.
Mr Craighead reported on the Hall Committee meeting.
th February, Mr Craighead to attend.

5.0 Treasurerís report/LP budget:
Mr Robson reported a balance of £751.10 in the Current Account, £404.84 to put transferred to Grants Account for Christmas lights.
Council Grants Account £1,184.09
£184 uncommitted in the Local Priorities budget for 2015/16. At the meeting, this figure was committed East Lintonís Christmas lights (£316.34 still to spend). The remaining £173.75 for the Community Resilience leaflet was reallocated to £70 for the outdoor socket at the Square and the remainder towards the defibrillator cabinet at Tyninghame.
Cost for plants etc for East Lintonís tubs and flowerbeds was £304.75.
Anne Stewart (Link Officer) wrote to thank DCC for the recent donation, towards the Lynton Day Centre.

6.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
At the last DCC meeting, Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported deep flooding on Stenton Road, coming from Stenton towards Whittinghame. Cllr Hampshire to follow up. No progress with this issue yet.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mr Gray reported two updates via email:-
- The metal highways sign saying Whitekirk,†on the west side, is battered and twistedóthrough the North Berwick Area Partnership ñOn The Moveósub groupó this will be replaced †by ELC Roads department †this financial year (issue also reported by Mr Martin).
- The electrics and base plate fixing †for a speed indicator sign† is part of the approved †improvements †list and will be done next financial year. The location will be discussed with †DCC before fixingóthe intention was on the Merrylaws†Road approach to the Whitekirk.

Mr Martin also reported that the AGM of the Whitekirk Community Company is on 26th February, where broadband provision for the area will also be discussed.
Mrs Jolly has been working on putting Tyninghameís defibrillator in the bus shelter where there is already electricity and light. Scottish Ambulance Service Training to be held on 26th February. Mrs Jolly also reported that dog fouling bags she had been putting in the shelter were being stolen. ELCís Community Warden has been keeping an eye on the cricket pitch, where the dog fouling sign keeps being removed and laid on the ground.
Mr Veitch reported that ELC Roads Officers and Cllrs have a meeting scheduled re. speed limits on B roads.

8.0 Planning Matters
Holder Planning, agent for Stewart Milne Homes are holding a public meeting in Community Hall on 23rd February. Orbit Communications, agent for Barrett David Wilson Homes will be attending next DCC meeting on 3rd March to give a very short presentation. Both meetings are regarding potential development on Pencraig side of East Linton.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Cllr Veitch reported that East Lothian and Scottish Borders Council submitted their joint bid to Scottish Governmentís Station Fund, which was sent back and needs to be resubmitted ñ ELC are now waiting for SBC to agree strategy then bid can be resubmitted. Then formal negotiations regarding funding gap can commence.
No reply to Network Rail letter regarding colour of railway bridge when due to be repainted in 2017. Cllr Veitch to chase up.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects: Noble Centenary plans
Ms Cosgrove confirmed plans for Robert Noble centenary, which will take place on 12-14 May 2017:-

- Exhibitions of his artwork, exhibition opening on 12th at John Gray Centre followed by Civic Reception
- Childrenís event and art competition
- Repaired gravestone, talk on life in Prestonkirk with tea party

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
1. 12 Jan. F Currie ELC. Audit and Governance Committee 19 January 2016. Details circulated to DCC
2. 19 Jan. A Smith ELC. Weblink for ELC Policy and Performance Committee meeting 26 January 2016
3. 19 Jan. A Pearson and J Swift. Identification of owners of land adjacent to the R Tyne from Preston Mill to Knowes Bridge

4. 22 Jan. F Currie ELC. Information regarding a meeting of East Lothian Integration Joint Board on 28 January 2016. Circulated to DCC
5. 26 Jan. A Smith ELC. Information regarding ELC Planning Committee Meeting 2 February 2016. Circulated to DCC.
6. 14 Jan. J Priest. Circulation of Post Office consultation on proposals to make minor changes to hours and services provided at East Linton Post Office. DCC members invited to note and comment individually
7. 7 Jan. J Priest. Circulation of details of a meeting of the Association of East Lothian Community Councils on 28 January 2016. J Swift attending.
8. 28 Jan. L Pryde. ELC. The Scottish Community Councils website (www.communitycouncils.scot) has been redesigned and relaunched.
9. 28 Jan. L Pryde. ELC. Re. Digital Workshops held during Autumn 2015. The report is attached to this email and is also on the new-look national website for community councils at http:// www.communitycouncils.scot/read-the-report-of-the- digital-engagement-workshops.html, Letters 28 Jan. Scottish Government Scotland Bill Briefing Note

1. What are your priorities for the police service ñ A Scottish Government consultation ñ 12 February 2016
2. Tenant Participation Strategy ñ 4 March 2016
Join the East Lothian Citizens' Panel ñ 30 April 2016
4. Join East Lothian Youth E-Panel ñ 30 June 2017

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Robson enquired re. when 2016/17 ELC budgets were being set ñ was advised being agreed on Tuesday 9th February and Cllr Veitch was not aware of any drastic funding changes to CCs.

Thursday 3rd March 2016