Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - March 2015

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 5 March 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

1.0 Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Swift, Mr R Russe, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards

In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

2.0 APOLOGIES , Mr G Gray, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, PC Gavin Ross

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools:
- No related incidents
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.
- Between 9.30 pm on the 18th and 8.30am on the 19th February a window was smashed
on a car parked in Orchard Court.
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
- Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
- You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
- As reported after the last meeting, overnight Thursday 5th to Friday 6th February a car was stolen from Clint, Whittinghame. The key had been left in the vehicle and it is known that the vehicle was in the NE of England going south at 10.30pm on the 5th.
Other incidents
No other incidents to report. You may be aware from local press that there have been
some organisational changes for local policing. I will do what I can to attend future
meetings but should I be unable to attend there are now other Dunbar based officers and
Sgt Aitchison who will on occasions be able to attend.

CAPP priorities
1. Carry out speed checks in 20 and 30mph areas throughout the ward area
2. Conduct foot patrols of Dunbar High street, to trace and deter youths from gathering in private vennels and common stairs.
3. Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.

Next CAPP meeting: Tuesday 31 March 2015, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station.

Windy weather has meant building materials and debris being blown across the railway line and into the park from Andrew Meikle Grove. Thanks to Jimmy Wilson, Community Warden, for his swift action & contacting Network Rail to get the line cleared.
A person has been identified responsible for dumping litter on road from East Linton towards East Fortune/North Berwick, ordered to clear the rubbish.
Some noise by youths has been reported in East Linton.
Police have charged 2 people based in England with recent local break-ins.


4.1 Roads and Pavements
East Linton’s Traffic Options paper is on East Lothian Council’s consultation hub – encourage as many residents as possible to submit responses, DCC members to also respond. Responses must be submitted by 10 April 2015. Recent local petition concerning 20mph limit was for main streets in East Linton - Cllr Veitch to look at consultation modelling as currently these streets not included in 20mph proposal in consultation document.
A local resident has contacted DCC re. potholes in East Linton’s Square and people parking cars over the recently renovated grass area – possibly bollards or something similar to stop people parking here could be looked at. Bike rack also needs to be straightened up. Cllr Hampshire to take the concerns here forward within ELC.
Preston Road roadside mud has been cleared at long last
Streetlights to be painted have been reported to ELC – Stories Park and Preston Road – Mrs Cosgrove to report back if these have been painted.
The currently defective speed reactive sign for East Linton is missing a part – once this arrives and sign is fixed, Mr Baird, ELC will move sign to Haddington Road entrance.

4.2 ELDA article
The ELDA article for this month will be written by Mr Strachan.

4.3 PAD
There is now a PAD situated at the doctors’ surgery in East Linton – on external wall. Mrs Richards to contact Courier and Dunpender website re. successful installation of two PADs in East Linton. The PAD situated in the Co-op store will stay inside just now as if it is moved outside, an expensive cabinet, electricity and planning permission is required.

• Meetings attended
Ms Pearson and Mrs Priest attended a local meeting run by East Lothian Council changes to local waste collection and disposal. Residents will be provided with a grey food waste bin which will be collected weekly and green bin collection will move to fortnightly. Boxes with cardboard and glass/tin will continue to be collected also. Residents will be sent leaflets regarding changes soon. Cllr Hampshire stated that East Lothian had a good recycling record – over 55% of waste is currently recycled. If residents cannot manage waste boxes then ELC can help.
Mr Craighead attended the local CAPP meeting.
Ms Richards attended the recent Auction Mart/saleground meeting – have decided not to apply for funding through Scottish Land Fund as this has too many restrictions. They will now attempt funding via private investors or bank loan by creating a private ltd company. The team have a few weeks to put a plan in place as the current agreement not to sell the land elsewhere ends at the end of May.
Mr Craighead attended the recent East Linton Hall committee meeting. ELC have been requested by the Scottish Government to enforce a Trader’s License for local traders – local antiques fair is under threat as many will not want to apply for a license. The cost to the trader is £200 for 3 years for one local authority area. This will be enforced by ELC local licensing officers. Mrs Cosgrove has written to Iain Gray, MSP regarding this issue – awaiting response.
Ms Pearson attended the recent Friends of the River Tyne meeting – tackling non native invasive weeds.

• Paths
Miller Homes have again closed the underpass/vennel through from Andrew Meikle Grove to the park. As this is a Right of Way, Under the Land Reform Act, 2003 they are duty bound to apply to ELC, in writing, 8 weeks in advance of any proposed closure. Cllr Veitch to follow this up on behalf of East Lothian Council and ask Miller Homes to submit application in retrospect – Nick Morgan, Paths Officer will have copy of plans. Mr Swift to discuss at Land Access Forum.
Miller Homes builders are possibly using the fire hydrant without permission.

• Area Partnerships
Mrs Cosgrove attended recent DELAP meeting where the Main Issues report was discussed. Cllr Hampshire reported that AP’s will be able to direct where part of the Landscape & Countryside budget will be spent.
5.0 Planning matters
DCC’s response to the Main Issues Report (MIR) of the Local Development Plan is available in East Linton Library and Dunpender website. Will be noted in ELDA article and sent to East Lothian Courier.

6.0  Treasurer's Report
Mr Robson advised Members that the Current Account stood at £389.36.  For a short period the Council Grants Account stood at £3,031.75 - including a donation of £1,500 from the Co-operative Society towards another PAD - but that and a private donation, had been spent on the device and outdoor cabinet, leaving the balance in that account of £1,878.15.  Sufficient funds, however, remained for paying an electrician to install the cabinet outside the Surgery.
Just under 77% of DCC's Local Priorities budget had been spent to date - £6,948.52.  Outstanding activities were Tyninghame Hall noticeboard, Kingsburgh/Rennie path clearance, and new replacements for LED Christmas lights - it was agreed that Ms Shaw- Stewart proceed with purchasing the cable & lights from lights4fun, before the end of the financial year.  An application for a donation towards last year's Gala Day was finally received - £118.80 - and Mr Robson undertook to pay direct and recover from Mrs Pryde.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Whitekirk Developments Ltd have resubmitted application for planning permission in principle for the erection of 21 holiday lodges and 42 houses. DCC objected to the original application, Mrs Priest will write an objection letter and submit to ELC.
Problems with water running across road at Tyninghame – report to Transportation, ELC if happens again.
Road to Crauchie/Markle from A199 is in process of being upgraded.
A local resident’s complaint to Geddes re. noise from quarry turned out to be noise from scarecrows in nearby fields.

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
There are potholes on road next to Luggate burn at the top of the hill – difficulties reporting on website. Cllr Veitch to follow up.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
East Linton Christmas lights – discussed at 6.0. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to follow up.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Ms Cosgrove have produced a draft Community Resilience leaflet, this will be printed and possibly included in a future ELDA, cost to be met from Local Priorities budget. Need help with design of leaflet – no funding available from ELC.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
The Sunday 1.20pm bus from North Berwick run by Eves Coaches will be reinstated. 
Dunbar train station is to remain a manned station.

11.0 Correspondence and Consultations
1. 050215 L Pryde. Planning Democracy Conference. Planning - The People's Perspective. Saturday 25 April. Trades Hall. Glasgow. £10 Registration.
2. 160215. J Swift. Closure of Railway Underpass for 17 weeks.
3. 270215. A Davidson. Parking issues and potholes in The Square, East Linton.
4. 270215. S Baptie ELC. Update on Resilient Communities Workshop held in October 2014. Circulated by Email to DCC.
5. 270215. D Affleck. Low use post boxes - change to collection on delivery at 9am weekdays and 7am on Saturdays.
If you are disabled, you can request that the Postman takes your mail to the Post Box – put in ELDA.
6. 170415. V Hawthorn request for Bin at Markle path
7. 010315. C Lindsay potholes on Luggate road
Correspondence Table:-
Advert from Wicksteed Leisure about adult outdoor fitness equipment for parks etc. Consultations:-
Scottish Parliament Educational Attainment Gap 7 March
TRO’s – various roads in East Lothian 8 March
Special Landscape Area suggestion box 31 March
East Linton Road safety improvements 10 April
Join East Lothian Citizens’ Panel 30 April

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC to submit a team to the Playgroup quiz night on 17 April 2015.
East Linton’s Gala is going ahead in June after a new committee was formed.
The burial strategy will be discussed at full Council meeting on 10th March 2015 – any thoughts on alternative sites?

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 2nd April 2015