Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - October 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on
2 October 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray

In attendance PC Lynn Black, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Cllr M Veitch, Ms S Richards, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

PC Lynn Black:-
Road Safety
-Parking tickets have been issues for double yellow lines offences committed in the vicinity of the Co-op and the butchers.
-Recently, whilst conducting a survey outside of the Co-op, it was made clear to me that by far people’s concerns regarding police matters in East Linton are traffic related: speed and parking. Further attention shall be given as often as possible
Antisocial Behaviour
Miller Homes have had problems with youths on the building site at Andrew Meikle Grove, passing attention is being given by police patrols.
-No reports of problems
-About 6pm on Friday 5th September a male stole 3 bottles of spirits from the Co-op, he stole another bottle the following evening. The same person is suspected of committing similar multiple thefts in North Berwick and Dunbar.
CAPP priorities:
-Inconsiderate parking in residential areas:
Patrol areas such as Floors Terrace, East Linton High Street and Countess Road in relation to persons parking inconsiderately and obstructing other drivers view
-Anti-Social Behaviour in vennels off Dunbar High Street:
Patrol High Street and vennels to prevent anti social behaviour and check for any lighting faults or common stair security issues
-Poor driving on rural roads
Patrol rural roads, especially between A1 and Oldhamstocks, to check irresponsible driving following reports of persons driving fast on narrow roads alongside horse riders. Contact ELC regarding signage.
Next CAPP meeting 19.30 hours on Thursday 23rd October 2014 at Dunbar Police Station.
Patrols have been conducted of rural car parks such as at John Muir Country Park for antisocial behaviour and theft issues.
100 public consultation surveys are being completed in the area to ascertain the future ward priorities.
All community officers attended a “tomorrow’s driver” event at Musselburgh to which all S6 pupils in the region were invited and given presentations about being a safe new driver.
PC Ross and Community Warden Jimmy Wilson have conducted school talks at Dunbar Grammar regarding youth’s role in the community.
Another quiet virtually crime free month with no ASBO tickets issued, only 2 crime reports submitted (shopliftings) and no recorded vehicle accidents.

Following a discussion at last month’s DCC meeting, Mrs Priest wrote to the Scottish National Farmers’ Union re. drivers of tractors and farm machinery using mobiles while driving and speed of tractors going through village. A response was received from Kerry Barr. The NFU will be emailing local members to highlight issue, however PC Black highlighted that we should also be aware that some local farmers use contractors, who the NFU cannot contact directly – local farmers are responsible for their contractors. Many local Community Councils have had similar issues. If residents see a tractor they believe to be speeding or using a mobile phone – advised to take registration number and report to local Community Police Officer who can follow up with local farmer.
Mr Strachan requested a structure of policing in East Lothian – PC Black to provide to DCC.
Mr Craighead to request that the light on the bridge, that keeps getting broken with high hay bale tractor loads passing, be moved higher up and will report recent smash to ELC.


4.1 Roads and Pavements:
Ms Cosgrove to remind Cllr Veitch to report back on reactive speed sign.
Mr Forsyth, ELC is currently making amendments to the East Linton Traffic Options paper, after this has been done this paper will be available in the Library and from East Linton’s website for comment by local residents.
Notices have not yet been placed in bus shelters along High Street noting direction of travel & bus operators have to put up their timetables – Cllr Veitch has requested this, but it has not yet been done.
Cllr Veitch contacted ELC regarding the pavement in East Linton square being upgraded. ELC replied that this was due to be done during 2015, Cllr Veitch has replied to request that this be done sooner – awaiting response.
East Linton’s public toilets require a new hinge, and were not locked during the summer, only that the door was stiff to open. This has been reported to ELC and will be actioned.

4.2 ELDA article for October
Mr Russel to write this.

4.3 Public Access Defibrillator
The potential siting of the PAD at the Community Hall was discussed at a recent Hall Committee meeting, but the Committee was not keen on this idea as the Hall for various reasons. Members agreed the best option was at the Council Chambers. DCC to await the arrival of the PAD, then work on planning permission and so on.

4.4 Meetings attended
Ms Cosgrove attended a recent Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership meeting representing both DCC and East Linton Parent Council. The group is discussing 7 key themes and the budget is likely to be a share of the £120,000 available to all Area Partnership groups across East Lothian.
Mr Gray attended the North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership meeting who had very similar priorities.
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting. Mr Craighead reported that BBC vehicles were vandalised recently outside Prestonkirk, where a televised concert was taking place.
Mr Craighead also attended the Hall Committee meeting where he raised issues relating to the electrics and smoke alarms and also reported back on the Hall fire alarms being set off during polling day for the referendum. There has been a coded box containing a hall key placed outside the hall.
Mr Robson will be attending the LaFarge meeting next week.
Ms Pearson attended the John Muir Advisory Group recent meeting. Traprain Law is due to have its gorse sprayed so the ponies will be taken to Barns Ness while this is being done.

4.5 Paths
Ms Pearson has been researching the Paths for All grant – there is no way to request a generic amount to repair local paths, it has to be for a specific path project. Therefore Ms Pearson will speak to Nick Morgan, ELC to ask him to let us know what needs repaired locally and DCC can apply for funding to help towards this.

4.6 Drinking by-law
DCC discussed this issue as requested by PC Gavin Ross. Decided to look at statistics and what would be covered by legislation then revisit at the future meeting. Mr Strachan to contact PC Ross to ask for statistics and further information relating to this issue.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised Members that the Current Account stood at £664.09, with the Council Grants Account's balance at £1,653.25 (£1,430 of which was earmarked for the new revised Walks Leaflet).
He paid each member £15 as a contribution towards Stationery Costs - primarily printer ink.
The revised Local Priorities 2014/15 spreadsheet was discussed. Invoices covering notice boards at Tyninghame, Whitekirk, and Whittingehame, were being passed to East Lothian Council for payment.  Other related costs would be paid and recovered from the budget.  An invoice from the Horticultural Society had been received, leaving £226.80 in their allocation for the year. Surpluses from completed activities would be redistributed within the budget.  A £200 donation was agreed to be paid towards East Linton Primary Camp funding - the necessary application form had been forwarded.  Mr Robson undertook to update his spreadsheet, and distribute, before the next meeting.

Mr Craighead requested a cheque for £31 to be sent to Minister David Scott for DCC;s wreath for Remembrance Sunday. DCC hopes to have a Councillor to lay DCC’s wreath this year.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
The Tyninghame notice board planning permission has been submitted by Tyninghame Hall Committee. There is still no member on DCC to represent Tyninghame.
Mr. Craighead and Mr. Russel arranged and supervised the professional installation of the notice board at Whitekirk.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Ms Cosgrove has been contacted by a local resident in Whittinghame regarding the lack of a local bus service. Ms Cosgrove replied to say that the bus service in East Linton was the best that could be offered.

8.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
The Walks leaflet has been printed but has not yet arrived.
There is £200 available to spend on repairing/replacing East Linton’s Christmas lights.
The Miller Homes artwork is due to be erected soon, this may require planning permission.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
The new franchise holder for current Scotrail services is announced next week.
School children travelling to Dunbar Grammar from East Linton are continuing to have problems with First Bus. Cllr Veitch has contacted Andrew McLellan, ELC to raise concerns.

10.0 Planning Matters
Concern has been raised regarding the lack of landscaping around the new RockRose Equestrian Centre at Sunnyside.

11.0 Correspondence and Consultations
11.1 3/9/14. Fw: Dunpender Community Council Police Report Request to reconsider Introduction of a bylaw prohibiting consumption of alcohol in public places.
11.2 4/9/14. Fw: Speeds on High St. Table of Results.
11.4 8/9/14. FW: Home Energy Scotland Solar - Event to provide free independent advice on solar panels on 25/9 at Braid Hills Hotel.
11.5 9/9/14. Scottish Rural Parliament update.
11.6 11/9/14. Community Training Calendar 2014-15 free training Provided by STRIVE for people making a difference in their community.
11.7 16/9/14. Email to NFU about Tractors in East Linton and response from NFU.
11.8 16/9/14. F Lenaghan Tyn Hall thank you for contribution to noticeboard
11.9 22/9/14. Email copy of a letter from Iain Gray MSP supporting objections to proposals by Scottish Enterprise for the creation of an Energy Park on the sIte of the former Cockenzie Power Station.
11.10 22/9/14. Email confirming removal of bench from bushes in Memorial Park.
11.11 22/9/14. Emails from Cllr Veitch to to Keith Scott ELC regarding inadequacy of temporary bus direction signs.
11.12 30/9/14. Friends of R Tyne meeting 7pm Weds 8th Oct
11.13 30/9/14 EL&DCAssn re siting of PAD at Community Hall
11.14 1/10/14. Tara Sykes next meeting Friends JMCP 18th Oct

Open Consultations:-
Future Tender of Supported Bus Service 2015 – closes 6/10/2014
Your View on Scottish Libraries – closes 2/12/2014
East Lothian Citizens’ Panel – closes 31/12/2014
Planning Customer Feedback Form – closes 31/12/2014
- Mr Strachan to respond to Scottish Libraries consultation on behalf of DCC.

Forthcoming Consultations:-
Local Development Plan – Main Issues Report – 17 November 2014
- this consultation requires a quick response when published. DCC to request a presentation by Ian MacFarlane, ELC via Cllr Hampshire.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Various members of DCC will be attending a Community Resilience Meeting with Sandy Baptie in Musselburgh on Saturday 25 October 2014.
Cllr Hampshire still to chase up overgrown condition and broken trees in Myra’s Field – East Linton Primary School Parent Council are also concerned about this issue. He is also looking into Rennie Place/Kingsburgh Gardens path factoring.
John Rennie, famous civil engineer, born and brought up in East Linton – is to be honoured in the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame run by the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders – Ms Cosgrove to write a letter to acknowledge DCC’s delight.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6 November 2014