Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - June 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 5 June 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Ms S Richards, Mr R Russe, Mr G Gray, Mr J Swift

In attendance PC Cameron Tait

1.0 APOLOGIES Cllr M Veitch, Ms A Pearson, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs Jill Taylor

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting, with the proviso that the Minutes of the Access Panel would be put on the website after every quarterly meeting.

Road Safety - -Patrols and speed checks have been conducted in the area and the Police are committed to continuing to doing more patrols, speed checks and parking initiatives. A number of tickets have been issued by police, the majority for parking on the double yellow lines in the vicinity of the Co-op.
Anti Social Behaviour - Few related calls in the area, although mindful of last year’s problem when youths jumped in to the river at the Linn Rocks. Police will work with the community warden should the problem reoccur.
Dog fouling - Dog Watch was launched last week. There will be regular joint patrols at popular dog walking areas such as East Linton football pitch for the foreseeable future.
Theft - Between the afternoon of the 17th May and the afternoon of the 18th houses on Rennie Drive and Dunpender Drive were broken in to via back doors being forced or rear windows smashed, jewellery and cash were taken on both occasions.
At 12.10 on the 20th May persons walked in to a house at Little Waughton, they were disturbed by the occupier but still left with two laptops.
At a later date following a vehicle stop in Dunbar two males and a female were arrested and charged with these and a number of other recent break-ins in the area.
Between 22nd May and the 30th May two child sized pedal cycles were stolen from an insecure building at Houston Mill, are a grey Merlin hybrid and a blue specialised jump bike.

CAPP priorities were being progressed and the next meeting would be on 11 June.

Other incidents of note:
On 20th May near to the chemists an 11 year old girl was approached by a lone male driving a black car, enquiries were ongoing to this incident.
On the morning of the 26th May a net was found set across the Tyne below the Church on Preston Road. Police attended and pulled in the net which contained four dead sea trout. An identical net was pulled by bailiffs near to Hailes Castle on the 3rd , which contained 60 fish. Members were encouraged to report any incidents of this nature.

Other incidents reported by Community Councillors: killing of deer at Tyninghame Beach witnessed by a dog walker, an insecure car rolling into a building on the High Street; the speed indicator at Drylawhill not working; speeding on Preston Road which had been reported; an aggressive dog reported by neighbours.

PC Black was also asked for progress on Whittingehame House problems and gave an update.

Anita Pate and Kate Henderson gave a presentation on the proposals for the new Artwork. They were working with two other artists, Jo Baker and Robin Wood.


5.1 Roads and Pavements:
A letter had been received regarding Preston Road pavement. Action JP
Barrie noted that the Council were going to remove soil at Preston Road Action MV Traffic options paper – to be discussed in the autumn.Road safety at Primary School, alternative parking, 20 mph campaign and vehicle speeds to be considered.
ELDA article for June – Gordon had done this. Robert would do July article.

5.2 First Responders
Shelagh advised that a training session had been held and 8 people had turned up, but there had been a poor uptake afterwards, so it would not go ahead. A defibrillator could be obtained in exchange for 540 old mobile phones. Allison to check if the School was collecting them, and Shelagh to find out if DCC could pay any difference in cost.

5.3 Meetings attended
Linda had attended Gifford debate on the Referendum.
John would attend Lafarge meeting. Gordon had been to the North Berwick Area Partnership representing the Whitekirk part of Dunpender. Barrie would continue attending CAPP meetings. Allison reported that there was a new LEADER funding programme coming onstream from January 2015.
An update from the Sale Ground meeting was that there would be no housing applications on the site, and a positive response from the community had been received.

5.4 Paths
Anne was not present, but Allison to ask Michael Veitch about the status of the Hailes Park path. Noted that the underpass ws still closed at the Park. Jon would take this up with ELC. Action – JS/AC

6.0 Treasurer's Report

Mr Robson advised that East Lothian Council had paid this year's Admin Grant of £568, on 22 April, swelling the Current Account balance to £722.57.  The Council Grants Account stood at £1,549.08, still leaving an uncashed cheque outstanding.

The 2014/2015 Local Priorities Budget spreadsheet had been circulated previous to the meeting, and showed a total spend of £1,259.69.  That figure included costs for one issue's printing and distribution of Dunpender News, planning fee, John Muir Anniversary event, and a £585.17 donation towards the Day Centre's kitchen refit.  £207.52 of that total was awaiting a refund from East Lothian Council.

A request for covering the cost of First Aid provision on Gala Day, had been received from the East Linton Gala Association, which was agreed.  Mr Robson to action.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
The noticeboard at Tyninghame bus shelter had been improved. Planning permission not yet received for board at Hall – Robert would take this up with Michael Veitch. Action – RR
Still problems with drainage at Markle – Jon would contact Michael Action – JS

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues Linda had obtained quotes for repairs to the Whittingehame notice board.

9.0 Tourism
David Affleck has applied for a Civic Pride grant for tree mapping at Smeaton.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES      
Better signage is to be put on bus shelters. Noted lack of bus from North Berwick to Dunbar on Sundays. Allison to refer to RELBUS. Action – AC

11.0 Planning Matters
Applications noted.

12.0 Correspondence and consultations
12.1 Gala Assn: request for funding
12.2 Mrs A Stewart: traffic/pavements on Preston Road
12.3 ELC: Relbus minutes 21 May next mtg 27th August
12.4 ELC: Area Partnership mtg Mon 30th June7-9pm
12.5 Paths for All: Path Maintenance Action Day, Sat 21st June 2014
12.5 E Clutton: various emails re Whittingehame House issues
12.6 SESplan survey ‘Influence the Plan’
12.7 Scottish Rural Parliament: website now live
12.8 CLD: survey on ideas for capacity Building Training calendar
12.9 Joint Laws Advisory Gp mins of March mtg. Next mtg Sept 24th
12.10 Sustaining Dunbar AGM 16th May
12.11 Local Govt Boundary Commission: consultation on proposed Cllr numbers
12.13 D.Affleck: funding applns for work to promote Smeaton tree collection

13.0 Any Other Competent Business
Noted Anne Pearson would represent DCC at the Gala.
The Area Partnership meeting was on 30 June – Allison to attend.
Path Maintenance Action Day on 22 June.
Consultation on the Boundary Commission – Allison to reply. Action - AC
Route for Commonwealth Games Baton Relay on 17 June noted. Barrie will be running 200 metres in Dirleton.
Request received from owners of Prestonkirk Lodge to support possible sale of amenity land adjacent to extend garden. In practice this would not normally be a problem but there was a principle of not selling amenity land or setting a precedent to do so. Members reluctantly agreed not to support.
Query on The Ark – not currently in breach of Planning regulations.
Noted the replacement mobile Bank times would not match existing Bank opening, but would be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Gordon Gray kindly donated a supply of paper to members – much appreciated.

14.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 4 September 2014