Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - February 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 6th February 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards, Mr G Gray, Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance PC K Hughes, Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Goodfellow, Ms Jen Edwards (local resident – observer), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mr B Craighead, Mr J Wilson, ELC

Mr Swift corrected 4.3 Paths to note that he was to speak to ELC’s Nick Morgan regarding right of way at the vennel from East Linton park to the new Miller Homes. Work being undertaken to drains meant that the right of way was blocked.
Otherwise accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Report by PC K Hughes:-
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
On the 11th of January a report was received regarding food being thrown at windows in the Drylaw Terrace area. This was reported for information only and no further calls have been received.
On the 16th of January a window was reported to have been smashed at Prestonkirk Gardens. The object used was reported to have been a Haggis!
On the 25th of January a vehicle was seized on the High Street after the driver was discovered driving without valid insurance.
On the 29th of January officers responded to a call received regarding a male with a firearm in a property in the village. Needless to say a quick and high profile response was carried out to ensure safety to the public. The incident was quickly scaled down and a male detained to allow for further enquiry. TO this date no charges have been preferred. I cannot make further comment.

CAPP local priorities are:-
20mph speed limit in areas of Dunbar
Cycling on pavements (older children and adults)
Dog fouling
The Community Police team are working on Operation RACK which concentrates on preventing house breaking.
PC Hughes is moving to a new post based in Musselburgh, so this will be his last DCC meeting. DCC thanks him for his hard work in the community and attendance at Dunpender Community Council meetings.


4.1 Roads/pavements
There is to be a further local meeting to discuss parking in East Linton on 20th February.
Broken slabs in the pavement around the Square in East Linton need repairing. Cllr Veitch to take this issue to ELC.
Cllr Veitch to carry forward the issue of the sloping pavement next to the church, which is slippy when icy – between the lamppost and Smeaton Road entrance.
Mr Russel has created a template to gather signatures of support for a local 20s Plenty campaign in East Linton. This will be placed on the Dunpender website and in the Post Office. The campaign would ask East Lothian Council to reduce the speed limit to 20mph through the centre of the village – provisionally suggested to be from the chemist to Preston Road/Hardie Terrace but details to be decided if there is general support.
There is a burst field drain again at Markle – Cllr Hampshire to take forward to ELC.
The burst main on the Lawhead to Whitekirk road has been repaired. A field drain has also been put in, which has made a huge difference to the water collecting on the road.
The top road to Whitekirk has a lot of mud on the road – it was suggested that this should be reported to police via 101.

4.2 Meetings attended
The Beckys Strip meeting was attended by Ms Pearson and Mr Gray. There was a vote at which approximately 30-35 people voted for the status quo and 14/15 voted for some kind of permanent surface to be laid. This issue now lies with ELC to come up with a compromise solution and is due to be discussed at a full Council meeting. Officers have been asked to provide a paper for this meeting, looking at all arguments. Cllr Goodfellow asked for DCC’s view: DCC agreed with the compromise solution offered by ELC to the meeting at Whitekirk.
Mr Robson attended Lafarge Tarmac Liaison Meeting at Dunbar on 4th February, and reported:  1. The Plant had closed in January for over £2 million of maintenance; 2.   About 40% of fuel for the kiln was now from recycled materials - the balance from coal; 3. The new RSPB Project Officer gave a presentation of plans for the Whitesands Quarry, outlining the vision of turning it into `an oasis for wildlife`(possibly over 5 years).
Mr Strachan attended the East Lothian Council briefing on Area Partnerships in Dunbar on 29 January 2013 – see 4.6.
Ms Cosgrove attended the LEADER project evaluation meeting – the next round of LEADER funding is expected to be available in 2015.
Ms Pearson attended an exhibition showing the some of the archived material being held at the John Gray Centre in Haddington. This archive holds materials from all of East Lothian.
Mr Swift and Mr Craighead attended a Monks Muir residents meeting together with Cllr Veitch. ELC staff and the police were also in attendance. The consensus was that as the accident and speeding rates are low, no major works can be undertaken, but there will be minor adjustments to the road undertaken and more signage. Cllr Veith to contact ELC Transportation department re. the radiator grille of a car which has been dumped in the verge next to Monks Muir.

4.3 Paths
Mr Swift attended the Land Access Forum on 29th January. The Forum had received a number of emails of support for the resurfacing of Becky’s Strip. The Gullane to Drem path was also discussed.
As instructed at last month's meeting, Mr Robson had contacted Jon Champion who has since confirmed that he will do some maintenance to the path at St. Baldred's Well. Funded from DCC's Council Grants Account.

4.4 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write February’s ELDA article.

4.5 Community First Responders
There has been some people drop out despite showing early interest in the project. Ms Richards is continuing to look for people interested in participating via the primary school, Dunpender website, the next issue of Dunpender News and posters round the village. Around 6 or 7 people are needed for the project to work – if there are not enough people, then the project cannot go ahead.

4.6 Area Partnerships meeting
The East Lothian Partnership has been formed to create an East Lothian Plan to implement the Single Outcome Agreement. Locally at ward level Area Partnerships will be formed. The Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership will develop and monitor a ward area plan to enable East Lothian Council resources to better reflect what the local community would like from the Single Outcome Agreement. Area Partnerships will be funded from existing East Lothian Council money and resources. They will be made up of the three Ward Councillors, together with representatives from the police, NHS and volunteers from community councils, tenants and residents associations, schools, farming, business and youth organisations etc. They are expected to be formed by mid 2014 and will probably meet about four times a year, once in each community council venue.
DCC also need to provide a representative for the North Berwick Area Partnership – Mr Gray to attend, with Ms Richards in reserve.

5.0 Planning Matters
Ms Shaw-Stewart to draft a letter to Minister regarding landscaping of new developments.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson reported that the Council Grants Account balance stood at £1,343.94.  A total of £410 (covering Fountain maintenance) expended from this account, had been credited by ELC to DCC's Current Account.
Allowing for the cost of copies of East Lothian Life and a donation to Dunbar Rugby Club, the Current Account stood at £463.83.  A copy of a report (with photographs) had been received from Dunbar RC, and circulated at the meeting.  All legitimate Local Priorities expenditure, paid from DCC accounts had, to date, been recovered.
A revised Local Priorities spreadsheet had just been received from Lilian Pryde, confirming a grant of £1,000 from Civic Pride to help fund the revised Walks Leaflet. Total budget now stood at £9,843.35, with £3,469.68 spent, leaving nearly £1,500 uncommitted. A request had been received from 1st East Linton Girl Guides for funding towards the 2014 Denmark Jamboree - £100 from LP budget was agreed.   Mr Robson undertook to update his spreadsheet and distribute for next month's meeting.
Mr Russel agreed to apply for planning permission for the Whitekirk noticeboard to be erected.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Warren having resigned, another member is needed to represent Whitekirk – advertise via ELDA and website.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson has been successful in securing £2,000 funding from the Civic Pride fund for a new Walks leaflet to coincide with 2014’s John Muir day celebrations – Ms Pearson will continue to work on the design and content of this leaflet and is also considering options regarding adverts for local businesses on the leaflet – the cost of placing an advert would be subsidised.
ELC met with the lead artists for the Miller Home Artwork project in January and the project is being developed with the lead artists integrating the key themes they submitted in their proposals. There will be an onsite meeting on 18th February 2014. ELC to keep DCC informed of progress.
Ms Shaw Stewart to contact Mr Warren to ask what is required to be purchased to upgrade East Linton’s Christmas lights for 2014, from this year's budget.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Ms Cosgrove attended a recent RAGES meeting, where they discussed companies bidding for the franchises – both the East Coast mainline and the local North Berwick line. RAGES priorities are that the franchisee continues popular money saving initiatives for the travelling public such as Club 55/Kids Go Free and also that the late night service to Dunbar is continued. Also interested in integrated ticketing.
East Linton Post Office is interested in offering their Drem outreach post office service at Drem train station.
The Community Rail Partnership for the North Berwick line is currently being considered. This should promote and encourage tourism in the area.
ELC and partners will submit a joint bid to the Rail Investment Fund for the potential opening of East Linton and Reston stations
There is a RELBUS meeting in mid February – Ms Cosgrove to attend.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
1. B.Turner RELBUS mtg 18th Feb Hadd Town House 7pm
2. ELLP: Community Journalism course Musselburgh 6wks from 4th Feb
3. Children 1st: workshops on safeguarding children offered.
4. HADAS Winter Programme - next Talk Wednesday 5th February 2014
5. Friends of JMCP: dates for work programmes
6. Cllr Veitch: notes from Planning on regs for Agricultural buildings
7. Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy: event 26th Feb 1.30pm Mrs Priest
8. ELC: Annual Tourism & Business Conference 18th March 9.30am – Ms Pearson possibly to attend
9. J Millar: Request for funding for trip to Guide Jamboree in Denmark
Forthcoming Consultations
Local Development Plan - Main Issues Report wef 7 Apr 2014
Open Consultations and Closing Dates
Countess Crescent Dunbar - Proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order - 10 Feb 2014
East Lothian Local Fire & Rescue Plan 2014-17 Consultation - 14 Feb 2014
Planning Customer Feedback Form - 31 Dec 2014

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Welcome packs have been delivered to new residents moving into the Miller Homes development – these include East Lothian Life, a Church newsletter, ELDA, Dunpender News, a Horticultural Society newsletter and a welcome letter from Mrs Priest.
Mr Swift spoke to ELC’s Nick Morgan regarding the right of way being blocked by works at the vennel underneath the railway from the park to the new Miller homes. The developer ensured that the blocked vennel was free to use very quickly and that next time they require to undertake work in this area, they will be sure to apply for a Temporary Order from ELC. Briefly discussed the need to upgrade the path from new homes to primary school – perhaps look into applying for Safer Route to School funds?
Mr Gray wrote to ELPS regarding helping with their maths initiative – Together Counts, he has not had any response. To be followed up by Mr Gray.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6th March 2014