Dunpender Community Council
Minutes AGM 2013


Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 6th June 2013 in the
Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray

In attendance Cllr M Veitch, Ms S Scott (Park People), Mr W Carr (East Linton Resident), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Mr R Russel, Mr D Warren, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Cllr J Goodfellow, Cllr P McLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes, Ms E Dorrian (Park People), Mr J Armstrong (Park People)

It was agreed that the minutes of the last AGM were a correct record of the meeting.
Proposer:- Ms S Richards
Seconder:- Mr B Craighead

Elections were held in October and all members were re-elected with Linda Shaw-Stewart returning as member for Whittingehame and Martin Strachan joining. Patricia Stephen retired after 15 years service. David Warren and Gordon Gray joined later in the year to represent Whitekirk and Tyninghame so we are now up to full strength.

Postholders were: J Priest Chairwoman; A Cosgrove Vice-chair; M Strachan Secretary and J Robson Treasurer.

Also this year we have:

• continued to monitor planning applications for wind turbines and other developments in our area.
• surveyed and arranged for dropped kerbs in East Linton.
• supported the Horticultural Society in keeping East Linton blooming.
• started an innovative plan for the Christmas lights.
• continued to support the Friends of John Muir Country Park work group.
• monitored and reported numerous potholes, had ivy cut back on Preston Road and chased Network Rail to trim ivy on the bridge at Station Road.
• given financial support to the Christmas Market, Community Choir and the Food Bank. Funds were allocated for a noticeboard at Tyninghame and a new picnic bench in the Park.
• designed and funded a new orientation board at Pencraig Hill.
• helped various residents with information and to find the right person to advise them if needed.
• the Park sub-committee has planted trees, shrubs and bulbs in the Park

Members continued to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of consultations and meetings this year including ELC Bus Forum, RELBUS, ELC Community Planning, CAPP, Assn of East Lothian CC’s, RAGES, Lafarge, East Linton Community Hall, East Linton Primary School’s Parent Council, the Lynton Centre, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups and the Local Access Forum.

We have produced two editions of Dunpender News and included a short report each month in the East Linton Advertiser.

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website, HYPERLINK "http://www.eastlinton.uk.com/" www.eastlinton.uk.com , to Mrs Taylor who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.

The 2012/2013 Accounts were audited in April, confirmed to be correct with the Treasurer's records, and a certified copy passed to Internal Audit at East Lothian.

The Income of £2,652.60 was slightly less than the previous financial year's (12% less).

Expenditure at £4,106.68 was slightly more than 2011/2012 (8%), because of the Surgery path upgrade (£1,040.69), increased maintenance costs towards the Fountain, Jubilee Exhibition and publishing Software costs, donations to Abbeyfield, and additional funds for the East Linton Community Choir (all totalling an additional £910.46 for the year). Most of these were recovered from our Local Priorities Budget, controlled by East Lothian.

The final cash balance for 2012/2013 was £2,960.07, comprising of £77.25 in the Current Account (BUSINESS) and £2,882.82 in the Council Grants Account (TREASURERS).
Copies of the Abstract and Notes to the Accounts, in digital format, were prepared for the May 2013 Meeting and a few hard copies distributed then. Anyone wishing to query any figures in the Accounts, or require a fuller explanation, please contact the Treasurer next month.

Thanks to Robin Dickson, Auditor.

Proposer:- Mr B Craighead
Seconder:- Ms A Pearson

All the office-bearers were re-elected. Chair – Mrs J Priest, Vice chair – Ms A Cosgrove, Treasurer – Mr J Robson, Secretary – Mr M Strachan.

Proposer:- Ms S Richards
Seconder:- Mr J Swift

There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.