Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - October 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
on 3rd October 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards , Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, PC K Hughes , Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mr D Warren, Ms S Scott (Park People), Ms E Dorrian (Park People) , Mr J Armstrong (Park People)

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Report by PC K Hughes:-
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
On the 20th September a driver was reported to the procurator fiscal for failing to stop and failing to report a road traffic accident after the vehicle struck a vehicle parked on the High Street.
Overnight on the 21st of September a van parked on the High Street was damaged by person’s unknown throwing a brick at it. There are no suspects at present.
On the 23rd a malicious fire was started in an East Lothian Council paper bank on Station Road. The fire was extinguished by the fire service. No lines of enquiry are open at present.
On the 26th of September a van parked in Drylaw Gardens had a number of power tools, valued at £1400 stolen from within.

After the Police Report was read out, DCC was informed that Prestonkirk House was no longer being used as accommodation for homeless people. Also discussed proposed changed to Police Scotland and the impact this may have on a Police Officer attending future DCC meetings.


4.1 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write this month’s ELDA article.

4.2 Dunpender News
Well done to the Dunpender News team (Ms Richards, Mr Russel, Ms Pearson) on the latest edition of the Dunpender News. Next issue is due out in Spring 2014.

4.3 Park
Mr Robson presented photos of the Park and asked if we needed a total of 4 picnic benches, there?  He advised that £1,500 had been allocated within the LP Budget for an additional bench, litter bin & picnic bench, but confirmed that all the £5,000 Civic Pride funding had been spent.  He undertook to respond to John Armstrong's e-mail recent request for further funds.
The football pitch is now regulation size and the goalposts are to be moved.
Cllr Veitch reported that the other picnic bench would be installed next week. Cllr Veitch also reported that he had spoken to Colin Baird and agreed a plan regarding the gate at the Bank Road end of the park.
The WW1 centenary funding is not suitable for DCC to apply for for repair work to the war memorial in East Linton.

4.4 Roads/pavements
The benches on Preston Road have been refurbished, many thanks to Mr Craighead and Mr Russel.
Mr Russel raised discussion about the possibility of a 20mph speed limit for East Linton High Street. Currently a pilot 20mph scheme is running in some streets in Dunbar, so possibly wait until pilot scheme has run its course, however in meantime, consult locally via Dunpender News and ELDA. Cllr Veitch to speak to Peter Forsyth, ELC. Morag Haddow runs a local ‘20’s Plenty’ campaign – Ms Richards to contact Ms Haddow to discuss adding East Linton to her target areas.
Cllr Veitch attended a useful meeting at East Linton Primary School regarding travel issues on School Road and the surrounding area. This meeting was also attended by representatives from the Parent Council, Police and East Lothian Council. A plan of action was detailed, which includes: informing parents of parking issues, encouraging them to park away from the School, resurfacing the top part of School Road, the police issuing tickets to people parking illegally and improving off street parking.
Cllr Veitch will chase up the removal of ivy growing again along Preston Road.
Cllr Veitch reported the hole in the road near MacArthur’s to ELC, but this has not yet been filled in.

4.5 Meetings attended
DCC discussed the Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme (FINN) which is offering spraying courses and equipment. Discuss in further detail at next DCC meeting.
Ms Pearson reported that she had attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group visit to Traprain Law. All are happy with ponies there, vegetation levels are reduced.
Mr Craighead attended the recent CAPP meeting. There is to be reorganisation of Police Scotland in November – the possibility is that the police and the community may have less contact.
Mr Strachan attended a recent ELC presentation about accessing funding and informed DCC about STRIVE, which is the successor to ELVON. STRIVE has access to computer database, which finds funding streams for individuals and groups. Any voluntary or community sector organisation or individual can access this facility through STRIVE.

4.6 Paths
Ms Pearson reported that she had helped to repair the bridge at Hailes Castle.
She is applying to Communities 2014 for funding. Mrs Priest and Mr Russel have submitted suggestions for editing the new leaflet. Ms Pearson will also consider applying for Civic Pride funding for this leaflet too – deadline end November 2013.
ELC are looking for voluntary paths wardens – possibility of becoming a charity and applying for funding.
There is a blockage on the riverside path from East Linton to Hailes Castle – ELC are aware of this and it is being dealt with.

4.7 Defibrillator/Community 1st Responders
There have been 2 responses to the recent request for local people interested in becoming a Community 1st Responder – a local meeting is to be arranged with NHS. Ms Richards will co-ordinate this project. There are lots of issues to be resolved – do we have to buy a defibrillator or are these provided, where should it be situated and who is responsible for annual maintenance and does this cost?

5.0 Planning Matters
The wind turbine planning application for Markle Mains farm was refused.
The wind turbine planning application for Phantassie Farm was granted.
The East Lothian Planning Plus website has been launched, supported by HADAS – this is a planning website that anyone can access – this is to publicised by DCC. Ms Shaw-Stewart to send info to Mr Seagroatt for the website, information about this planning website will be put in ELDA and Ms Richards will tweet about it.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson reported that £14 for the bench repair at the top of Preston Road, £27.67 for DCC's Remembrance Wreath, £252.18 towards Horticultural Society, and £150 donation for Knox pupil towards Chinese trip, had been spent, leaving only £99.80 in the Current Account.  The latter two costs would be recovered from the Local Priorities Budget.  The balance in the Council Grants Account was £1,959.06 - £440 would be paid to ELC shortly to cover final costs for Pencraig Noticeboard.
The Local Priorities budget stood at £2,109.18 spent, with an outstanding £99 invoice from ELDA to be paid.  £518.67 was left uncommitted for 2013/14.  A marker for £300 in the 2014/15 budget was noted, to cover possible refreshments for the John Muir Day on 21 April 2014.
Concluding, Mr Robson undertook, following a request from Mr Craighead last month, to pay Members a contribution of £10 towards printer ink consumed for Council work - to be paid next month when ELC had refunded LP associated spend.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Gray asked if DCC could do anything about Markle level crossing - road surface at Markle the height of the level crossing at Markle, cambered to suit trains, not cars. It was agreed that DCC could not.
Utility problem at Markle reported at last meeting has been sorted.
The car touring panel at Whitekirk needs repairing – Mr Craighead and Mr Russel to repair.
There has been spray patching being done at Binning Wood.
Tyninghame Hall took part in a photoshoot for winter New Look catalogue.
Proceed with planning for Tyningehame noticeboard, then look for funding.
Mr Gray agreed to be representative from North Berwick Coastal Ward regarding at meetings regarding the closure of Edington Hospital in North Berwick.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Miller Homes artwork. Mr Strachan and Mrs Priest met with Lesley Smith, Principal Arts Officer, ELC to review responses to suggestions for the Miller Homes artwork. The suggestions fell into 4 categories – mosaics, sculptures, murals and ornamental artefacts. Miller Homes have a £15,000 budget for the artwork. All the responses will now be reviewed by ELC who will give DCC progress reports. ELC also have to consider maintenance, Health & Safety issues and making the artwork vandal proof. The final decision on which art work will be commissioned and how the money is spent rests with ELC.
John Muir Day 21/04/2014 –This is a joint initiative with Scottish National Heritage to coincide with the launch of the John Muir trail. This will be a long weekend event (Easter weekend). Mr Russel is working on a guided walk circular walk along the local part of John Muir way. This may end with a picnic or opening the hall and offering tea and cakes or a refreshment stand along the Way – possibly teas/coffees cost to be covered by DCC – Ms Cosgrove to look into applying for funding to assist with the cost of the hall and the teas/coffees. Playgroup to offer home baking or bacon rolls as a fundraiser for themselves. Mr Strachan and Mr Robson to check if Preston Mill can open on this day. Are Dunbar Community Council planning to do anything? To be checked.

On 5 October, David Affleck of East Linton Horticultural Society is giving a talk at Whitekirk Church regarding about the links between the Hepburn and other families in the Dunpender area and Smeaton Victoria, Australia.

Plans for new Christmas lights in the village have had to be postponed for this year due to a number of factors. Mr Strachan to contact Mr Warren about Christmas light erection and switch on for 2013 – East Linton Christmas market is on Sunday 1 December at 4pm.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs Cosgove will attend the bus forum on 26 October 2013.
Mrs Cosgrove attended the RAGES AGM in September. Mrs Cosgrove is now responsible for tweeting on behalf of local RAGES group and is learning how to do this.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11.1. Email. 25 Sept13. Minutes of Friends of River Tyne meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2013.
11.2. Email. 25 Sept13. Report from David Affleck on East Linton Horticultural Society and East Linton in Bloom.
11.3. Letter. 25 Sept13. SESplan: Approved Strategic Development Plan available on HYPERLINK "http://www.sesplan.gov.uk"www.sesplan.gov.uk.
11.4. Email. 30 Sept13. Free October training courses for Community Councillors, volunteers etc. Including Introduction to Blogging, Facebook & Twitter. Finance. Equality & Inclusion etc. etc. See http://ellp.net/capacitybuilding
11.5. Letter. 5 Mar13. Civic Pride Fund. Autumn closing date is 30 November.
11.6. Consultation on the new ELC Local Development Plan Main Issues starts 25 Nov13.
11.7. HADAS: invitation to lecture on 16th Oct at 7.15pm on the Development of Small Towns - an international perspective.
11.8. Police Scotland: Public Counter and Traffic warden consultation – Mrs Cosgrove to respond.
11.9. East Coast FM: request for funding- decided no spare funds available
11.10. NBCC: meeting 15th Oct NB re Health Service consultation/Edington Hospital
11.11. ELammermuir CC: Meeting 12 Nov re collaboration in use of community benefits from Crystal Rigg Windfarm - Mrs Cosgrove, Mr Strachan and Mrs Priest to attend meeting.
11.12 AELCC meeting 13th Nov

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead proposed a vote of thanks to the Chair, Mrs Priest.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 7th November 2013