Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - May 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
2nd May 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr M Strachan (Secretary), Mr J Robson (Treasurer), Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Mr B Craighead Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray

In attendance: Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes, Mrs E Dorrian (Park People), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr D Warren, Ms S Richards, Cllr J Goodfellow, Cllr M Veitch, Cllr P McLennan, Mr J Armstrong (Park People), Ms S Scott (Park People)

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
In the early hours of the 10th of April officers on routine patrol came across a vehicle parked at Pencraig Hill. The occupants were searched and a quantity of Cannabis was recovered. The vehicle was also seized as no valid insurance was in force.
Overnight on the 15th April a number of properties were entered including an insecure garage door and subsequently a car door was opened in the Rennie Place area. No items were taken. An insecure garage in the Dunpender area was entered and a set of golf clubs were stolen. They were recovered a short distance away. A garage lock in the Kingsburgh Gardens area was broken, entry was not gained. Lastly an old sat nav was stolen form an insecure vehicle parked in the Glebe.
Overnight on the 26th of April a Mitsubishi Warrior vehicle had its passenger window smashed. Nothing was stolen.
Patrols are being carried out in relation to the thefts, Pc Ross and I will be out over the weekend during the hours of darkness.
On the 28th of April PC Ross and I conducted a patrol of the Tyne near to the Knowes Farm. Whilst doing so we discovered two nets at the weir. They were both recovered and sent for destruction. One fish was freed.
During the evening of the 28th a male was arrested for drink driving at Pencraig. He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

East Linton Primary School broken windows and children on bikes in Smeaton grounds were also discussed.


4.1 ELDA article
Ms Pearson volunteered to do this month’s ELDA article (post meeting note: Mrs Priest asked Ms Pearson to do June’s ELDA instead, Mrs Priest to write May’s ELDA article).

4.2 Paths
DCC members discussed Arthur Greenan’s locked gates issues and the response received from Nick Morgan at ELC to an enquiry about this matter. It appears to be a very complicated issue and as members decided to take a neutral stance, a link to Mr Greenan’s e-petition would not go on the East Linton website.
The path named Becky’s Strip at Whitekirk has been reported to ELC due to being overgrown. This path is due to be upgraded for cyclists.
Mr Russel has received a reply from SEPA regarding the trees in the River Tyne next to Houston Mill. The responsibility for removing the trees lies with the landowner – Mr Thorman. He will remove them and locals are welcome to collect logs.
There is another tree in the Tyne on A198 at Tyningehame.
The white bridge at Houston Mill has been painted by a team of volunteers led by Mr Russel and Mr Craighead, also assisted by Ms Pearson. The helpers were gratefully thanked by DCC. There has been a photo sent to the Courier.
The footpath around the lake at Smeaton is due to be tidied up by Mr Gray using a grant from the Civic Pride Fund.

4.3 Park
Ms Dorrian gave an update of ongoing work by Park People.
- Trees have been planted and there is a watering party tomorrow.
- PP have finished marking out for a wildflower garden and shrub area.
- 2 benches are being positioned.
- There is to be a permanent sign for the woodland
- Fence at Bank Road end has been made but not positioned
- The new beech tree near the Primary School needs to be staked. Mike Foy to be contacted.
- Miller Homes have situated a new drain at the rail underpass. House building for 50 homes has begun.

4.4 Roads/pavements
The C136 at Stonelaws is due to be repaired by ELC after September 2013.
The ivy on railway bridge is due to be cut back by Network Rail at the end of May 2013.
Notices have been put up by ELC in Stories Park regarding residents’ parking. All red brick parts of the street are not public areas.
ELC have been chased up regarding cutting back the ivy on Preston Road, awaiting response.
Cllr Hampshire to follow up ELC re. progress with repairing verges at Preston and Lawhead roads.
Potholes have been filled on Bank Road.
There is bad potholing at Beanston cottages.
It is difficult to report repairs on ELC’s website unless you know the exact location.

4.5 Meetings attended
Ms Pearson attended ELC’s open day at the Contact Centre in Macmerry. Now filling in a feedback questionnaire.
Ms Cosgrove will attend AELCC meeting on 12th June 2013 at 7.30pm. Ms Shaw- Stewart also plans to attend. At this meeting, there will be a feedback session from each Community Councillor and Councillors are asked to take along a display of photos celebrating their Community Council’s achievements
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting. Police are to request yellow kerb blips at EL Co-op corner to make it ‘no loading’.
Friends of John Muir Country Park are due to meet on Saturday 4th May to repair tern fencing.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum. Drawing up a draft agreement for the Gullane to Drem core path was the main topic of conversation, John Muir day (20th April 2014) and the possibility of Scottish National Heritage funding and Mr Greenan and the county’s locked gates were also discussed.

4.6 Defibrillator/emergency planning
No progress with this, look at again in Autumn 2013.

5.0 Planning Matters
Discussed various local planning applications for residential properties, no issues.
7 residents at Whitekirk and Newmains have raised concerns about light pollution from driving range at developments to Whitekirk Golf Course.
There has been a planning application submitted for Halflandbarns for workshop buildings for campervan restoration, decided DCC had no objection to this.
Mr Strachan’s letter objecting to the proposed windfarm at Phantassie, stating the windfarm would be above height guidelines and concern over visual impact, was posted on 12th April.
The proposed wind turbine at Blackcastle Hill will be discussed at ELC’s planning meeting on 7th May. Cllr Hampshire states that ELC are likely to look at the application in accordance with ELC’s policy and guidance.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised Members that the Accounts for 2012/13 had been audited and found correct.
The Current Account stood at only £13.25, as the refund of £60 (Fountain maintenance) had still not been received from ELC - a new contact had been found and the matter to be pursued further.
The Council Grants Account's balance was £2,048.82, which accounted for payment of £750 towards artwork for the Pencraig noticeboard, and £84 audit fee. Mr Robson undertook to transfer enough funds from this account to the Current a/c, to enable standing orders due before our Admin Grant was received in June, to be covered.
Copies of the new spreadsheet for the 2013/14 Local Priorities Budget, were distributed. Following discussion, funds for an additional bench and litter bin for East Linton Park were allocated, along with £700 towards a revised Walks Leaflet. Spreadsheet to be revised and a copy sent to Lilian Pryde.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
The farmer at Overhailes has stopped development at the Old Clockhouse buildings due to not having the correct building consent or planning permission to proceed.

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Whitekirk noticeboard planning application has been submitted – Mr Warren to update at next meeting.
Tyninghame noticeboard planning application has now been submitted by Will Clarke.
Mr Warren to speak to Mrs Pooley regarding the red telephone box at Whitekirk.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson has received a quote from NuMedia for print and modifications of the Walks leaflet – this quote is for £1,300. Ms Pearson will research grants available for around half the cost of reproducing an updated leaflet and is requesting feedback/changes from DCC members. DCC members to distribute boxes of remaining leaflets around the Dunpender area. Ms Cosgrove to distribute postcards.
John Muir Day 20/04/2014 –This is a joint initiative with Scottish National Heritage to coincide with the launch of the John Muir trail. This will be a long weekend event (Easter weekend). DCC to consider adding to already planned events, perhaps a circular walk along the local part of John Muir way ending with a picnic or opening the hall and offering tea and cakes or a refreshment stand along the Way. Other ideas included a wildlife spotting treasure hunt. Mr Strachan to find out if Preston Mill can open on this day (doesn’t usually open until start of May).
Miller Homes are to provide a piece of public art as part of development condition. DCC decided to consult residents by putting 4 possible ideas for artwork out in June’s edition of ELDA and on the website – decide by September 2013. Ms Cosgrove to contact ELC to find out if there are any restrictions to what is allowed – any artwork within the conservation area may require planning permission.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
The next RELBUS meeting is on 8th May, Ms Cosgrove can’t go, Mr Strachan will attend.
The East Lothian Bus Forum was held on Tuesday 30th April at 10am in Haddington. The meeting included presentations (Iain Gray MSP on his proposals for a private member’s bill on buses and Morag Haddow (Sustaining Dunbar) on her ideas for ‘Public Transport Hubs’ in East Lothian. 
Discussions are ongoing between Cllr Veitch and local bus companies re a single timetable for East Linton showing all available buses regardless of operator. There is to be a pilot Rural Bus Hub in Dunbar.
The MVA study into train stations in East Linton and Reston, has not yet been published.
Ms Cosgrove will attend the next RAGES meeting.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11.1 Scottish Government - Digital Scotland 2013 Conference 22 May
11.2 Tellmescotland Update, April 2013
11.3 Park Sub-committee notes 4/3/13
11.4 Cllr Veitch: Network Rail bridge query.
11.5 ELC: Papers for the Audit & Governance Committee meeting on 30 April 2013
11.6 Next meeting/AGM for Friends of the River Tyne, 8th May, 7pmTown House
11.7 East Lothian Council Papers, for 23 April Meeting
11.8 RELBUS meeting, 8th May, 7pm, Townhouse buffet Room
11.9 JMCP Advisory Group minutes, events list and the 2012 JMCP Annual Report.
11.10 East Lothian Health Network April Newsletter 2013
11.11 The Big Lottery Fund - Communities & Families Fund
11.12 April CAPP agreed priorities Dunbar
11.13 ELC Consultation on TRO for coastal car parks [online by end May]
11.14 ELC: Friends of JMCP 4th May 11am, tern fencing
11.15 Scottish Government: National Planning Framework 3 or Scottish Planning Policy consultation weblink
11.16 Arthur Greenan: online Petition re. locked gates

Written Correspondence
11.17 East Lothian Countryside News. Spring 2013 booklet available
11.18 Emergency and Resilience Planning
11.19 Council Chambers Painting. Further letter from I Patterson dated 24 April about the colours and paints used. Robert Russel has referred to ELC

a) Blackcastle Hill Planning App no. 12/00874/P. Letter from Alison Smith ELC dated 26 April. DCC objected. Planning Committee will consider on 7 May at 10am. Site visit on 3 May at 9am.
b) Phantassie Limekilns Planning App no. 13/00174/P. DCC letter of objection emailed to ELC Planning (Mr Irvine and ELC online planning) on 12 April. Copied to local ELC Councillors. Awaiting response.
c) Consultation on the Modification of Planning Guidance for the Design and Location of Wind Turbines in the Lowland Areas of East Lothian – closes 17th May. Summary and full version emailed to DCC councillors.
d) Consultation on Guidance for Wind Farms over Twelve Megawatts – closes 17th May. Summary and full version emailed to DCC councillors.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead requested information about how much profit East Linton Christmas Market made and where this was donated. JT to email Mr Craighead this information (post meeting note: The Market made a profit of £250 which has subsequently been shared equally between 5 groups – East Lothian Foodbank, SANDS East Lothian, Scottish Firefighters Charity via East Linton Fire Station, Leuchie House and East Linton Babies & Toddlers).

13.0 DATE OF AGM and NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6th June 2013