Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - February 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
on 7th February 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr M Strachan (Secretary), Mr J Robson (Treasurer), Ms S Richards, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mr J Swif, Mr D Warren

In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, Callum Colquhoun (Senior Community Warden), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: PC K Hughes, Ms A Pearson, Cllr N Hampshire, Mr B Craighead, Cllr P McLennan, Mr J Armstrong (Park People), Mr J Wilson (Community Warden), Ms S Scott (Park People), Ms E Dorrian (Park People)

One amendment received from Ms Pearson at 3.2 Dogwatch:-
Ms Pearson reported bags of dog mess piled up at Tyninghame beach car park, and had reported this to ELC Landscape & Countryside.
Otherwise, accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.1 POLICE REPORT (circulated after meeting by email)
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
On the 15th of January, at Orchardfield there was a house fire. This was not a criminal act and one person was injured.
Overnight on the 25th to 26th January there was a Malicious Mischief to a motorcar at Phantassie. Multiple panels of the vehicle had the paintwork scored.
Overnight from the 4th to the 5th of February, within the Council Roads Department at Station Road, East Linton 3 vehicles were entered. A radio and a reversing camera and screen were stolen.
Enquiries continue to trace those responsible.
Diesel has been stolen on another 3 occasions in the local area. Any persons seen acting suspiciously please report them to Police as soon as possible.
There was one call this month regarding mud on the road in the area, it was dealt with swiftly.

Dunbar CAPP priorities
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 21st February
1: Thefts from vehicles and properties – one male has been arrested and reported to the PF for thefts in the new estate in Dunbar.
2: Environmental issues – Missing street furniture in Dunbar.
3: Kerb markings – to make crossing points/pedestrian islands more visible.

Mr Colquhoun gave a presentation on local Dogwatch initiative. The initiative is based on the same principal as neighbourhood watch schemes, it needs input from the local community. Fines can be issued using information submitted by the public, and an offence only needs to be witnessed by one person. This initiative is being publicised locally using posters, leaflets and stickers. East Linton park will also soon be getting stencils on the paths, which will last 6-8 weeks. ELC issue bags to dog owners to bag up dog mess. Community wardens and police are working together on this initiative.
Dog owners who are not clearing up their dogs’ mess should be reported to the Community Warden Team on HYPERLINK "mailto:cwt@eastlothian.gov.uk" cwt@eastlothian.gov.uk or (01620) 829017 (please note, this is a different telephone number than previously given).


4.1 Vacancy – Tyningehame/Whitekirk ward
Ms Shaw-Stewart has spoken to 3 people from this area to encourage them to join DCC, however none of the 3 are interested/available. Ms Shaw-Stewart has another person in mind to ask this month.

4.2 Paths
Ms Pearson had reported bags of dog mess piled up at Tyninghame beach car park to ELC Landscape & Countryside. ELC have cleared this up and will put up notices here. This dog mess build up was believed to be a protest against coastal car parking charges.
There was a discussion about the large trees in the Tyne at the medieval and white bridges. It is thought to be local landowner’s responsibility (riparian rights), not responsibility of ELC. Mr Russel to investigate ownership.
The new path along the side of the River Tyne between Hailes path and Sandys Mill is closed due to a landslip and erosion along the side of the Tyne.
Mr Armstrong submitted a report via email with update to planned work to East Linton park:-
* Planting shrubbery near toddlers play park: Sometime in March but no firm dates.
* Planting wildflower areas: April but, again, no firm dates.
* Delivery of new picnic bench: ELC waiting for the manufacturer to have another order for this area so as to minimise the delivery charge. It comes on an artic and we just have to wait until the manufacturer has something else to deliver to this area…
* Work on white fence at Bank Road: ELC said that this 'got away' from them last year due to other workload and they look at it again in the next couple of months. They might 'do this at the same time as everything else' - which should mean March – as they would have manpower and machinery in the park at that time.
* Planting of trees: The trees are ordered and this will happen when they arrive. 
* Bulb planting: following a misunderstanding, ELC workers will be planting these in the next week or so. We're all concerned that it's getting too late so hopefully they'll do it soon!!
* Woodland area at rear of the school: the fences to protect the young saplings have been installed. Just waiting for the school to decide on a planting date but we hope it'll be this month.

4.4 Roads/pavements
Mr Strachan will remind Peter Forsyth, ELC re. ivy trimming on Preston Road before growing season begins.
After last month’s DCC meeting, Cllr Goodfellow passed info to Cllr Veitch about Whitekirk to North Berwick road, Cllr Veitch is following this up with colleagues at ELC.
Ms Shaw-Stewart has reported Hailes Road potholes to Mr Peter Forsyth, ELC.
Water running off a farmer’s field on Preston Road at Lawhead was reported to police and roped off. This is a common local problem at this time of year.
Cllr Veitch reported that he is having discussions within ELC to attempt to improve parking in East Linton, these discussions are at a very early stage.

4.5 Meetings attended
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum in January, on behalf of DCC and AELCC. Most of the discussions were centered around Drem/Gullane core path and discussions with landowner.
ELC has made a successful application to the Coastal Communities Fund for £280,000, providing 12 apprenticeships for local unemployed young people to maintain John Muir Country Park for example.
There are now 36 volunteer path wardens who help to maintain the core paths.
Mr Robson explained that although he did not attend the Lafarge Community Liaison Meeting last month, minutes had been circulated with a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between the company and the RSPB to create an important wildlife area at White Sands Quarry (previously known as the west quarry) - copies available if requested from Mr Robson.
Ms Pearson will attend the next FJMCP meet-up & tree planting on behalf of DCC.

4.6 ELDA/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write this month’s ELDA article.
The next issue of Dunpender news will be going to print on 16th March and distributed with ELDA in April. Possible items for inclusion were discussed.

Blackcastle/Cocklaw community wind turbine planning application: Application no. 12/00874/P. This wind turbine would be 56m high and would be placed next to a (taller) TV mast and 1.8km from closest house. This would be a community owned wind turbine and it is proposed that this turbine would create £4,000,000 to distribute within local community over 20 year period. This money would be a fund which could be applied to for support with food, energy, transport, education, health, enterprise and skills. DCC members had a discussion which included the benefits of this community wind turbine and money it would produce, but also that this was much taller than ELC planning guidance allows. A vote was taken which decided that DCC could not support this application due to the turbine being taller than the local guidance. Mr Strachan will write to ELC to submit objection. Ms Cosgrove to pass ELC guidance to Mr Strachan.
DCC have no objection to the plans regarding the treehouses at Lochouses and the extension to the building at Tyninghame.
There is a meeting regarding the Whitekirk golf course plans for Community Council members on 19th February at 6pm. Mr Warren, Ms Richards, and Mrs Priest to attend on behalf of DCC.

Mr Robson announced that the Current Account stood at £75.76, which accounted for purchase of updated software for typesetting of the Dunpender News (the £129.99 cost of which would be recovered from Local Priorities), and stationery for Members (£41.88 & £60 for paper & stamps, respectively).  Outstanding invoices of £60 & £38.50 would be paid shortly, covering Fountain maintenance and paint for CouncilChambers door.
The Council Grants Account stood unchanged at £2,882.55.
On Local Priorities Budget, Mr Robson distributed a spreadsheet showing that - as agreed at the previous meeting - budgets had been recalculated and the total £16,041.18 fully COMMITTED.  Since his initial recalculation - Version A - grant funding for the Tyninghame Noticeboard was refused, so a total cost of £930 was required from within the LP budget. Agreement was reached that a board was needed, also that Acoustic Curtains donation be reduced, and since the Stables refurbishment was not yet committed by the Minister, funds were reallocated.  The resultant `Version B` tabled, was agreed. [Copy of final version passed to Lilian Pryde].

Cllr Veitch to investigate continuing closure of Drive Arch Road and report back to DCC.

Mr Warren has still to complete the planning application for Whitekirk noticeboard Ms Richards and Mr Russel have offered to help with this.
Civic Pride application for a noticeboard at Tyninghame was unsuccessful due to the fund being over-subscribed on this occasion.

A presentation of the proposal to erect real small lit Christmas trees on East Linton High Street was made by Ms Shaw-Stewart and Mr Warren prior to the DCC meeting. Four residents attended.
While initial costs would be quite high in the first year, once the infrastructure was completed and lights were purchased, only expense each year would be the mini trees.
There appears to be significant local support for the planned project, although there were some objections raised during the presentation by those local business/property owners who were there.
The next stage involves Ms Shaw-Stewart and Mr Warren have a discussion with and submitting an initial planning outline to ELC’s Planning department and working out the exact cost. Ms Shaw-Stewart and Mr Warren will continue their work on this project.

The next RELBUS meeting is on 21st February at 7pm, Ms Richards will try to attend on behalf of DCC.
Cllr Veitch had previously written to Network Rail regarding Bridge 66, planned painting in 2015, to ask if DCC could have some input on the colour. He has now had a response containing a reference number and expects a reply in due course.

11.1 ELC: JMCP Advisory Group minutes and 2013 meeting dates
11.2 Dunbar Rugby Club re. U15 team fundraising
4 young people from East Linton involved. Agreed to donate £150, from 2013/14 LP budget towards the Dunbar Rugby Club for their summer Netherlands tour.
11.3 Scottish Police Authority: Consultation on draft Strategic Police Plan
11.4 ELC: East Lothian Local Economy Workshop 12th March
11.5 Friends of John Muir Country Park work day, rescheduled Sat 16th 
11.6 ELC: Econ Devt Annual Conference on Customer Care 25th Feb
Mr Strachan will attend. Possibly also Mr Swift.
11.7 Scottish Govt: consultn on redesigning Community Justice System
11.8 ELC: invitation to LGBT History Month Celebration event 28th Feb
11.9 ELC: Signpost to Funding
11.10 ELC: RELBUS meeting 21st Feb 7pm Town House
11.11 Scottish Water consultation on future services [reminder]
11.12 Scottish Govt: info on Honours system/nominations
Ms Cosgrove to send the nomination form to members.
11.13 Keep Scotland Beautiful: Update on Clean Up Scotland
11.14 ELC Consultation Hub update: Forthcoming Consultations
11.15 David Scott, Minister: donation to Stables work to is at an early planning stage. DCC prefer to fund this rather than holiday club suggested by Minister. Mrs Priest to reply to Mr Scott, funding considered for future work.
11.16 Keep Scotland Beautiful: grants for environmental/energy efficient projects
Up to £150,000 is available to help reduce carbon footprint until March 2015. Various ideas discussed. To be publicised on website and in Dunpender News.
11.17 ELC: Community resilience: to be discussed next month

Ms Cosgrove gave short report on recent AELCC AGM. Current chairperson Stuart Baxter stood down. Zoe Inglis from Prestonpans DCC was elected new chairperson. Secretary and Treasurer remain the same. It has been suggested that AELCC’s Committee is extended to 8 people to help with attending local meetings. AELCC is under-represented by 20 local Community Councils, but DCC feel they have enough representation at AELCC.
Mr Russel to chase up plans to put a defibrillator in East Linton.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 7th March 2013