Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - AGM June 2012

Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 7th June 2012 in the
Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Robson, Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead, Ms S Richards Mr J Swift, Ms P Stephen Ms A Pearson

In attendance Cllr P McLennan Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire Mr B Ayre, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs J Priest Mr M Strachan, Ms K Moulin Ms E Dorrian, Mr J Armstrong Ms S Scott, Cllr J Goodfellow

It was agreed that the minutes of the last AGM were a correct record of the meeting.

Proposer:- Mr J Robson
Seconder:- Mr R Russel

This year we have seen four members retire and welcomed four new members so at 11 we are almost up to full strength.

Also this year we have:

  • monitored planning applications for wind turbines in our area
  • had extra salt bins installed after a survey of locations
  • supported the Horticultural Society in entering the Scotland in Bloom competition and winning a Silver Gilt award.
    extended the Christmas lights
  • supported the new Friends of John Muir Country Park work group
  • grant-funded and organised the repair of the path from the Surgery to the footbridge
  • given financial support to the Primary School, Carers of East Lothian, the Christmas Market, Community Choir and the Playgroup
  • obtained a Paths for All grant of £1000 to replace a worn orientation board at Pencraig Hill
  • organised an event and exhibition of East Linton 1952-2012 for the Queen’s Jubilee.
  • set up a sub-committee to consult residents and plan any further tree planting in East Linton Park . This group has obtained a Civic Pride grant of £5000 to plant trees in the Park.
  • met with ELC to start a long term project to improve the main street in East Linton

Members continued to represent the Dunpender community at a number of consultations and meetings this year including BeGreen Dunbar, Belhaven Hospital Forum, ELC Community Planning, CAPP, Assn of East Lothian CC’s, RAGES, Lafarge, ELC Customer Service Excellence Board, East Linton Community Association, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups and the Local Access Forum.

We have produced two editions of Dunpender News and included a short report each month in the East Linton Advertiser.

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website, http://www.eastlinton.uk.com, to Mrs Taylor who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.

Mr Robson presented the audited accounts for 2011/2012.

The 2011/2012 Accounts were audited in April, confirmed to be correct with the Treasurer’s records, and a certified copy passed to internal Audit at East Lothian [Again the 1st Community Council in the county to present audited accounts to ELC].

The Income of £2,974.29 was slightly less than the previous financial year’s (only 3% less).

Expenditure at £3,805,91 was considerably more than 2010/2011 (80%) because of pathways maintenance (double last year’s costs), reprinting of the Walks leaflet 9£1,339), printing of the John Rennie leaflet (£685) and nearly 100% increase in DCC’s General Admin Costs – mostly accounted for by Members claiming travel expenses. Some of these costs, however, were covered by a grant from the Association of East Lothian Community Councils (AELCC). Donations were also made to Carers of East Lothian, East Linton Community Choir, and again, to East Linton Primary School for publication of P7 Yearbook – all these were recovered from our Local Priorities Budget, controlled by East Lothian.

The final case balance for 2011/2012 was £4,414,15, comprising of £1,119.78 in the Current Account (BUSINESS) and £3,294.37 in the Council Grants Account (TREASURERS).

Copies of the audited Accounts were distributed at the meeting.

Proposer:- Ms P Stephen
Seconder:- Ms A Pearson


All the office-bearers were re-elected. Chair – Mrs Priest, Vice chair – Ms A Cosgrove, Treasurer – Mr Robson. The Secretary post remained vacant.

Proposer:- Ms A Cosgrove
Seconder:- Ms P Stephen

There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.