Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - November 2012

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 1st November 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair), Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr J Robson (Treasurer) Mr M Strachan (Secretary), Mr R Russel Mr J Swift, Mr B Craighead Ms P Stephen, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Ms S Richards

In attendance: Cllr Norman Hampshire, Cllr McLennan, Cllr Veitch, Mr D Warren, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms A Pearson, Ms S Scott, Ms E Dorrian, Mr J Armstrong, PC K Hughes

Cllr P McLennan to be noted as attending.
12.0 The Remembrance Service takes place on 11th November and Mr. Craighead will lay wreaths on behalf of DCC and Cllr Veitch will lay on behalf of ELC.
to be changed to:-
12.0 The Remembrance Service takes place on 11th November and Mr. Craighead will lay wreaths on behalf of DCC and Cllr Veitch will be asked to lay a wreath on behalf of ELC.

There have been very few notable incidents since the last meeting.
A report has been received in relation to damage caused to doors within the
Community Centre. Two young males are thought to be responsible and enquiry is being made into this.
There are no further incidents of note.
Can I ask that now the dark nights are again upon us that we increase our vigilance? Please report any suspicious persons or vehicle’s seen as soon as you can.
Also as the colder weather comes in, can I ask that you ensure you keep an eye on our more elderly residents?
Poaching remains an issue as reported at the previous meeting. Any sightings of suspicious activity around the Knowes area can Police be alerted as soon as possible.
Foot patrols during the hours of darkness are taking place by community officers within the village.


4.1 Vacancy
Mr Warren from Whitekirk attended the meeting with a view to joining Dunpender CC. Mr Warren was welcomed to meeting, Mr Strachan proposed his election to DCC, Mr Robson seconded the motion. All were in favour. Mr Warren was voted onto DCC.

4.2 Paths
Ms Pearson is continuing to work on the information panels for Pencraig funded by Paths for All funding. Expected to be completed for December 2012 and Paths for All will be provided with an update. October CAPP meeting agreed to prioritise overgrown hedges alongside A199 footpath/cycle path between East Linton and Dunbar.
4.3 Park
The Park sub-committee are to meet Mike Foy and Andrew Hogarth from ELC on Friday to discuss the park planting plan. Mr Strachan has forwarded sources of funding to Ms Dorrian.

4.4 Meetings Attended
East Linton Community Hall AGM – Mr Craighead attended this AGM as DCC representative. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer resigned. There is no Committee at present and an EGM will be held on 12 November 2012, 7.30pm. There has been a notice put out throughout the village inviting people to support their local hall. Ms Stephen commented that she felt the EGM would produce the support the hall required. Mr Craighead will attend the EGM on behalf of DCC. DCC to await outcome of EGM.
Belhaven Hospital Review Group – Meeting planned for 12 November 2012 to advise future plans, Cllrs to inform Dunpender CC of plans.
Local Access Forum – Mr Swift reported back on recent meeting. Informed DCC that Criminal Justice staff and unpaid work teams were available for local work. This is free labour, only supply the tools. They could help clear paths. Contact is David Ferguson, ELC at John Muir House. Mr Swift has been voted as representative of AELCC on Local Access Forum.
John Muir County Park meeting – Mr Russel attended. JMCP has 400,000 visitors each year. New playpark is progressing. Toilets are being restored. Discussion around private road in need of repair leading up to JMCP, it is a private road maintained by ELC Land & Countryside Dept. Owner of the road is local businessman. Cllr Veitch has received email from ELC L&C Dept who have no budget to repair road and local businessman does not appear keen to contribute. The road is not constructed for the volume of traffic it has, it may be possible to patch the road but this is not a permanent solution.

4.5 Roads/pavements
Cllr Veitch reported that he has spoken to Peter Forsyth, ELC re. the ivy issue on Preston Road. There has been some attempt to clear this in the past, but it hasn’t been done effectively. Mr Forsyth has confirmed that the rest of the ivy will be cleared imminently and done properly by ELC Land & Countryside Dept.
The ivy on the railway bridge has been reported to Network Rail but no action taken, Cllr Veitch to follow up.
Colin Baird, ELC reported to DCC via email that-:
- Drainage - firstly the flooding issue between the Amisfield Mains and the B1347 junction is still undergoing remedial investigation and further works are programmed for next week (w/b 22/10/12).
- Drainage - secondly I note your comments regarding the Drylawhill item and we will continue to monitor this location. However it should be remembered that we have experienced an extraordinary period of weather recently.
- Road Markings - our signs & lines Inspector has ordered all the carriageway markings throughout East Linton to be refreshed and the contractor is expected to return next week. However this type of work is very weather dependent.
Cllrs to follow up report from members of a problem with a passing place on the road up to Traprain, problems with passing place and an issue with the top road at Whitekirk where the road has been resurfaced.

4.6 ELDA article
Mr Russel agreed to write this month’s ELDA article.

4.7 Other
Cllr Veitch was honoured to be asked to lay wreath on behalf of ELC on Remembrance Sunday, but feels that this year, his first in office, he should attend the service and wreath laying in Dunbar.


Mr Robson advised that the donation of £200 had been made to the East Linton Community Choir, membership fee of £20 paid to Friends of the River Tyne, and £52 paid to the East Linton & District Community Association for the hire of the Hall for the Jubilee Exhibition held by DCC on 3 June 2012.  The Choir and total Jubilee Exhibition costs had just been refunded from our Local Priorities budget (£300.47), making the Current Account balance £543.16.  The Grants Account stood at £2,254.31, with a invoice of £122 for paths strimming, from Jon Champion, due for payment.
Last month's LOCAL PRIORITIES spreadsheet had been approved by Mrs Pryde (ELC) but another updated one was circulated, showing the addition of £150 for purchase of new LED Christmas Lights (already ordered), a £75 fee for the Christmas Market licence (revised to £83 after discussion), and an estimated £400 towards the repairs towards the Preston Road bench.  Expenditure stood at £5,075.59, leaving only £1,723 UNCOMMITTED.

Mr Robson chasing invoices due in for committed money.
Estimates of £587 have been received for new bench, Mrs Priest has spoken to ELC who advised the old bench may be repairable. Mr Hogarth to take a look, Mr Craighead also offered to take a look.
Ms Stephen proposed three possible ways to spend rest of uncommitted Local Priorities money:-
- part-funding for hall administration, administrator job
- Torness Garage site
- Pencraig view
The next deadline of Civic Pride Fund is end November 2012, Mrs Priest to discuss with David Affleck to work up possible project and apply for funding.

Drive Arch Road in Whittinghame is still closed, Ms Shaw-Stewart requested an update on this road closure – Cllr Veitch to find out information and pass this onto DCC.

The Whitekirk noticeboard is still with Ms Pooley. The planning application for this is still to be submitted, Ms Richards to send this to Mr Warren, no issue anticipated with Planning, Bill Laird, ELC is contact. Mr Warren to follow up.
Tyninghame Hall requested a noticeboard outside Tyninghame hall some time ago. Ms Richards to contact them and ask if it is still required.
No issues arising from Markle.
Cllrs asked if they knew of a plan to extend the quarry as residents at Monks Muir are concerned. Cllrs are not aware of a plan to extend quarry.

Christmas decorations/lights. Ms Shaw-Stewart has been working on this. Spoke to Mike Foy, ELC and compromised on agreement to raise crown of tree in square, Mike Foy will undertake this work asap. Mike Foy not keen on further pruning.
Ms Shaw-Stewart and Mr Warren to arrange switch-on before East Linton Christmas Market on Sunday 2 December 2012, will not be co-ordinated switch-on with start of Market as need to be sure everything is working day or two before.
Christmas lights for 2013, will be looked at in January, as would like to buy more small lit Christmas trees for High Street, either from Local Priorities or by applying to Civic Pride Fund.
Question raised re. Public Liability Insurance, Cllr Hampshire advised that he thought ELC’s insurance covered Christmas lights, Ms Cosgrove to check.

RELBUS meeting was held on 8 November 2012. There has been a recent consultation to attempt to improve rural public transport., by the Rural East Lothian bus user group.
Cllr Veitch reported on recent meeting with RAGES, SUSTRANS and Cllrs re. the STAG2 appraisal by Scott Leitham. The preliminary findings study will be published towards the end of the year.

11.1 RELBUS consultation and meeting 8 Nov
11.2 Keep Scotland Beautiful: Climate Challenge Fund
11.3 Iain Gray MSP: proposed closure of Haddington Sheriff Court
11.4 Belhaven Hospital Review Group meeting 12 Nov
  11.5 ELC: acknowledgment of our letter re Coastal Car Parking

DCC oppose closure of Haddington Sheriff Court. It is the busiest Sheriff Court in Scotland, covers large rural area. Mr Strachan to write and object to closure by 21 December 2012. There is a link to an online petition, Mr Strachan to email round and also organise putting this link on the East Linton website.
DCC is also opposed to coastal car parking charges.

Mrs Priest to circulate list of Community Cllrs training courses, good way of networking.
Cllr Veitch reported on Fernielee and Woodhall wind farm applications, which were turned down by ELC but these decisions were overturned by the Scottish Government. Cllr Veitch has written to Minister responsible for Planning requesting meeting with him and ELC Leader, also exploring legal options. The outcome of these decisions has implications for this CC, Cllr Veitch to report back on progress.
Ms Richards reported that Haddington was due to start a car club, Ms Richards to keep DCC up-to-date.
Ms Stephen stood down from DCC, Mrs Priest accepted her resignation and thanked her for her 15 year contribution to DCC, she will be much missed. DCC still requires a twelfth member from Whitekirk/Tyninghame.
Mr Russell reported on the Dunbar Direct survey. Local Community Planning Officers are working with staff at Bleachingfield Centre to develop a new web based directory of community information across the Dunbar area - currently called DUNBAR DIRECT.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6th December 2012