Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - September 2012
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 6th September 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair), Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Ms S Richards

In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch, Cllr Norman Hampshire, Mr J Armstrong, Mr Scott Leitham (MVA Consultancy), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr J Robson, Mr M Strachan, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms E Dorrian, Ms S Scott, PC K Hughes

Agreed to be a correct record of meeting.

I have now returned after over seven weeks away policing the London Olympics and I am looking forward to getting back into the area.
Firstly I’d like to ask everyone to be extra vigilant to illegal nets on the river. Poaching fish in the Knowes area is becoming a daily problem. Can I ask that walkers and dog walkers keep a good eye out for nets and if they are spotted can you ring Police as soon as you can. We will need good directions in order for us to find and seize the net, or if we could be escorted to it all the better. Please do not attempt to remove it yourself. Any other information in relation to poaching fish can be passed to PC Gavin Ross, the Wildlife Officer or myself.
There have four shoplifting incidents at the Co-Op during July and August. All have been solved and persons reported to the Procurator Fiscal. A male has also been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for carrying a knife in public and committing a Breach of the Peace.
1 male has been issued a fixed penalty ticket for urinating in the street on Bridgend.
Two sheep were stolen from a field near Lawhead.

Items of clothing and a purse was stolen from an insecure BMW whilst it was parked on the High Street.
And lastly a male driver has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal after he failed to stop at the scene of a road traffic accident.
I can confirm that some of the crimes I have mentioned have been committed by residents of Prestonkirk House. However others have been local villagers and from Dunbar.
I also received a copy of a letter from the Day Centre expressing concerns regarding the residents of Prestonkirk House and issues arising from them. A meeting is to be held with various agencies at 10am on 27th Sept in ELinton Council Chambers to discuss the matter and see what action if any can be taken.

The next Dunbar CAPP will be held at 7.30pm at Dunbar Police Station on Monday the 10th of September
The priorities include:
- Target those using mobile phones while driving in East Linton.
- Continue speed checks on approach roads in to all towns.
- Education programme to drivers of agricultural vehicles in response to complaints about mud on road, high speeds through villages and driving with lowered forks.
- Underage drinking and associated Anti Social Behaviour in John Muir Country Park, East Beach, Deer Park, Innerwick Cemetery and East Linton Park.

4.1 Railway station: STAG 2 survey
Scott Leitham from MVA Consultancy attended the meeting to gain information for the STAG2 survey. This survey follows on from the initial report published in September 2011, which concentrated on the operational and financial viability of stations in East Linton and Reston. This report will look at other non rail alternatives. Ms Cosgrove had prepared a statement of the potential benefits of a station for East Linton.

4.2 Community Council Elections
Ms Moulin has retired from DCC, Mrs Priest has written to Ms Moulin to thank her for her contribution.
Linda Shaw-Stewart is interested in joining DCC, she is a previous member.
All election paperwork is to be submitted to ELC by Thursday 13 September 2012, members had all received nomination papers. The Election is on Thursday 4 October 2012, therefore the next DCC meeting will be moved to Thursday 11 October 2012.

4.3 Park
There will be a public meeting on Friday 21 September, 7pm to report on progress after receipt of completed questionnaires and discuss next steps.
The ‘Park People’ are meeting with Mike Foy, ELC next week and are still trying to organise a meeting with Andrew Hogarth, ELC to discuss white fence/gate at Bank Road entrance and the bench.
The new Headteacher at East Linton Primary School, Mrs Gardener, has been made aware of proposals re. Myra’s Field. The Civic Pride funding is still to be committed.
David Affleck has been informed of progress and plans.

4.4 Paths
Ms Pearson is working on the information panels for Pencraig funded by Paths for All.
A report was tabled from Arthur Greenan, a local carriage driver, noting locked gates and blocked paths, ELothian Cllrs to follow this up.

Meetings attended
Mr Swift reported on the Land Access Forum in July, there has been a working group set up to look at locked and blocked access to rights of way. Mr Swift on working group, will continue attending and report back.
There will be a Co-op Members meeting in East Linton on 25 October 2012.

Dunpender News/ELDA article
Ms Richards reported that the Dunpender News had gone to print. Next issue will be Spring 2013.
ELDA article will be written and submitted by Mrs Priest by 14 September 2012.

4.7 Roads/pavements
Bypass railway bridge has been painted. Bridge 66 due to be painted in 2015.
Cllr Veitch reported that, since the CAPP meeting, he is dealing with the ivy issue on Preston Road. This issue has been passed to a Local Transport Officer and will be cut back in Autumn 2012, to minimise regrowth.
ELC are still to write East Linton’s village statement. Mrs Priest following up.

Mr Swift reported that William Middlemas had complained that DCC had lodged a formal complaint to ELC re his application for a wind turbine at Markle even though the minutes of 1 September 2011 recorded that DCC would not lodge a formal complaint. Mrs Priest to write to Planning and point this out.

Requests for funding:-
- Abbeyfield - £475 granted towards new cookers
- Food Banks in East Lothian - £50 granted
- Friends of River Tyne - £20 membership agreed to be paid
- RELBUS - £50 granted towards admin & publicity
- East Linton Community Hall - £700 granted (use money ear marked for solar panels)
- East Linton Community Choir – requested funding towards PA system and microphone stands, agreed £200 contribution

None tabled.

The Whitekirk noticeboard is with Mrs Pooley (previous member).
No progress with getting Tyningehame pump painted.

There is now a local businesses board in the Co-op.
DCC not to follow up on suggestion of advertising boards on entrance to village as Cllr Hampshire advised that planning for this would unlikely to be granted.
Coastal car parking charges will be discussed by ELC in October. The majority of DCC members are not in favour of charges where there are no facilities and a letter is to be sent to ELC stating this view.

There has been a request to lower the road under railway bridge from First South East!
First Bus currently use low roofed double decker buses which fit under this bridge, but these are on short term loan. If First Bus cannot get buses to fit under the bridge, there is a possibility that buses may bypass East Linton, leaving Perrymans the only operator.
There is currently no plan in place to purchase any more land for car parking at Drem station, negotiations were put on hold in September 2009.
Forthcoming meetings include RAGES AGM on 12th September 2012, RELBUS on 13th September 2012, local rail group on 30th October 2012 and MV Group (bus operators’ forum) on 27th November 2012.
East Coast Mainline franchise consultation ongoing.

11.1 Abbeyfield: thank you letter
11.2 RELBUS: donation request
11.3 Dunbar CC: request for donation to Food Bank costs
11.4 Belhaven Review Gp: meeting date 12th November
11.5 RAGES: AGM 12th Sept
11.6 Scottish Health Council: Consultn on Integration of Adult Health & Social Care
11.7 ELC: Trusted Trader Scheme
11.8 ELTRAP: Agm 24th September
11.9 SESPlan: Notice of Strategic Devt Plan submission
11.10 Community Hall: request for funding for accoustic curtains
11.11 Homes for Life: AGM 12th Sept
11.12 A Greenan: Report on locked gates and blocked paths
Emails: Friends of River Tyne, Prestonkirk House meeting, Bus Users’ Forum, Community Choir

Foliage on railway bridge at Bridgend has been reported to Network Rail.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 11th September 2012
Mrs Priest to email members re. change of date.