Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - January 2012

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 5th January 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove, Ms K Moulin, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Mr W Alder, Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead, Ms P Stephen, Mr M Strachan

In attendance: PC K Hughes, Cllr P McLennan, Cllr J Bell, Ms S Richards, Ms L Dorrian, Mr J Armstrong,
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Cllr N Hampshire

Local Priorites figure amended from November meeting should read “Had £7179 to spend” not £7176
Apart from the above, this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

Overnight on 5th Nov a white Alfa Romeo had bodywork dented while parked in the High street. A further vehicle was also dented in the same area. Enquiry is continuing.
On 9th Nov a bicycle was stolen from a rear garden in Stories Park.
Overnight on 8th Dec McArthur’s was broken into and a safe containing paperwork was stolen. This would have involved two or three people to lift it and the safe has not been recovered. Enquiry continues.
On 30th Dec a Misuse of Drugs Act warrant was executed in Orchardfield. One male has been reported for growing cannabis.
Update on Prestonkirk House: there has been a lot of activity here recently including a fire. Discussions have been had with the ELC Homeless Team about the suitability of tenants and in particular to make the Team aware that in putting together certain tenants who are already known to each other, trouble may ensue. There are security issues such as the door being propped open and in general it is felt that the situation here is very unsatisfactory. It seems that the use of these flats for short-term homeless may not continue indefinitely.
The next CAPP meeting will be held at Dunbar police Station on Monday 23rd Jan at 7.30pm. Priorities are cycle lights and environmental issues.
It was suggested to PC Hughes that an awareness campaign about cyclist’s lights should also mention wearing bright/reflective clothing and that this advice should be extended to people walking on unlit roads at night [eg dog-walkers]. Issues also raised re. dog excremement -PC Hughes to check area is being patrolled by ELC and the bus route along Orchardfield – Cllr J Bell to follow up with RAGES.


4.1 New Members
Ms Shelagh Richards from Newbyth voted onto DCC to represent Newbyth, Tyningehame and Whitekirk. Ms Richards will have special responsibility for Dunpender News and Twitter feeds.
Mr Jonathan Swift also interested in joining, will attend DCC meeting in February 2011.
This will bring DCC to 12 members then roles/responsibilities can be redefined.

4.2 Park trees
Ms Dorrian, Mr Armstrong and Ms Scott (not in attendance) co-opted to sub-committee by DCC with special responsibility for park matters. Sub-committee members stated that their primary concern is the park’s avenue and trees and they plan to consult with people living in village for their views on this. Discussion as to how wide a remit the group should have and it was suggested that sub-committee should write a scoping statement and bring this back to the next meeting.
It was noted that East Linton Primary School is interested in creating a woodland classroom in scrubland behind the School.
The Community Environmental Fund closes on 3rd February – Mrs Priest to apply for funding for tree-planting between the bike path and the railway underpass.

4.3 Roads/pavements
ELC: P Zochowski response re Cons Area Appraisal & Management Plan response – reply mentions that this will depend on available resources and Council priorities.
Cllr McLennan to work on local plan in June 2012 with community consultation.
Speed checks have been undertaken regarding the previous issue raised re. traffic on Preston Road.
Mr Strachan mentioned the dangerous narrowing of Preston Rd caused by overhanging shrubbery and Ms Stephen to ask Philip Gray if he can cut the ivy back.
Peter Forsyth [ELC Transportation] to be invited to next meeting to discuss High Street traffic calming and parking at Co-op corner.

4.4 Belhaven Hospital Forum
Mr Craighead could not attend the last meeting but will attend next forum on Tuesday 24 January 2012.

Spare Wheels Car Club
Discussion on Spare Wheels Car Club which currently operates in Dunbar. Ms Richards to look into this and report back to next meeting.

4.6 ELDA/Dunpender News – Mr Russel to write ELDA item this month. Mr Russel, Ms Pearson and Ms Richards to meet to discuss the next Dunpender News. Suggested that future issues come out in Spring and Autumn.

Ms Moulin had nothing to report re. wind turbines.

Current Account balance was £396.92.  This accounted for £100 donation to E. Linton Community Choir & £120 to E. Linton Primary School, which would be recovered from Local Priorities, leaving £793 uncommitted in that budget.
Council Grants fund balance is £2,645.96 left, this is to be spent on maintaining the paths. Ms Cosgrove asked if DCC was supporting jubilee medals – no.
Discussion regarding remaining funds. Mrs Taylor was asked for information about East Linton Playgroup, who have approached DCC informally for funding. It was decided to award £300 as one-off crisis grant to East Linton Playgroup, who are struggling with low numbers. Ms Cosgrove to provide Mrs Taylor with funding information regarding LEADER and other sources of funds. Mr Robson to circulate Local Priorities budget.

Noted that roads are improved after resurfacing.

Ms Pearson to attend John Muir work day on 21 January 2012 – repairing old fencing. Ms Richards also may attend.
Ms Richards reported lots of mud on roads, from farmers especially at Lawhead – this is illegal and advised that if noted, should be reported to police.
Some salt bin lids have been ruined by the wind, this will be reported to ELC.

The panel at Preston Mill is being rewritten and redesigned by National Trust of Scotland.
Mr David Affleck has utilised Community Service Offenders to plant crocuses on Dunbar Road. Ms Stephen said that she was now able to agree to landscaping or whatever was needed to improve the appearance of the triangle of rough land at Dunbar Rd and suggested that the Horticultural Society might wish to plant shrubs. Ms Priest to talk to Mr Affleck.
Ms Cosgrove spotted a painting of John Rennie at Brunton Hall and has requested that it could be moved to East Linton Library.
The Crown Hotel closed on 3rd January 2012. Ms Stephen to find out information and bring to next meeting.
The Post Office is up for sale as premises and business. Ms Stephen to find out information and bring to next meeting.
Discussion re. hall roof – is it possible to install solar panels? Community Council willing to help with funding advice etc if needed and Mr Craighead to convey this to the Community Association. Suggested that BeGreen/Lothian Solar be contacted.
The Christmas lights had been completed in time thanks to Ms Stephen and special thanks to go to Mr & Mrs Seagroatt for the use of their tree. Agreed that DCC buy more little trees for shopfronts next Christmas as some have disappeared and the others are 10 years old.

Cllr McLennan reported that Minister visit expected on 23 January 2012.
Ms Cosgrove to formulate response to franchise after reading RAGES consultation document.
13th Jan – regular meeting re. rail services – Ms Cosgrove to attend.


11.1 ELC: P Zochowski response re Cons Area Appraisal & Management Plan
11.2 AELCC: mtg on 8th Feb re Planning Aid – Ms Pearson to attend
11.3 NHS Lothian: mtg Belhaven Forum 24th Jan – letter passed to Mr Craighead
11.4 WRVS: volunteers needed – will add to website, Ms Richards to pass to friend
11.5 ELC: Heritage Forum 18th Jan – Ms Moulin possibly can attend
11.6 ELC Community Planning Partnership: mtg 18th Jan – no volunteers to attend
11.7 ELC: Community Environmental Fund application form – see 4.2
11.8 ELC: Recruitment to ELothian Licensing Forum – Ms Cosgrove can possibly attend
11.9 ELTenants & Residents Panel: Invitation to Burns Supper 24th Jan – Ms Cosgrove can possibly attend.
11.10 NHS Scotland: copies of ‘Healthlink’

Ms Stephen noted that Phantassie and other parts of the village were connected to sub-station on Preston Road and had suffered multiple power cuts over the past year – she plans to ask for more feedback from residents also covered by this sub-station and then start a campaign.
Mr Robson raised issue of the open powerpoint in the Square – will try and contact relevant parties to replace the padlocks or buy a padlock himself to seal it.
Mr Craighead asked Cllr McLennan to see that the A199 is cleaned in the East Linton to Haddington direction, as mud collects, particularly from the quarry.
Street sweeping – this seems to have dropped to one person coming once a month, which is a pity as regular sweeping made a big difference.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 2nd February 2012