Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 05-2009

Minutes of meeting held on 7th May 2009
at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr W Alder, Mr E Hill, Dr J Pooley, Mr J Robson, Ms K Moulin, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr R Russel,
Mr B Craighead Ms P Stephen
In attendance: Cllr J Bel, PC D Aitchison

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Kilpatrick, Cllr P MacLennan, Cllr D Berry

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Aitchison reported that crimes have resulted from people leaving doors of property and cars unlocked in the East Linton area. He again emphasised the need for everyone to keep property and cars locked at all times.
There have been a number of calls to police regarding motorcycles in the area.
The Community Action Team has been made aware of youths drinking and possibly taking drugs in the tennis court area in East Linton.
Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr Dale had refurbished the building at the old hospital site below Drylawhill for use by the workers at the recycling management scheme. Twenty panes of glass were subsequently broken and evidence of drinking and drug taking were found.
The Community Hall was broken into at the weekend. The doors were crow barred open but nothing was stolen. A suspicious car was reported outside the hall on the night of the break-in.
Dr Pooley mentioned that northbound traffic on the A198 at Tyninghame does not always give priority at the bridge, which could result in a head-on collision. This is particularly a problem in the summer months. The priority sign can be obscured by foliage at times.
Mr Russel commented on the amount of illegal parking in the village.
The A199 near Monksmuir is still in a very bad state with mud from the Markle Quarry lorries. Road cleaning vehicles have not resolved the problem as drains are blocked. A wheel washer is supposed to be in situ at the quarry. Cllr Bell will follow this up.
Mrs Priest has reported the potholes in the Square again to Peter Forsyth.
In response to the article in ELDA, a request has been made for a dropped kerb in Orchardfield. Mr Craighead and Mr Robson will look for other areas at the North end of the village where dropped kerbs could be installed, without incurring loss of parking space.
On behalf of the Longstone Avenue Residents’ Association, Mr Craighead pointed out that the Slow signs and speed bumps are still not in place.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson reported that the gate at the foot of the new Drylawhill path needs a spring. Nick Morgan is aware of this. The new signs are due to go up – the posts are already in place.
Regarding the lack of path from Drylawhill to Smeaton due to ploughing, Nick Morgan has advised people to keep the comments coming.
Mr Hill has emailed Nick Morgan regarding the poor condition of the Kamehill path.
Ms Stephen will chase up the cleaning of the cycle path from East Linton to Dunbar.
Mr Alder is awaiting a response from Nick Morgan regarding the fence on the Hailes path.
Mr Hill will chase up the report on the North Sea Cycle Route.
4.3 Hailes Leaflet
Dr Pooley will meet with Nick Morgan, a Ranger and a representative from ELC Education Department, to discuss the leaflet.
4.4 Footbridge area
The weeds have now been sprayed, but there is no progress to report on the lights.
4.5 Postcards
Mrs Kilpatrick sent in several options for the postcard, with 4 local views in summer. The Council agreed with her preferred choice, but felt that a border was necessary. The postcard should be ready within a month. Thanks were extended to Gary Menzies who took the photos and to Mrs Kilpatrick for her work on this.
4.6 Homecoming Scotland events.
Mr Craighead attended a meeting with the committee last week. The budget allocated is £350 - less than originally intended. This is to be confirmed.
On 13th June, the 7 a side football match will be from 12-1pm and the Hill Race will start at 3pm.
The next Homecoming Meeting is on 18th May.
4.7 ELDA article for June
Dr Pooley will write this.
4.8 Dunpender News
The next issue goes to print on 16th June. All articles should be received by 1st June.
4.9 BeGreen Dunbar and District
Ms Stephen and Cllr Bell went to the BeGreen meeting. The Sustainable Dunbar department has appointed two energy auditors. Dunbar Primary School is to run a competition in connection with BeGreen.
Mr Hill has pursued the DTZ Whitekirk Development Viability Report, which was not in the public domain, and has finally got a copy from ELC. He intends to take this further. He was congratulated on his success in finally getting access to the report.
A breach of condition notice is to be served to the owner of Monksmuir regarding the wall. The residents are having various problems. They want their own electricity meters and have concerns about fire service access. Cllr Bell has suggested they go to Shelter. Meanwhile, Mrs Priest will write to Dave Berry about the various problems and to the Fire Service regarding the access issue.
Mrs Ferguson will chase up Peter Forsyth re drainage at Markle.

Ms Moulin reported that the wall at the war memorial in Whittingehame is to be repaired imminently, at a cost of £50. This will come from the Local Priorities Budget.
Traprain residents are keeping an eye on the quarry for illegal activities.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £1740.24 in the Current Account. £250 was given to the Senior Citizens and £130 was spent on repair to the Rennie Memorial, which will be refunded.
There is £3302.93 in the Grants Account. £550 was paid to Mr Govan which will be recovered from Alan Forsyth. Mr Robson will ask Mr Govan about the fountain, which is not working. Ms Stephen suggested that Mr Govan’s knowledge of the fountain should be passed on to others.
A dedicated power socket in the Square will be paid for from the local Priorities Budget. This matter is in hand.
Lillian Pryde has requested that all invoices should be made out to East Lothian Council.
The two benches are now in place at Knowes Ford and Stories Park. Mr Russel has thanked Andrew Hogarth for this. It was suggested that other benches could be placed along the Hailes road and at Buist’s Embankment.
The Chair of the Dean Residents’ Association had requested a handrail at the Council Chambers. There are now two in place.
The repair to the wall at the lay-by opposite Phantassie Cottages should be finished by the end of next week. The cracks in the Rennie Memorial have been repaired, but Ms Stephen pointed out that due to subsidence, this is only a temporary solution.
Mrs Priest will ask a sign maker for quotes for a sign at Preston Road corner to indicate to walkers the facilities on offer in the village, e.g. shops, cafe, toilets, bus stops, etc. Planning permission will be required for this.
Ms Stephen will organise further Christmas lights for the tree at Stories Park corner.
There were no items for discussion
There will be a meeting between RAGES, ELC and Scottish Border Councillors on 27th May to discuss the lack of progress on new stations etc.
Longstone Avenue Residents’ Association feel that the bus service to Berwick should link up with the trains. Mr Craighead will ask RAGES about this.
Mr Russel noted that although the new bus timetable is in operation, the timetables are not up at the bus stops yet.
East Linton Senior Citizens: thank you letter
BeGreen Dunbar Action Plan
There was no other business to report.

The next meeting and AGM will be on Thursday, 4th June 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.