Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 01-2008
Minutes of meeting held on 10th January 2008
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Ms P Stephen, Ms J Pooley, Mr W Alder
Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Ms L Kilpatrick
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, Cllr. N Hampshire, PC R Leslie, Mr G Tuer, Mr D Francis

Apologies: Cllr S MacKinnon, Cllr P MacLennan, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs J Boyd

In section 4.4, the cost of the practice lights will be £1780 +VAT.
Section 7.0, line 7 should read, “Mrs Pooley reported that of the Whitekirk residents she had spoken to, only 15% did not oppose the development.”
Section 9.0 should read, “ Ms Stephen observed that outline Planning Permission has been granted for 2 houses on Haddington Road.”
Section 13.0 Line 9 should read “Mastercrete”. Line 10 should read “Hydrogen Chloride” and not “SO2” and “Since the new system is producing synthetic gypsum as a by-product, considerably less lorry loads of gypsum are needed at Dunbar.
Line 11 should also say, “Barns Ness Campsite will open for the 2008 season.”
Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
Over the month of December on two occasions, there was a disturbance at Licensed Premises, both of which were being run responsibly at the time.
On each occasion the culprit came from outside the village and both have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
Between 12th-14th Dec a motor car parked at Phantassie Cottages was vandalised when persons unknown caused damage to the boot of the car, scratching the paintwork.
On 28th/29th damage was caused to the Post Office when the window and gate had been kicked during the night.
After the Police Report, Mr G Tuer and Mr D Francis of Whitekirk Golf and Leisure Club then gave a short update of their proposals, which will shortly be submitted to East Lothian Planning Dept. They consider their proposals are a significant improvement after listening to the people through a public consultation run by PPS. Analysis of the results received from a survey of Whitekirk residents and a separate survey of club members showed a majority in favour of the development. Mr Tuer said that of 25 Whitekirk residents who filled in the form, 14 were in favour of the development, 9 were against and 2 were undecided.
The hotel development plan by RGA International is confidential but a 3-page summary will be available to the public.
Mrs Pooley mentioned that flooding from the golf course onto the A198 had been particularly bad this year. Mr Tuer offered his apologies.
4.0              MATTERS ARISING
4.1              Paths
·         Mrs Priest informed the Council that money has been granted by the Capital Development Fund for the Stories Park path. This will be matched from the Grants Account. Mrs Priest is meeting Mike Foy, the Tree Officer, on 14th January to survey the trees along the path. Mr Russel will also attend.
·         A resident of one of the houses backing on to the Glebe path has said that they do not want the path cleared as people may then loiter there. The Council agreed to leave this path for the residents to deal with.
·         Last year it was agreed that benches should be placed along the paths. A project for this year will be to get them installed and in use.
4.2       ELDA article
Mrs Priest will write the next article.
4.3        Lighting on footbridge
Brian Cooper will try to get lighting installed on either side of the footbridge. Network Rail has not responded re lights on the actual bridge. The Community Council will contact them again to ask for them to pay for it. Mrs Ferguson was absent, but is expected that she will follow this up.
4.4       Park- practice lights for the football team
            No progress to report. Ms Cosgrove will ask Maree Johnston about this.
4.5        Roads/Pavements – various
Mrs Priest has heard from Andrew Hogarth that installation of bollards at Langside will be done soon. Mr Craighead added that they would need to be the type that can also lie flat, as occasionally vehicles need to enter the park.
Planting of the flowerbed near the Toddler Park will also begin soon.
Mr Russel noted that the wall from East Linton to Pencraig Hill is crumbling and broken in places. He will write to Brian Cooper regarding this and send a copy to Mr Wright.
Regarding the West entrance to East Linton,  the proposed work should go ahead this financial year.
There is no news regarding the new entry signs.
Mr Craighead reported that the drains in Longstone Avenue have been successfully repaired.
4.6        Streetlights/light on hall
Ms Cosgrove reported that the light for the Community Hall is on order.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £7558.72 in the Grants account. £3820 will be used for Stories Park (matched funding).
There is a balance of £2203.30 in the Current account.
Still to be paid for are:
Light on the Hall £660
Lights in the park [if grant obtained] £500
Mill Wynd flowerbed (work scheduled for Feb) £250
Christmas lights £575
The eco schools team have asked for £318 towards the garden in the school playground, which will cost £12,000. £8000 funding has been secured from Viridor. This was agreed.
Mrs Pooley reported flooding on the A198 at Whitekirk. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that it is an offence for a farmer to let his field flood the highway. Mrs Pooley will report it to Transportation. The back road from Whitekirk to North Berwick is dangerous with potholes. Mrs Pooley will write to Brian Cooper. Mrs Pooley had attended a meeting of NBerwick CC about NB Museum, however, when asked, she had stated that any East Linton artefacts would be better kept in East Linton.
There are problems with flooding and potholes on the roads at Whittingehame by the Luggate burn. Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that one elderly resident had water entering his front door. She will write to Brian Cooper.
Cllr Bell had a note from Peter Green [Planning Officer] to say that he had met with Mr Young, the owner of the Monk’s Muir site, regarding the wall. Mr Young proposes to use an architect to design a more suitable wall and submit a planning application.
Christmas lights
It was agreed that the Christmas lights in the oak tree, in the tree opposite the Crown and in the little trees looked very good indeed. It was much appreciated that the fountain was lit up for the Carol singing for the first time in years.
The visitor website needs redesigned. Ms Kilpatrick will try to find a local freelance web designer or try Lothian Computers.
Ms Cosgrove brought designs for the fingerposts and reported that only the thicker width signposts are available. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will check that the wording is all correct and try to source a slimmer signpost.
Information Board
Mrs Priest proposed that a board be considered for the seating area at Preston Road to direct visitors using the John Muir Way towards the shops and services in the village. To be looked into.
Mrs Priest had an email from Paul MacLennan to inform her that the morning X6 bus timetable has been changed to enable Knox students to arrive in time for registration.
Ms Cosgrove will attend a meeting with First Buses on January 15th. She also mentioned the fact that there is no restaurant facility at all on the National Express trains to London on a Sunday.
12.1     ELC: Heritage Forum events consultation
12.2     Lothian & Borders Police: Public consultation meeting 17th January
12.3     ELC: Young Scot Awards nominations. Suggestions to be in by 8th Feb.
Mr Robson informed the Council that there is now a new, updated travel expenses claim form.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 7th February 2008 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.