Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 12-2006
Minutes of meeting held on 7th December 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Boyd, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms P Stephen, Mr J Robson, Ms J Pooley, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes
1.0       APOLOGIES: Mr R Russel, Cllr D Berry, Mr W Alder, Ms L Kilpatrick
This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
PC Hughes reported the following incidents:
On the afternoon of the 8th of November a Grey Honda Civic motorcar was parked in the car park at Tyninghame. When the owner returned a black handbag was discovered missing. Two males not further described were seen within a dark coloured estate vehicle at the time.
Prestonkirk House has had a number of problems recently. Noise complaints have been received in relation to loud music. This was turned down at Police request. Also youths have allegedly been smoking cannabis in the stairwell on a number of occasions. Attention is being given.
On the 15th a vehicular accident was reported. This took place on the A199 near to Chris’s garage. One driver was conveyed to the ERI and one driver has since been reported for careless driving.
On the 19th a male was arrested outside the Crown hotel. He was subsequently reported for a Breach Of the Peace.
On the afternoon of the 30th a seven and half ton delivery lorry was blown over by the high winds on the new Tyne Bridge on the A1. The driver escaped from the vehicle with minor bruising to his leg. This is the first time a lorry has been blown over on the bridge.
On the 3rd of December a car parked within McCall Gardens had its tyres slashed. There are no suspects for this incident.
On the 4th of December a Co-op lorry struck a wall at the rear. There has been a long-standing problem getting delivery vehicles to the rear of the premises.
On the 6th a male was charged and reported for the break-in to the School, which was reported at the last meeting. This would not have been possible if not for the CCTV cameras situated at the school.
This morning another vehicular accident occurred at Chris’s garage. No injuries were reported.
PC Hughes announced that Sgt Erskine would no longer be the Dunbar Station Sgt. This is due to a shake up of Stations in the sub division. Sgt Jimmy Duffy based at Haddington will now cover Haddington, Dunbar and North Berwick.
PC Hughes made the Council aware of a pilot scheme being run in Dunbar/East Linton called Making the Difference, aimed at under 16s who get into trouble. Initially, letters will be sent to their home, but if the problem persists, they will receive a visit from a Police Officer. The next steps would then be attending a Monitoring Group and the issue of an Acceptable Behaviour Order.
Mr Craighead mentioned two unlit skips in East Linton. PC Hughes said that this is the responsibility of the skip provider.
4.1       Paths
Regarding the path across the park, Mrs Priest informed the Council that Colin Baird has acquired £50,000 funding from Sustrans. The path will also have a cycle track and lighting. It is due for completion in March 2007.
Regarding CCTV for the toilets in East Linton, Ms Cosgrove will enquire about the mobile camera.
It has been reported that the Markle path is very muddy, also the Hailes path at the top of the steps.
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that plants along the Kamehill path will be cut back three times a year. The path between the white and black bridges at Phantassie has already been cut back.
The John Muir Way path between Dunbar and North Berwick is now on the website.
The Ranger is looking for a route for a path between Kamehill and Binning Wood, via Newbyth.
The Markle path to Pencraig needs a detour at the fisheries, as flying hooks can be very dangerous to walkers near the lochs.
Ms Stephen reported that the bench to go near the doocot would be fixed. She will investigate the availability of another bench that could be used along the path to Knowes.
4.2       Dunpender News
The latest edition of Dunpender News was published in black and white and has been well received.
4.3       Remembrance Day
Mr Craighead was thanked for representing Dunpender Community Council at the laying of the wreaths in the park on Remembrance Sunday.
Mr Robson reported funds of £7829.03 in the grants account and £1142.60 in the current account. £3000 has been received from ELC for the Stories Park path.
Christmas lights
The lights in the Square are not working. Ms Stephen and Mrs Shaw-Stewart will attend to this. Christmas trees are to go up outside the Community hall and the library. Mrs Priest will chase up the electrician to connect them.
Ms Stephen has one spare tree if needed.
Mrs Boyd reported from the Tyninghame in Bloom meeting. Residents were generally not in favour of entering the competition but there is a possibility that
a Residents’ Committee may start up. Parking remains an issue. The possibility of off-road parking or parking behind the hall will be looked at.
Funding has been received from the Community Environmental Fund for the bin and bench at the bus stop.
Ms Pooley reported from Whitekirk that 20 children use the school bus to North Berwick. The High School day starts at 8.30, while the Primary starts at 8.45, leaving the Primary children unsupervised for 15 minutes in the playground once the bus has dropped them. The school is not prepared to take responsibility for this. Cllr Berry to be contacted on this. A parent from Auldhame has also voiced concerns about traffic overtaking the School Bus.
The flooding issues at Markle are due to be looked at shortly.
The noticeboard is due to arrive soon.
9.0              YOUTH MATTERS
The Council is still trying to recruit another youth member.
Ms Cosgrove is still waiting to hear the Stage 1 report from the Scottish Executive.
Regarding the possibility of an after school bus for rural children attending after school activities at Dunbar Grammar, the Head teacher is waiting for numbers of participants before proceeding further.
Information Boards
The Historical Society information boards have all got Planning Permission except for one.
A request has been made to ELC Property to repair the fountain lights in the Square in time for the carol singing on Christmas Eve.
Cllr Hampshire reported that a retrospective planning application will be required for the sign at Monk’s Muir and possibly also for the wall.
13.0          CORRESPONDENCE
13.1          SEPA View Nov/Dec 06
13.2          What on Earth (FoE) Winter 06
13.3          Alcohol Seminar advance notice
13.4          ELC 2007/8 Budget consultation
13.5          ELC Anti Social Behaviour consultation – Ms Cosgrove to read over
13.6          NHS Consultation on Primary Care Strategy – Ms Pooley to comment
·         Mr Robson reported from the Lafarge liaison meeting that Lafarge and the Caravan Club are negotiating about moving the caravan site at Barns Ness. If an agreement cannot be reached, the caravan site may need to close.
·         The problem of dogs’ mess in Brown’s Place was mentioned.
·         The streetlights in the High Street were out of action for several days due to a problem with Scottish Power.
·         Mr Craighead informed the Council that the factor for Longstone Avenue has sent a letter to residents with reference to commercial vehicles parking on the estate.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 4th January 2007 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.