Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 06-2006
Minutes of meeting held on 1st June 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr R Russel, Ms P Stephen, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Ms J Pooley, Mrs M Alder, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart
In attendance: Cllr. D Berry, Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Members of the public Mr D McLean and Mr C Stewart     
1.0              ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS FOR 2006/7
Chairperson                 Mrs Priest proposed by Mrs Alder
                                    Seconded by Ms Pooley
                                    Mrs Priest elected
Vice chair                    Ms Stephen proposed by Ms Pooley
                                    Seconded by Ms Cosgrove
                                    Ms Stephen elected
Treasurer                     Mr Robson proposed by Mrs Priest
                                    Seconded by Mrs Alder
                                    Mr Robson elected
Secretary                     Mrs Alder proposed by Ms Pooley
                                    Seconded by Mrs Ferguson
                                                Mrs Alder elected
                                    Mr J. Robson                                     PC Bob Leslie
Ms A Ingram                                     Ms J Boyd
This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Again the community of Dunpender has enjoyed a relatively peaceful time.
       On 13th of May a motor car was seized following a second warning for a driver
under the Anti Social Behaviour legislation.
On 26th of May Torness Motors Vehicle show room was broken into but nothing
was stolen.
On the 28th a fight was reported in the High Street but the culprits had moved on
  prior to police arrival.
During the afternoon of the 28th a male (from outside the village) who had been refused service at the bowling club was arrested following a disturbance there.
On Wednesday 31st in Orchardfield 2 ladies who were loading plants into their vehicle were knocked down when their vehicle was struck to the front. No serious injuries were sustained.
4.1       Dunpender News
Ms Pooley brought a draft of the summer edition of Dunpender News. It should be out by June 23rd and will include photos of the Gala.
4.2              Visitor leaflets
It was agreed that the new paths leaflet should include an information panel about the new Binning Wood walks. To make room for this, it was agreed to remove a piece about wildlife and the new leaflet will also show any changes to the paths, including the new foot tunnel under the A198 on the John Muir Way.
Mrs Kilpatrick has been working on the new East Linton leaflet and has produced a draft. She is waiting to hear from Margaret Montgomery (graphics officer). It was agreed to have a print run of 40,000, which is two years’ supply.
4.3       Paths/Path across Park
The path across the park will probably be paid for from the Safer Routes to School budget. A meeting has been arranged with Colin Baird from ELC at the park on Tuesday 6th June.
Work is continuing on the Hailes path.
A letter has been circulated around the residents of Stories Park to explain the need to reroute the existing path which is being washed away.
Cllr Berry informed the Council that James Grant Suttie has given permission for the Stonelaws path to link up to the path to North Berwick. This time next year it should be possible to walk from North Berwick to Dunbar off-road.
4.5       Funding extra streetlights
Mrs Priest has applied to the Community Environmental Fund for the cost of  two lights on the High Street between Stories Park and Preston Road.
·         It was agreed that DCC’s contribution towards the cost of plants for Beautiful Scotland in Bloom will remain at last year’s sum of £650.
Mr Stewart asked if the Horticultural Society should not do more fund-raising towards the cost of BSiB, as happens in North Berwick. Mrs Priest explained that if the Horticultural Society didn’t take on Scotland in Bloom, a separate committee would have to be set up if we wished to take part. As it is, members of the Horticultural Society provide all the labour for planting up the village for the summer. It was suggested that Mr Stewart take this matter up directly with the Horticultural Society.
·         (See 13.1) A letter from Dunbar School Board informed the Council of a rural transport initiative. This aims to provide after school transport to enable rural pupils to participate in extra curricular activities. The Community Council in principle agrees with this idea and will offer £200 to support the project.
·         Prestonkirk has applied for funding from CERS [Aggregate Tax] to resurface the car park. The Council agreed to contribute £500 towards the cost of the work should the application be successful.
The Whittingehame notice board needs resurfaced. Mrs S-Stewart to see to this.
Mrs Ferguson reported that local residents at Markle had had a meeting regarding the noise of the motor cycle racing at East Fortune. Lately there have been 16 days of racing per month instead of the usual 5 days. Letters of complaint have been sent to ELC. Cllr Berry suggested contacting Athelstaneford and Haddington Community Councils.
The road at Whitekirk has been repaired using the jet patcher.
Regarding the proposal for 48 new houses and a 100-room hotel, Ms Pooley voiced concerns that the resultant increase in traffic in Whitekirk will be huge.
The Council agreed that it does not object to the hotel, but does not approve the housing on the grounds of non-sustainability.
At Newbyth, the Steading Residents’ Association is applying for recycling facilities.
There was no youth report tonight.
RAGES are very disappointed that there has been no progress with the STAG survey with the Scottish Executive.
RAGES sent a reply to the Public Safety in Railway Stations survey to the House of Commons.
Cllr Berry informed the Council that the shuttle bus starts operating on the 19th June. It will provide a free hourly service from North Berwick station to the Museum of Flight, via the Seabird Centre, for ticket holders.
10.0          TREASURER’S REPORT
There was no treasurer’s report tonight.
The best position for the bench at Phantassie was discussed. The old spot, although popular, was problematic as farm machinery coming down the path damaged the bench. Ms Stephen suggested beside the proposed interpretation panel by the doocot. If this is acceptable to the farmer, a tree trunk bench could be installed there.
Ms Stephen has noticed rebuilt pillars at the entrance to the Ark, which look very good. She will find out who did the work.
Ms Cosgrove spoke to Peter Forsyth, who informed her that the 30 signs are to be replaced.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart voiced concerns about the unsightly railway banking near Lauder Place. Mrs Priest will write to Network Rail.
Ms Stephen is very concerned about the lay-by near Phantassie where there is a lot of dumping. It is the Council’s responsibility.
Rubble in Field at Primary School
There is nil to report
(See13.13) A letter from C Gill has been received, stating concerns about the safety of the old football shed in the park. She has been advised to write to Maree Johnston at ELC.
There has been permission granted for a café in the lay-by at Pencraig Hill.
Ms Stephen reported that Planning Permission has come through for Phantassie Steading. There is permission for 8 houses and the rest is Class 4 – for office, showroom and light industrial use.
There has been an application for a change of use for the old paint shop in the High Street, from shop to house. The Council feels that it should remain as commercial premises.
13.0          CORRESPONDENCE
13.1          Dunbar School Board: funding for rural pupils’ transport
13.2          AELCC: AGM notice
13.3          ELC: Invitation to Parklife preview. Mr Russel, Mrs Priest and possibly Ms Cosgrove to attend
13.4          ABEL: AGM notice
13.5          Postwatch Scotland Spring/Summer 2006
13.6          Edinburgh and Lothians structure Plan Review 2020
13.7          SE: Standing up to Anti Social Behaviour Awards Scheme
13.8          ELVON News
13.9          Charter 88: Community decline
13.10      NHS Lothian: Public Partnership Forum events
13.11      SEPA View May/June 2006
13.12      Bass notes May 2006
13.13      C Gill: Corrugated Iron Shed in Park
The bench at the junction of Preston Road and Lawhead has been fixed by a resident.
Ms Stephen has already spoken to Mr Gray regarding the signs for Smeaton and will do so again.
It was agreed that Bill Alder should be thanked for his help.
The bridge at Preston Mill needs a handrail added. Cllr Broun-Lindsay has spoken to Tom Shearer and will chase it up.
Ms Kilpatrick mentioned that the Gala Committee is desperate for volunteers to man stalls on Gala Day.
Cllr Berry informed the Council of a Council Housing Allocation Consultation.
The Robert Louis Stevenson Festival in North Berwick starts on 9th June.
Mr McLean asked about dumping facilities. East Linton is not large enough to qualify for such facilities but large items of rubbish will be removed by the ELC if arranged.
He raised concerns about some of the people living at Prestonkirk House. He was advised to take this higher as this is not something Dunpender Community Council can deal with.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 7th September 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.