Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 01-2006
Minutes of meeting held on 5th January 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Ms J Boyd, Mrs M Alder                                     
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, P.C. Bob Leslie, Cllr D Berry                                                                                                 
1.0              APOLOGIES: Mr J. Robson, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Miss A Ingram
It was suggested that a section of the Police report be removed, as it was unnecessary. This section reads,
 “…and would advise that the safest choice is NO DRINK when you drive. You can of course have one or two – well, what about three or maybe four – there lays the danger in stopping once you start. It is your choice but you also run the risk – and what a risk – not only to yourself but other road users and anyone travelling with you. The dangers are just too great.”
It was agreed that it should be removed.
PC Leslie reported that again it had been a fairly quiet month.
On 18th December there was a fire at Traprain Cottages. A person has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for this.
On 21st December two vehicles were entered via the windows, which had been smashed.
Beer was stolen from one vehicle, flasks and a digital camera from the other.
On 25th December around 02.50hrs, there was a report of a fight in Bridge Street. Two persons have been reported re this disturbance.
On 25th and 27th December there were reports of youths using mini motor bikes in the village. One youth received a warning on 25th December.
On 1st Jan 06, unknown members of the public reported to a local resident that a female was lying unconscious near the shore.
The persons responsible for the report left and were not seen by the police. Extensive enquiries were made with thorough searches being made of the area and coastline.
Police, Coast guard, Tweed Valley Search and Rescue and Mounted Section were involved but there was no trace of the person. There are no reports of any missing persons considered to be related to this enquiry.
PC Leslie clarified that mini motor bikes are not allowed in the park, as they constitute a risk to the public. They are classified as motor vehicles in the Highway Code. They may, however, be ridden on private land.
The December Disco required the direct involvement of police. An assault occurred and  a youth has been reported. However, PC Leslie felt there has been an improvement and is hoping to maintain a police presence in the future.
PC Leslie was pleased to report that PC Hughes is fully recovered and is back to work.
4.0              MATTERS ARISING
4.1       Dunpender News
Ms Pooley informed the Council that the next edition of Dunpender News would be ready by 20th May.
4.2              Community Conference
There was no progress to report.
4.3              Public Transport/RAGES
The public transport sub-committee are to meet soon.
Cllr Berry reported that the North Berwick/Tantallon/Museum of Flight summer bus service would not run again this year, but a different service would be available.
4.4              Rennie Place/Highways matters
·        (See12.11) Mrs Priest has heard from Peter Forsyth regarding the speed bumps. Their installation will be on the 2006/07 programme.
·        The red textureflex surfaces at Drylawhill, Preston Road and Phantassie Farm are due to be refreshed. Cllr Berry suggested that Whitekirk also needs red textureflex now it has a 30mph sign. He will request this.
·        Re our enquiry, speed reactive signs cost about £5000, expensive but effective. We can be put on the rotation list for one of them and agreed to request this. Other CC’s have purchased their own signs and it was agreed that we look at  purchasing one jointly with another area such as North Berwick.
·        East Linton village signs are due for replacement by the end of March 2006.
·        It was noted that the potholes on the Waughton Road are particularly bad just now. This is due to heavy tractors turning into fields.
·        Mrs Priest observed that the temporary kerbing at the Square has been there since May. She will try to get a time scale for this work.
·        Mr Craighead noted that the A199 at Beanston is at times extremely muddy due to lorries from the quarry. Cllr Broun-Lindsay confirmed that the quarry company is required to clean this and that this is police enforceable. Mr Craighead will write to the police about this.
4.5       White bridge
It was generally felt that the decking of this bridge is sound, but that the side panels are dangerous and need replaced urgently. It was agreed that the Community Council could offer some money towards the refurbishment of the bridge, requesting that the side rail be extended to the south bank of the river. Ms Cosgrove to write to Douglas Proudfoot.
·        (See12.9) Cllr. Berry mentioned that the sign at Whitekirk, which directed traffic to “A198 (A1)”, has gone and has been replaced by one that reads “A198 (A199)”. While this is technically correct, Cllr Berry feels it is unhelpful as visitors to the area are generally looking for the A1.
·        Ms Pooley reported that the fish processing plant at Kamehill has been granted an extension until Jan 10th to install filters. In the meantime the plant is not allowed to process. Several people at the meeting had smelt processing recently and were encouraged to write to SEPA to report this.
·        Mrs Ferguson has not heard back yet regarding the culvert at Markle.
·        Mrs Boyd reported that the pump at Tyninghame has not yet been fully painted. Work on the junction still to be done.
·        Ms Kilpatrick had discussed the snares in the woods at Newbyth with the gamekeeper. She feels it would be helpful to clarify the legal issues around snaring and include this in Dunpender News. It is most important for dogs to be kept under control in areas where snares are present.
Mrs Alder reported that the orange pipes have finally been removed from Pencraig Hill. The Elephant’s Sufficiency van has also gone.
            There was no youth report tonight.
There was no report tonight.
·        Mr Craighead has made and installed the new noticeboard at the library. He will claim costs of £32.43 for materials, but has done the work free of charge.
·        The After School Club has written asking for a donation. (see12.12) Mrs Priest will ask for more details of the costs involved.
·        Ms Cosgrove will produce a simple ‘application form’ for groups to use when asking for funding so that they can more easily give us the information needed for a decision.
Mr Craighead found out from Linda Herkes that the new benches have been ordered and will be in place by the end of February. The May Mills memorial bench will go into store in Dunbar until a suitable location is agreed.
Peter Forsyth has had an estimate of £5000 for the cost of the entrance pillar. He is awaiting two other estimates. Dunpender Community Council will be expected to pay the difference between this and the cost of the traditional wishing well entrance feature [about £2500]. Ms Stephen is looking for a source of dressed stone in an attempt to bring the price down.
Mrs Ferguson reported that the Hailes path is to be repaired using whin dust with timber edging where eroded. The timber staircase will be replaced.
The Markle to East Linton path has been agreed with the landowner and is to have two new signs. Ms Pooley and she will begin work on signposting paths around Gleghornie/ Whitekirk/Lochhouses.
Cllr Berry reported that according to the latest SEPA report, the water quality at Seacliff and Belhaven Bay is good.
Street sign repairs
Mr Craighead will walk round the village to look at the street signs, as there are several needing repairs. There is also no progress to report on the public toilet repairs.
(See12.10) A letter from Paul Zochowski says that the Local Plan includes provision for 50 houses at Orchardfield, accessed from the existing entrance. Miller Homes have objected, as they wish to build 100, accessed from a new entrance at the field gate further west. However, no amendment to the Local Plan is proposed as ELC feel that 50 is enough for the site. It was agreed to discuss this further when Ms Stephen is present as there are arguments for accepting 100 houses now since that is probably what will happen in the long run.
Cllr Berry mentioned that there is debate about the proposed Tesco at North Berwick.
12.0          CORRESPONDENCE
12.1 Changes Newsletter December 2005
12.2 SEPA View
12.3 Bass Notes Christmas 05
12.4 Prestongrange Project – Seminar invitation
12.5 AELCC General Meeting 1st Feb 06
12.6 SE: consultation information system
12.7 email re twinning from D Quarendon
12.8 J Blackie & C Hamilton re children’s discos. This letter was addressed to East Linton Community Council, but it was felt that it was intended for East Linton Community Association and has been passed on to that group.
12.9 Cllr Berry: road signs at Whitekirk
12.10 ELC: Housing at Orchardfield/Local Plan
12.11 ELC: Traffic calming Rennie Place/Dunpender Road
12.12 EL After School Club: request for funds
12.13 ELC: Community Support Officer
ELC’s Focus magazine is always looking for contributions. It was agreed that Mrs Ferguson will send an article about footpaths.
Mrs Ferguson received a letter from a long term resident at Monksmuir, asking if the new owner has Planning Permission for the new chalets, some of which are already in place. The site fees have risen and the resident feels intimidated.
Mrs Ferguson will write to Brian Stalker regarding the Planning.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd February 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.