Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 01-2005
Minutes of meeting held on 6th January 2005
in the Community Hall, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Mr J. Robson, Ms P Stephen, Mrs M Alder, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart                         
In attendance: PC K Hughes                                                                        
1.0       APOLOGIES: Ms J Pooley, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Ferguson                                              
2.0              MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 2nd 2004 were agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
“It has been relatively quiet since the last meeting in early December last year, although I have to report the following:
Between the 2nd December and today there has been a total of 6 calls to an address on the High Street regarding the ongoing problem with antisocial neighbours.  Steps are being taken at present to secure an ASBO on the two individuals.  There is enough information at present to secure an ASBO with regard to their antisocial behaviour at home but we do require any incident involving them, no matter how trivial, which occurs within the village,  to be reported to Police to enable the ASBO to be extended to include the whole of East Linton.  This could effectively ban them from the village.
There have been two youth calls regarding minor complaints. 
On today’s date, an incident was reported at the Police Station, this was damage to a motor vehicle which had been parked overnight in a driveway at Drylaw Terrace.  This vehicle was extensively damaged by an unknown substance being poured over the majority of the vehicle causing the paintwork to bubble.  There are no suspects at present.  Enquiry is being made into this.
I would like to bring to your attention that as of the 1st January 2005, the Freedom of Information Scotland Act came into force.  This means that any individual has the right of access to public authorities including the Police.  I have a poster and a few leaflets and cards here for your information”. 
4.1       Vacancies
A letter had been received from Jim Stephenson tendering his resignation as he is leaving the area. [corr 4]. The existing vacancy has been advertised in the Courier with no response. JPriest to write an article for the Courier to avoid further advertising costs. If no response from the central EL ward then it was decided to open the application to other wards. The issue of secretary will be discussed next time.
4.2       Dunpender News
J Pooley and P Stephen were congratulated on another excellent publication. Problems had arisen with distribution as some members did not have enough copies. Care must be taken with collecting the right number for each area in future. However it was agreed that we ask the Scouts to deliver the next edition within East Linton, at approx 10p a copy, following the success of their Christmas post, leaving more members to deliver the rural areas. 
4.3       Recycling Bins for Whitekirk
These will be located by the village hall, hidden by a grassy bank.
4.4       Lorries in Whitekirk
The problem seems to have lessened [reported by Ms Pooley by email] recently but views from residents will be taken before the next meeting.
4.5       Traffic Calming in Rennie Place
Mr Craighead and Mrs Priest will meet to finalise the questionnaire for Rennie Place.
4.6       Update of constitution/ policy statements
Minor changes to the constitution to make it tally with the paragraph numbers in the new Scheme for Community Councils leaflet were agreed. This intention has been advertised on the noticeboard since before Christmas. The revised constitution will be sent to East Lothian Council for ratification and then made available to all.
The proposed Environmental and Equal Opportunity policies will be simplified and agreed next meeting.
4.7       Communications/ consultation
It was agreed to include a questionnaire in the June Dunpender News, together with a wordsearch or similar competition to encourage returns, and backed up by Ms Pooley’s idea for interviews.
4.8       Burial grounds
No feedback so far on the article in Dunpender News but Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported favourable reaction locally. She is to ask Cllr Broun-Lindsay how to go about tabling it as a proposal at a meeting of East Lothian Council.
Mr Robson reported a current account balance of £2623. The grants account balance is £11,358.13.
·        A request for help with funding the new Scout group had been received [corr.1]. A grant of £360 from current account was agreed, to include advance payment for delivery of the June edition of Dunpender News [approx. £100].
·        It was noted that unexpected costs on the LP budget had been incurred by the purchase of new Christmas lights for the Square and some of the small trees.
·        Ms Pooley reported via email that the wall in Whitekirk is in the process of being listed. The developer is in breach of an order to rebuild it and has applied for PP to make the access permanent.
·   No meeting of the Sub Committee.
8.1 Paths
The paths are finished but the Kamehill path is very muddy still. The signposts are in place. The Hailes path has to be repaired now and also the path near St Baldred’s Well and the handrail on the white bridge across the field at the Mill. The leaflet is in progress. Many good reports received from local walkers.
8.2 Christmas trees
The lights on the tree in the Square were out on 23rd Dec and ELC had to be contacted. The small fir tree lights had fused them and John Durkin from ELC explained that these lights were unacceptable as they were on a 240volt supply which is no longer permitted as someone could be electrocuted once a bulb socket is exposed. Also the wire to them was a trip hazard. ELC disconnected them from the fountain but they were later reconnected by persons unknown. Mrs Shaw Stewart to inform the Crown Hotel that these lights cannot be used in future. 
8.3 The Square
Mrs Shaw-Stewart informed the Council that she is still waiting for quotes from two builders for work on the Square. Planning permission has been granted. We hope to complete this project by the summer.
8.4 Entrances
No feedback from Dunpender News re the proposals for entrances, roundabout etc. Peter Forsyth had informed Mrs Priest that all the work is going ahead as outlined in our letter, including the roundabout and that work should start by the end of March. Laura Osborne, the Tyninghame resident who drew the Square plans, has offered to produce drawings for enhanced signs at the two entrances. One possibility is a ‘wavy wall’ design.
There was no youth report tonight.
10.1          ELinton Scouts: request for funding
10.2          Strandline Winter 2004
10.3          NHS consultation update
10.4          Jim Stephenson: resignation letter 
·        Mrs Alder noted that the heap of orange pipes belonging to British Gas is still lying at the top of Pencraig Hill. She has made phone calls in an attempt to have them removed and will try again.
·        ELC are fundraising for the Tsunami Appeal and offering to help Community Councils channel any funds they may wish to raise. It was felt that the level of personal response shows that everyone is well aware of the channels available for giving to the appeal and that a further appeal by DCC is unnecessary.
·        ELC Property to be chased to repair the lights in the Council Chambers in time for our next meeting [Action: J Priest].
12.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd of February 2005 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.