Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 05-2004
Minutes of meeting held on 13th May 2004
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Pooley, Mrs J Boyd, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms P Stephen, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs M Alder, Mr J Stephenson, Mr B Craighead, Mr A Greenan
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, 1 member of the public
1.0       Apologies: Cllr. D. Berry, P.C. K Hughes, Mr J. Robson
Mrs Priest introduced the three new members of the Council, Mr Barry Craighead, Mr Arthur Greenan and Mr Jim Stephenson to the other members.
2.0              Cllr Broun-Lindsay asked for nominations for the position of Chairperson. Mrs Priest was nominated. This was seconded and Mrs Priest accepted the role of Chairperson.
Ms Cosgrove was nominated, seconded and appointed as Vice Chairperson.
Mr Robson was nominated, seconded and appointed as Treasurer.
Mr Stephenson was nominated, seconded and appointed as Secretary.
Mr Greenan had requested a secret ballot for these positions but this was deemed unnecessary due to the fact that there was not more than one nomination for each position.
It was agreed that new members of the Council should receive a copy of Dunpender Community Council’s constitution.
Mr Greenan asked for details of any standing orders the Council has, for example, starting and finishing times of meetings. Council meetings are generally on the first Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm. Finishing times are variable, depending on the content of the meeting, but usually finish around 9.30pm.
He also asked about the Convenors of different DCC projects and it was explained that each member takes responsibility for different tasks and these would be covered later in the meeting. See section 5.
3.0              In section 4.3 of the minute of the meeting of 1st April, Ms Pooley observed that Cycle Scotland is looking for projects to “assist” rather than “fund”. Otherwise, the minute was agreed to be a correct record.           
It has been a relatively busy period with, as yet, persons unknown attempting to steal from motor vehicles.
1.      On 8th April a report was received regarding the attempt theft of a motor vehicle at Lauder Place.  Enquiries were made, which resulted in one male being cautioned and charged for a theft of a Vauxhall Astra motor vehicle from Edinburgh and attempt theft of the vehicle from Lauder Place.
         Further enquiry is being made in relation to two similar incidents over the same period, the previously mentioned male may be the culprit. 
2.      On 19th April following the alarm activation in the early hours at the Co-Op on the High Street, it was discovered that persons as yet unknown gained entry to the property by smashing the door panel with a drain cover.  It is thought that in excess of £2,000 worth of cigarettes have been taken.  Enquiries continue.
3.      On 20th April a report was received regarding persons unknown forcing entry to a caravan in the Orchardfield area.  Nothing was stolen on this occasion.  Enquiries continue.
4.      On 27th April a report was received regarding minor malicious damage to the Drovers Inn on Bridge Street.
5.      On 4th May a complaint was received regarding youths on the roof of East Linton Primary School.  Extra patrols are being made whilst building work continues.
6.      As part of an ongoing plain-clothes operation, on 11th May, two males were reported for Summons for the theft of sections of aluminium roadway, which was placed in preparation for the arrival of Concorde.  The value of this was around £3,500. 
On 22nd May, PC Hughes will be officially launching a mobile phone marking initiative, named Operation EMIT.  This is an operation to combat thefts and losses of mobile phones.  Any persons wishing to have their phone security marked can attend at Dunbar Police Station on this date and for a small donation to Thornton Rose Riding School for the Disabled Association have their phones marked.
5.1       Review of current projects
Mrs Priest stressed how important it is that Councillors actually enjoy the meetings and the various projects they undertake. She invited councillors to introduce themselves and explain their role in the Council.
Allison Cosgrove has up until now been the Treasurer. She also takes an active role in RAGES, the rail action group who would like, amongst other things, to see East Linton station re-open. She is a representative on the Association of East Lothian Community Councils and attends the Rural Forum, the Countryside Forum and the Heritage Forum. Ms Cosgrove is also part of the Local Priorities Sub-Committee.
Ms Jan Pooley is the representative for Whitekirk. She has been looking at improving pathways in North Dunpender and is in touch with Cycle Scotland regarding the circular Whitekirk walk. She has been helping Ms Stephen produce Dunpender News and is also a representative on the Dunpender Community Woodland Trust.
Ms Patricia Stephen deals with the Planning Brief. The East Lothian planning applications come to her as email. She picks out all those pertaining to Dunpender and writes letters regarding planning matters. Ms Stephen also compiles Dunpender News, which is published twice a year. It contains information about local groups, articles of local interest, useful information and addresses, a puzzle and is used as a way of being accountable for the money the Council spends. 1500 copies are hand delivered to every home in the area as well as the library, post office, community hall etc. Ms Stephen is on the Local Priorities Sub-Committee with Mrs Alder, Ms Cosgrove and Mrs Shaw-Stewart. They meet three times a year to sort through ideas for how to spend the money and they liaise with Lilian Pryde at ELC. Ms Stephen was also on the A1 Sub-Committee, which has now completed its work.
Mrs Linda Shaw-Stewart is the representative for Whittingehame. She is a member of the Local Priorities Sub-Committee and has been involved with the plans for upgrading the Square. Residents of the Square who wanted to retain the grass and the cobbles opposed the original plan. A new plan is now being worked on which keeps the grass and cobbles, includes a low wall in local stone to form a planting trough and re-doing of the pavement. The upgrading will not now take place in time for Scotland in Bloom this summer. Mrs Shaw-Stewart also deals with the Christmas lights.
Mrs Jan Boyd is the representative for Tyninghame. She has taken over the playpark project from Colin Stewart and has made various applications for funding this. Mrs Boyd is also working on getting recycling facilities in Tyninghame.
Mrs Jan Ferguson is the representative for the Markle/ Crauchie ward. She has taken over the paths project from Mrs Priest and has successfully applied for funding to upgrade the paths from East Linton to Tyninghame and from Drylaw hill to Stonelaws. She informed the Council that the John Muir Way is to go right through East Linton, leaving by Kamehill. She has had meetings with the various landowners who have all been very positive and enthusiastic. Mrs Ferguson will be applying for a Fresh Futures grant to upgrade the Tyne Path at East Linton with disabled access along the river and is working on the renewal of the steps on the Hailes path, possibly with help from Business in the Community.
Mrs Margaret Alder is the representative for the Kippielaw/ Sunnyside ward. She is a member of the Local Priorities Sub-Committee and does many odd jobs. She successfully got the paper bank for East Linton and will be organising new doors for the Chambers.
Other projects
The Lynton Centre Dunpender Community Council got the committee together to run the Linton Centre and continues to be actively involved.
The Council Chambers New doors are still needed for the council chambers. The drawings have been done and only costing is required. Mrs Alder to complete this project.
Streetlights  The new streetlights are now being installed in the High Street. Lights on the Bridge and at Bridgend are to be paid for by the Scottish Executive mitigation works. Possible problems arising from the installation of the new streetlights will be discussed at the next meeting.
Public Toilets The new public toilets in the park are to be open from April to September. The Council would like to see them open all year round during daylight hours. Mrs Boyd will take this issue on.
Playpark Mr Stewart did a lot of work designing a new Playpark, with input from the schoolchildren, but as yet, no one will fund this. Viridor Landfill tax is a possibility. Mr Craighead volunteered to undertake this project.
Things Outstanding
The Railway Bridge still needs repainting and off-street parking is needed.
Mrs Priest asked members to think of necessary projects in the area. A new residents’ survey could possibly be done in the winter, distributed with Dunpender News. The Council hopes to formulate a co-ordinated plan for the next few years.
5.2       Dunpender News
Articles of up to 150 words are required from groups in the area. The deadline is 14th May. The dunpender.net website, which is owned by the Community Council, will go on next meeting’s agenda.
5.3      Recycling Bins
Ms Pooley reported disputes about where to put the proposed recycling bins in Whitekirk, which she still has to resolve. Also, there are difficulties with finding a suitable location in Tyninghame.
5.4        Traffic Calming, High Street
Mr Stephenson volunteered to take this on. The System 2000 cable is to go down next week in the High Street near the Co-op. This will measure amount and speed of traffic and produce some figures, which will enable appropriate calming measures to be considered.
5.5       Speed Bumps, Rennie Place 
This was deferred until next meeting.
Ms Cosgrove reported a balance of £1536.10 in the Ordinary account and  £6001.96 in the Grants account. A refund of £55 planning fee was received from ELC.
7.1       ELC: Notice of meetings
7.2       ELC: Funding for Community Council 2004/5 the Admin. Grant is £539
            and the Local Priorities Grant is £8710.
7.3       Longstone Avenue Residents’ Association: request for funding. It was
agreed to fund this and suggest they charge a membership fee next year.
7.4       Scottish Exec: Guidance Notes on community Planning
7.5       Scottish Exec: Guidance Notes on Power to Advance Well-Being
7.6       ELC: Community Environmental Fund
7.7       Bass Notes
7.8       Report from Elspeth Attwooll MEP
7.9       Newsletter from Neil MacCormick MEP
7.10          Scottish Exec: Consultation on Rights of Appeal in Planning
7.11          ELC: Community Council Elections First Meeting
7.12          Changes Spring Newsletter
7.13          FoE Scotland Newsletter
7.14          ASCC: Regional Board member for SEPA.
7.15          ELC: Invitation to Countryside Forum. Ms Cosgrove and Mrs Ferguson to
7.16          SE: Notice of consultation on Water Charging
7.17          Beachwatch 2003
7.18          ELC: Tenants Participation Strategy
7.19          Ms J O’Donnell: Rennie Place Speed Bumps
7.20          E.Lothian Heritage Forum – 3rd June. Ms Cosgrove to attend.
7.21          Email ELC re Public Toilets
7.22          J Bishop re bus shelter at Orchardfield
7.23          AELCC: new representatives needed. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to start in
The Local Priorities money has been increased, but the Capital improvement scheme has been discontinued.
8.1       The Hall Committee requested money to change the fire exit signs (11.7, April 04 minute) It was agreed to pass the bill to ELC, who can reclaim the VAT, and pay half of the bill.
8.2              It was decided to reprint the East Linton brochure and pay for a year’s worth of distribution, est £900.
8.3              A resident has requested a bus shelter for Orchardfield and the Council agreed this was a good idea. Mr Greenan to organise. He has also agreed to look into the possibility of using the area behind the Surgery as a ‘park & ride’ for bus users and parking for visitors at the weekend.
9.0       PLANNING
Ms Stephen told the Council that she had had a letter from the Enforcement Officer regarding the Christmas tree brackets.
Ms Stephen pointed out that the Council has lost its Youth member and that representation is required in this area.
Ms Stephen also mentioned with regret that the petrol station in East Linton will close at the end of May.
Mr Greenan voiced his concerns for the future of the village and asked members to brainstorm this and discuss at the next meeting.
Mrs Alder asked about the quarry at Pencraig Hill. It will be left as it was found but Balfour Beatty has no budget left to improve it.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd June at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.