Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 02-2004
Minutes of meeting held on 5th February 2004
in the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J. Priest, Ms P. Stephen, Mr J Robson, Mrs J Boyd, Mrs M. Alder, Mrs J Ferguson
In Attendance: Cllr. Broun-Lindsay, PC Bob Leslie, Mr P Forsyth
1.0       Apologies: Mrs J. Bishop, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Pooley, Mrs L. Shaw-Stewart, Cllr. D. Berry

2.0              In the minute of 8th January 2003, an amendment is necessary to the Police Report. It should read “ It is possible for one officer to sit with the radar gun and issue warnings about careless driving.”
The Minute was otherwise agreed to be a correct record.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
PC Leslie gave the report from 8th January 2004.
On  28th January, a report was made of a window at 58 High Street being broken by a youth throwing a snowball.
On 1st February, 30 duck carcasses were found on the banks of the River Tyne. The breast meat had been removed, probably to be sold for use by persons in the catering trade. Enquiries are being made regarding this matter.
Mr Robson reported that he had found a used syringe in his garden on Sunday 1st February.
4.0              MATTERS ARISING
4.1              Speed Bumps Rennie Place
Mr Peter Forsyth, Senior Roads Officer, was in attendance. He informed the Council that the requested speed bumps in Rennie Place are not high priority as there is no existing accident history in this street.  The approximate cost of speed cushions would be £1000 per unit and he advised that 4 units would be appropriate for Rennie Place. It will be suggested to Mrs O’Donnell that she canvass the area and ask the residents to contribute.
A letter from a resident of Drylaw Terrace was discussed at this point. (see 11.16 ) Mr Skirving raised concerns about the size of the pavement and asked for traffic calming measures in Drylaw terrace. Mr Forsyth advised that in fact none of the east side of Drylaw Terrace is classed as pavement. Traffic calming has to be introduced on an entire route from north to south and again, criteria for its introduction include accident history. The speed limit sign has already been moved to beyond the junction with Dunpender Road and to help enforce this limit, Dunpender Community Council will ask the community police for speed deterrents such as periodic radar checks.  Mr Forsyth will respond directly to Mr Skirving regarding these matters.
Regarding the issue of safer road crossing, a zebra crossing is to be installed in the High Street in the next 4 months at the request of the School Board.
Mrs Boyd brought to Mr Forsyth’s attention a large hole in the road by Preston Mains farm and Mrs Ferguson mentioned another at Markle.
Regarding the A1 Junction situation, Mr Forsyth informed the Council that the sale of land is still stalling developments. Drawings have been produced using design software and Mr Forsyth will write a short résumé to put on the website as a statement from Transportation.
4.2              Paths
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that people have volunteered to walk the paths and report on their state of repair. Stuart Brown from Tyninghame Sawmill has offered his services for the paths. The Path Counter is now in place on the Tyne path. Work on the paths will commence in the new financial year.
Viridor need to be paid 10% of their contribution back from a Contributing Third Party according to Landfill Tax Credit Scheme rules. This money cannot come from ELC but can come from DCC funds. As we have some time before it has to be paid it was decided to consider this and to look for another funder.
Mr Robson reported that the fence is down on the Tyne path from East Linton to Hailes Castle. It was suggested that Balfour Beatty could fund these renovations.
Mrs Priest reported that Ms Pooley had written a description of the Whitekirk walk for the website.
4.3              Community Councillors’ Job Description
It was agreed that this could be detailed after the May elections.
4.4              Burial Ground Strategy
The letter from ELC received in January was discussed. The various issues  were discussed and will be forwarded to Ms Pooley to write a response, including views from Whitekirk.
4.5       Dog Fouling Legislation
Bags are now available in the library free of charge. The fixed penalty books have arrived and Ground Care staff shall be issuing penalties.
4.6        Vacancy
Mrs Janet Bishop has resigned from the Council (see11.17) there are now two spaces in East Linton ward. It was felt that it would be good to have a member from the Dunpender/Rennie Place/Longstone Avenue area where there are 190 houses. Mr Robson to write and thank Mr Stewart and Mrs Bishop for their work on the Council.
5.0              PLANNING MATTERS
5.1              The Draft Structure Plan meeting Ms Stephen attended will be discussed next time.
5.2               Ms Stephen has written to SEPA objecting to the application to operate a fishmeal production unit at Kamehill.
6.0              YOUTH MATTERS
There was no report tonight.
7.0              TREASURER’S REPORT
There was no report tonight due to Ms Cosgrove’s absence.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will undertake the repairs to the Christmas trees, get the new bulbs, etc.
The A1 mitigation money may pay for changes to the kerb etc at the Square. It was agreed that Dunpender Community Council would only contribute if absolutely necessary.
9.0              TOWN MAINTENANCE
Improvements to Memorial Park, East Linton
Ms Boyd has applied to “Transform your Space” for money for improvements to the park. Cllr Broun-Lindsay again mentioned the Local Housing Initiative Scheme, where £2000 must be allocated before April. This would help key in money from elsewhere.
Mrs Boyd will also apply to the Capital Grant Scheme for £5000.
10.1     Whitekirk
Ms Pooley left a message to say that the interpretive panel in Whitekirk has now been amended.
10.2     The Square
Mrs Shaw-Stewart has applied for planning permission for improvements to the Square. This has not been registered yet. Transportation and Scottish Borders Council have been asked for quotes for the work. Several comments have been received from residents to say they like the grass in the Square.
The Tourist Information sign will not go up until staff from Votadini attends a 1-day training course.
10.3     Wildflower Strip
The proposed site for the wildflower strip by Torness Motors will be cultivated in March.
10.4     Viewpoint
Mrs Priest has written a letter to Maree Johnston, ELC, regarding the clean up of the quarry at Pencraig.
10.5    Horticultural Society
A copy of Caledonian Gardener 2004 was tabled which contained an article by David Affleck about heritage, horticulture and community hospitality with reference to East Linton and Mr Affleck was commended for his efforts to put East Linton on the horticultural’map’ in this way.
11.0          CORRESPONDENCE
11.1     ELC: Notice of Meetings
11.2     ELC: Draft modifications to Structure Plan
11.3     ELPS Football Team
11.4     Scottish Community of the Year Participation Certificate
11.5     MEP leaflets from Elspeth Atwool
11.6     Bass notes – Jan issue
11.7     Changes Jan Newsletter
11.8     Water Customer Consultation Bulletin Dec.
11.9     Community Enterprise news
11.10   Forestry Commission
11.11   J&E Denley: re access to Lauder Place
11.12   ELC: Speed Limit Variations. The 30 mph sign on Dunbar Road will be moved nearer Phantassie. Whitekirk will have a 30mph limit on the A198.
11.13   ELC: Signpost to Funding
11.14   Cllr Berry: various / 120 bus service. The 120 service will remain as it is for the time being.
11.15   H Fraser: report on survey in Lauder Place
11.16   G Skirving: Drylaw Terrace traffic
11.17   Mrs J Bishop: resignation
12.1          Mr Robson has attended the meeting at Lefarge Cement. He reported that at Dunbar they had no lost time due to accidents for two years. 80% of the workforce have now had safety training. Shale from the new quarry at Barns Ness is to be mined in March. Work will start on the new caravan site in March.
13.0          DATE OF NEXT MEETING
Thursday 4th March at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.